DCCC Poll - Nc07

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Interested Parties Lisa Grove, Ben Patinkin and Jessica Paulson Grove Insight, Ltd. Recent Polling in NC-07 Shows Mike McIntyre With a Solid Lead July 30, 2012

This analysis is based on 400 interviews among likely 2012 general election voters in NorthCarolinas7th Congressional District. The survey was conducted July 26-29, 2012. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.9 percentage points at the 95% level of confidence. The margin of error for subgroups varies and is higher. McIntyre Is P o p ular a nd Starts With a D o u ble-Digit L e a d O ver His O pp o n e nt In a poll just completed, Mike McIntyre holds a double-digit lead over his opponent. The IftheelectionforU.S.Congresswerebeingheld Congressman receives a majority todayforwhomwouldyouvote? (53%) of the vote, while David McIntyre,verycertain 28% 53% Rouzer trails by 19-points, with McIntyre,somewhatcertain 17% one-third (34%) of the electorate McIntyre,notreallycertainatall 4% behind him. McIntyres support is Undecided,leanMcIntyre 4% also more intense, with 28% Rouzer,verycertain 17% 34% indicating they are very certain Rouzer,somewhatcertain 12% they will be voting for him. Only Rouzer,notreallycertainatall 3% Undecided,leanRouzer 2% 17%saytheyarevery certainto Undecided 12% back Rouzer. McIntyre Is W ell-K n ow n a n d P o p ular McIntyre is well-liked by a plurality of voters in NC-07. Nearly four in 10 (37%) say they have favorable impressions of their Congressman, while less than one in five (15%) say they dislike him. And despite the significant changes brought about by redistricting, only 21% say they have never heard of McIntyrean indication of the strength of the Congressmans leadership and his singular focus on the priorities that matter to residents of southeastern North Carolina. In sum, NorthCarolinas7th Congressional District should stay in the Democratic column as the nation heads towards the November General Election. It features a strong, wellliked leader in Mike McIntyre, against a fairly weak Republican who garners only onethird of the vote.

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