Take Heed How You Build (Outline)

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Take Heed How You Build text 1st Cor.

3:10-23 Introduction The ability of a building to withstand floods and torrents is depended on its foundation and the materials with which it is built. Our Christian life is a building, our ministry; relationships; careers; wealth etc are all buildings. If we want buildings that are durable; that will last and will attract commendation. We must take heed how we build. Anything built on sin is a foundation-less building and cannot stand. Discussions: Where can we get a dependable foundation and how can we build on it? 1stCor. 3:11; Isa. 28:15-18; Mark 8:34-38; John 15:1-8; Luke 6:46-49 2. What does it mean to build with wood, hay and straw? 1stcor. 3:12-15; Rev. 3:14-19; Ecc. 9:18-10:1; 1stJohn 3:15-17; 2ndPet. 2:15; matt 13:22 3. How do we build with durable? 2nd Tim.2:19-21; matt. 7:21-27; 1stTim.6:11-12; matt. 25:113; matt.11:25-30. Conclusion: 1 Assuming our buildings will not be tested, there would have been no need to be careful how we build. But our work will sure be tested and at a point when we may not have the opportunity for a second chance and so, let us take heed how we build.

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