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Educational Report ETEC 5243 Introduction to Design Theories and Models Nelson B. Brock University of Arkansas

Educational Report ETEC 5243 Abstract The final project for ETEC 5243 was to write an instructional design integration

paper using an ID model that I had created earlier in the course. My model is the 5C Step ID Model. I created a unit about relationships in triangles for my geometry class using this 5C Step model. The 5C Step model includes the following steps: Consider, Conceive, Construct, Cultivate, and Critique. The unit that was created with this ID model was implemented during the course semester. Along with other deliverables, I created a website to use to disseminate the lesson to my geometry students. The instructional design integration paper provided a reflection of the creation and use of the 5C model including assessments.

Educational Report ETEC 5243

Project Description
The 5C Step ID Model Integration paper was the capstone for ETEC 5243 Introduction to Design Theories and Models. After creating the 5C ID model during the first part of the course I used the model to create a unit about relationships in triangles for my geometry classes. I created a website entitled Mr. Brocks Geometry Pages while taking ETEC 5213 Introduction to Educational Media, which I took concurrently with ETEC 5243. I incorporated that website into my instructional unit as part of the 5C Step ID Model integration process. I implemented the unit during the last part of the course and also gathered assessment data from the three geometry classes in which I taught the unit. This helped to evaluate the effectiveness of my instructional design model.

Program Identification
Standard #1: Design 1.1 Identify Differing Instructional Models of Design In developing my own instructional design model I researched other ID models that are widely used and studied. These included: ADDIE, 4C/ID, Dick and Carey, Kemp, and others. 1.2 Integrate Multiple Instructional Strategies I originally created the 5C Step ID Model based on cognitive learning theory, but in the development process realized that some of the components of the instruction needed to be based on constructivism. Learning meanings of words rely on cognitive learning but to make the connection of the terms with the concepts I developed interactive activities to allow learners to create their own learning opportunities to better

Educational Report ETEC 5243 be able to make long lasting connections. For example, perpendicular bisectors have to be compared to non-perpendicular bisectors to realize the difference. When the student moves a figure around on a computer screen differences can be noticed better than if the student looked at a static figure on a printed page. I also included some worksheets to

allow students to draw bisectors, segments, and perpendiculars to find common points. I eventually embedded video presentations from into my website tutorial to allow students to review the instruction at any time they needed it. Although, at the latest revision of this report I have found out that now requires a paid subscription to access their video tutorials, so I will be redesigning the webpage. This reflects the instructional design process in that evaluation and analysis is always needed in keeping instruction relevant and delivery tools functional. 1.3 Create Instruction for Various Learning Styles My geometry instructional unit was designed to accommodate various learning styles including auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. Auditory learners were served with lecture style presentation of the material; visual learners were served with various figures and text to read from the web site as well as the handout. Kinesthetic learners were served with the interactive pages to provide discovery learning opportunities. 1.4 Use Appropriate Delivery Methods for Instruction The various delivery methods incorporated in integrating my instructional design model included: printed worksheet, website interactivity, lecture, and textbook references. I considered my learners when deciding which delivery methods to use. For whole group settings I implemented a lecture format with references to the website tutorial and textbook. For the individual learner the interactive website tutorial was used along with a pencil and paper worksheet activity. The applets I created in the

Educational Report ETEC 5243 interactive website tutorial provided dynamic discovery opportunities for the learner. The worksheet activity was used as a formative assessment for the learner.

Standard #2: Development 2.2 Integrate Instructional Materials Using Two or More Media Forms The instructional materials used in my geometry unit included: printed worksheet, Internet access to webpages, and Geometers JavaSketchpad. Providing a hard copy worksheet allows the learner to access practice and assessment without the need for digital access. Mr. Brocks Geometry Pages provide online access for instruction and is organized in a way that the learner can be guided through a lesson without the physical presence of a teacher. However, integrating Brightstorm video tutorials into the webpages does provide an online presence of a facilitator to provide instruction for the learner if they so choose (as stated earlier, I will be redesigning the video tutorials in light of Brightstorm.coms decision to require payment for use of their videos). I designed and created applets to provide interactive opportunities for learners to explore the relationships of the points of concurrency and their components with triangles. This provided infinite examples for the learner to explore versus only a few examples provided by static pictures. 2.3 Create Visual Materials that Enhance the Learning Process I created a visual flowchart of my 5C ID Model using Microsoft Word. Since the flow of the model is linear I arranged the visual in five vertical columns with each column offset higher as the model progressed to the right. Under each step I created a box for every element to consider in that step. While each step was presented with a

