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Favorite subhitas

udrito rtha paunpi ghyate, hay ca ng ca vahanti codit | anuktam apyhati paito jana, paregita-jna-phal hi buddhaya || [Pacatantra I.18] Even a beast grasps the meaning of a spoken word; horses and elephants advance when commanded. But wise people discern even what is unspoken, for fathoming others demeanor is the reward of a (developed) mind. [After Olivelle. igita = inner thoughts, secret
aim, intention; sign, gesture, body language as it reveals inner states.]

ko tibhra samarthn, ki dra vyavasyinm | ko videa suvidynm, ka para priyavdinm || [Pacatantra I.19] What burden too heavy for the strong? What (distance) too far for the resolute/diligent? What land is foreign to men of learning? Who is a foe [lit., other] to those of gentle speech? [After Olivelle.] kaa blo bhtv kaam api yuv kmarasika kaa vittair hna kaam api ca sapra-vibhava / jar-jrair agair naa iva valmaita-tanur nara sasrke viati Yama-dhn-yavanikam // Vairgya-atakam Having become a child for a moment, for a moment a youth juiced by love, for a moment deprived of riches, for a moment filled with wealth and power; man, like an actor the drama of worldly existence [/in the lap of sasra], his body decorated by wrinkles, his limbs wasted by old age, falls at the curtain to death. aho na ymi ketra khdyat lir api kra-nivahai | jnanto pi pathik pcchanti puna punar mrgam || Oh, I will not go to the field today, the rice is eaten by a multitude of parrots; Even knowing (this), travellers ask the way again and again.
[1) she is very beautiful and hence the travellers want to look at her and talk to her. 2) She is very innocent (mugdh in the positive sense) because she does not realize this, this makes her even more attractive.]

adroha sarva-bhteu karma manas gir | anugraha ca dna ca sat dharma santana || Mbh. 3.297.35 The eternal dharma of the Good consists of not harming any creature by action, thought, or speech, and of kindness and giving. [After Johnson] tmany api na vivsas tath bhavati satsu ya | tasmt satsu vieea sarva praayam icchati Sauhdt sarva-bhtn vivso nma jyate | tasmt satsu vieea vivsa kurute jana || Not even in ones self does one have so much trust as in the Good; therefore all want to attach themselves to the Good especially. Trust, indeed, is born from affection for all

creatures; therefore people place trust in the Good especially. Mbh 3.297.44-45 [after Johnson] Asti ctra para kicid adhytma deva-nirnitam | ata ca tv bravmy etat kriyatm aviakay || Mbh 3.301.9 There is something profound [para] in your inner Self that has been made by God. And so I will tell you this: act without hesitating. [after Johnson] Kunts blessing to baby Kara Svasti te cntarikebhya prthivebhya ca putraka divyebhya caiva bhtebhyas tath toyacar ca ye May the creatures of sky, earth, and heaven, and those that live in the water, protect you, my little boy. ivs te santu panthno m ca te paripanthina / gat ca tath putra bhavantv adrohacetasa May your roads be auspicious, and nothing stand in your path; and let those who encounter you, my son, have minds without malice. [trans. Johnson] Jna tattvrtha-sambodha ama citta-prantat / day sarva-sukhiitva rjavam sama-cittat // Mbh 3.313.90 Wisdom is awareness of the nature of reality. Peace is a composed mind. Compassion is wishing happiness for all. Straightforward honesty is evenness of mind. Dharmasya tattva nihita guhy / mahjano yena gata sa panth Asmin mah-moha-maye kahe / srygnin rtri-divendhanena Msartu-darv-parighaanena / bhtni kla pacatti vrtt // Mbh 3.313 The reality of dharma is hidden in a cave. The way gone by the great ones that is the path. In this cauldron made of great delusion, with the sun its fire, days and nights its kindling, months and seasons its stirring ladle, Time cooks beings that is the news. [after Johnson] Yad tu divya yad rpa hrasate vardhate puna Ko nyas tad veditu akyo? Yo pi syt tad-vidho para // Mbh 12.182.34 When the Divine Form contracts and expands over and over again, who else is able to know him? Such a person would have to be of a similar nature. [after Wynne]

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