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“The Holy Family of Bordeaux comprises Apostolic and Contemplative Sisters who together form
a Religious Institute; an Institute of Consecrated Seculars; Lay and Priest Associates. A sign and
leaven of unity, it is a centre of sharing and mutual support and a source of apostolic vitality.

All the members are motivated by the same spirit and the same aim. In solidarity and
complementarity, they bear witness to the Church as Family. They are responsible for living out
the Founder’s charism in a way which is relevant for their own time, and for spreading it and
making it known. The bonds which unite them are strengthened by national and international
meetings, and by an Information Service which calls for the collaboration of all.” (Constitutions
General Rules Art. 3)

The VICARIATE is the structure that is composed of the Holy Family monasteries throughout the
world. Its aim is to give the Contemplative life, its identity, to develop, and to play its role in the
Institute. It is under the authority of one Superior, the Vicar, who is assisted by the Vicariate

From 13 - 25 January 2009, the Vicariate Chapter of the contemplative sisters will be
celebrated in Rome. It is a collegial assembly of faith, communion and prayer. It discerns and
makes decisions for the next six years based on the constitutions, the orientations of the General
Chapter of the Religious Institute, the life of the communities and the directives of the Church, with
the view to deepening the contemplative life and giving it a new impetus.

The theme of this Vicariate Chapter is: “Our life hidden with Christ in God at the heart of the

Each community will present its reflection on one of the aspects of our life:

Community of Oteiza (Spain): Liturgy of the Hours;

Community of Posadas (Argentina): Eucharist and Adoration;

Community of La Solitude (France): Spiritual Combat and continual prayer;

Community of Nagoda (Sri Lanka): Justice, Peace and Integrity of creation.

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