Educational Report ETEC 5243 green box background representing continuity in the linear progression, each set of elements under those steps were depicted with different colored backgrounds to

distinguish one step from the next. Arrows were added to the 5C Step ID Model visual to help viewers see the progression of the model. In integrating my ID Model to develop instruction I used Photoshop to create visual elements for my website including the banner header and navigation buttons. For the banner header I created a logo consisting of a blue disc covered with different colored triangles. The word Triangles was added to inform the viewer of the instructional topic. I plan to change the shape figures and topic title for subsequent lessons covering other content units. I used the color red for the banner topography as a contrast for the bright green background. For the general title of the webpages, Mr. Brocks Geometry Pages, I used a larger font size and created another offset layer of blue topography behind the red to add emphasis. The background color of the banner is bright light green and attracts attention. The banner also acts as a hyperlink back to the home page. This gives learners another way to quickly navigate. To guide the viewer through the lesson I created navigation arrows using colors from the triangles in the banner for theme continuity. By placing the arrows at the bottom of the page with appropriate hyperlinks the navigation is more intuitive for the learner as they progress through the lesson. Making the navigation buttons in the shape of arrows pointing in the direction of the navigation with corresponding text is more affective than just rectangular buttons containing the words Next and Previous. Using words with pictures are more effective than using just words or just pictures to communicate.

Educational Report ETEC 5243 I wanted to create visuals that were interactive for the learner to provide a more constructivist approach to learning. Using JavaSketchpad I produced a series of four applets that supported multiple perspectives for the learner to represent the relationships

presented in this unit. I included the basic visual elements and ample instructions for the learner to manipulate the applet to allow for discovery of the concepts. 2.4 Create Interactive Media Presentations The interactive web pages included in my website were created using JavaSketchpad. This allowed students to explore a dynamic environment involving manipulating triangles to discover the unique characteristics of the four points of concurrency studied in this unit. I did this by first creating the elements of the applet in Geometers Sketchpad then saving the file as a Javascript.html file which I imported as an asset for the website. I placed a picture of each applet on the appropriate webpage and linked the picture to the Javascript.html file. It would open in a new window for the learner to use. 2.5 Engage Students with a Variety of Instructional Materials A variety of instructional materials were used during the integration of the 5C ID Model. These included: Mr. Brocks Geometry Pages (website), Quizlet (online flashcard application), online dictionary, JavaSketchpad interactive html, worksheet handout, NCTM Illuminations Activity (online interactive), and Brightstorm video tutorials. I chose a website format to provide instruction because it is more interactive for the learners to use. Learners can learn at their own pace and can also go back to content that they want to study again.

Educational Report ETEC 5243 Since vocabulary is essential in communicating concepts in geometry I utilized to help learners internalize the terms used in this unit. Quizlet has a variety of ways for learners to review the terms and definitions using games and quizzes. These study techniques make the learning more fun for the learners and keeps their attention longer. The hyperlinks to online dictionaries give learners resources to explore word usage and meaning and to help build their understanding of terms used in the instructional unit. The interactive JavaSketchpad applets created for this geometry unit added depth to the ways learners could learn the material. The dynamic control of the visuals gives the learner freedom to explore and discover relationships. Another hands-on approach

was providing a pencil and paper worksheet activity where learners could experience a problem-based learning activity. Learners had to physically construct lines on paper to find clues and answer the posed question. As an extension to the unit I included an activity that was linked to the NCTM Illuminations Activity website. This activity provides further study of the different points of concurrency and a mathematician who discovered some of the relationships which learners study in this unit. This is also interactive in nature and provides a connection for three of the four points of concurrency covered in this unit. A year after creating this website unit I decided to include video tutorials embedded from Each video provides a good lecture and demonstration for each of the four points of concurrency and their components. I believe this addition enhances the website by giving the learner another way of learning about the concepts presented in this unit. These lecture tutorials can be viewed multiple times as needed by the learner. I requested and received permission from to include these

