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Titanics Tragedy (Specified)

April 22

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The Titanics sinking was known to almost every person of the world. It was a pity that over people died from this situation in April 14, 1912. Here, we have Bob Jones to tell us his experience: Oh, the Titanic was a luxurious place! It was the best ship I had ever been on! As the ship was very big, it could have a lot of different facilities. The meals they serve there were perfect too! The chefs must have collected recipes of delicacies from all over the world to have a wide range of food! But who knew that the life of this ship would end on its first sail. I was in my room playing cards with my friends. We were

playing happily when the ship suddenly came to a halt and shook violently. Then, there was a warning from the ships captain, Mr. Smith that it had crashed into an iceberg! He told everybody to evacuate from the ship by the life boats. My friends and I ran out of the room and we saw people panicking and running all over the place. At last, we left the ship in the life boats as we watched it snap into half and sank into the deep waters. Its been a long time since the Titanic sank, and it is slowly rusting away. One day, the sea will claim all that is left. Yet people will remember her story.

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