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Tom Brinton

Account Planner Comms 432, Winter 2012 Pace Salsa

The Assignment
Our assignment was to create a campaign for Pace Salsa to increase brand trial and use among Generation X and Y. We would use both traditional and digital media to communicate a message that was aimed specifically at this target, whilst retaining the brand personality that Pace has worked hard to build for decades. Our challenge was to introduce this audience to this bold, Southwestern product. * * * My specific contributions to this project included filming a 3-hour ethnography, holding a focus group, compiling data and using our qualitative and quantitative results to develop a clear strategy.

The Research
"I like the brand I've got."

Our first step was to film "Looks good, I'll get it if it's an ethnography with on sale." Dawna Nye, a brand loyalist in our target demographic. Later, we got some of her friends together for a friendship group where we gained further insight into their perceptions of Pace and other salsas. Using activities like a picture sort, bubble captions, and positioning statements helped us narrow down our qualitative research. As we went back over the film and shared the insights with the rest of the class, we were able to develop a strategy that we believed would resonate with the target audience.

The Creative Brief

TRUTH Everyone wants to feel connected to those close to them, to be real. Salsa is a connector, a facilitator, and an enabler for social interaction. Having salsa to eat when you are chatting with those close to you is comforting. Like a good friend, Pace is there when you need it, its the friend who is always there that doesnt pull punches. Its sincere, but bold: it tells the truth even when it hurts. ANSWER Like a real friend who is genuine and doesnt pull punches, Paces bold southwestern flavor is always there for you.

The Work
Art Directors: Brianne Hepworth and Chad Ford. Copywriter: Kasey Ahlstrom.

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