Educational Report ETEC 5243 video tutorials on my website as long as I accredit their website for the videos. I have become more informed and cautious concerning copyright issues since studying for this Masters degree. Even though I received permission from to include video tutorials on my website, as of this writing they have started requiring a paid

subscription to watch or use the videos. I will be redesigning this portion of Mr. Brocks Geometry Pages.

Standard #3: Utilization 3.1 Utilize and Implement Various Media Another course of which I was taking concurrently with ETEC 5243 was ETEC 5213 Introduction to Educational Media. That was a perfect match for me in that I created a website in ETEC 5213 which I integrated into my 5C Step ID Model. This website was called Mr. Brocks Geometry Pages. I incorporated many assets into this combined project including javascript interactive pages, links to online interactive learning activities, and an extension exploration exercise. Outside the website tutorial I incorporated an Orienteering Activity using a previous power point that I had developed years earlier. 3.2 Develop Web-based Project for Dissemination of Media-based Learning Another course of which I was taking concurrently with ETEC 5243 was ETEC 5213 Introduction to Educational Media. That was a perfect match for me in that I created a website in ETEC 5213 which I integrated into my 5C Step ID Model. Using Dreamweaver I created Mr. Brocks Geometry Pages during the integration of my 5C Step ID Model to disseminate the Points of Concurrency unit showing relationships in

Educational Report ETEC 5243 triangles. The highlights of the web pages included the Quizlet link, the interactive


Javasketches, and the extension lesson incorporating the NCTM Illuminations Activity link. The flow of the lesson web pages allowed students to review the material at their own pace. I incorporated many assets into this combined project including javascript interactive pages, links to online interactive learning activities, and an extension exploration exercise. To show that these instructional units are always being evaluated and modified, I have recently added embedded video tutorials from into the website. I am about to change that again because has decided to charge for the use of the videos. I will probably produce and embed my own video tutorials for the topics contained on my website.

Standard #5: Evaluation 5.1 Use Both Formative and Summative Strategies to Evaluate Quality Instruction I used the worksheet handout, Quizlet activities, and questions included on the web pages as formative assessments. The district TLI assessment was used as a summative assessment to assess the effectiveness of the geometry unit instruction. I used a unit test assessment instrument to evaluate the learning of the relationship of triangles unit. I compared the results to the previous years scores for the same unit. I was pleased with the results of the scores based on the use of the 5C ID Model.

Educational Reflection
I was so fortunate to begin my educational technology masters program of study with this course, Instructional Design Theories and Models. I had never really studied

Educational Report ETEC 5243 how to go about planning and delivering instruction in such an organized thoughtful manner. Sure I had used many of the concepts that I learned in this course, but those


concepts now had names and descriptions for them. These theories and models provided me with more insight into Instructional Design. Beginning with ADDIE I learned to appreciate the intricacies of each step that is taken during the overall process. The analysis, design, development, delivering, implementation, and evaluation stages are all important and interwoven to provide a good foundation for anyone who choses to design instruction in this manner. I have noticed that I am constantly evaluating my choices when selecting instructional strategies while teaching. Learning who my students are is very important in developing instruction for them. Modifications are always needed to reach learners in different ways. That is why I recently added video tutorials to Mr. Brocks Geometry Pages. Other courses since this one have instilled an appreciation for the need of accessibility and adaptability for many learners. I look forward to many years to come having been equipped with technical and conceptual knowledge in the discipline of Instructional Design. I believe that I will have many more life opportunities to use what I have learned during ETEC 5243. People will always need a guide. I am thankful for those that helped guide me through this course and the whole educational technology masters program.

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