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DVD-Video Player DVD 711/751 DVD 711/001 Service DVD 751/001 Service “ — ‘c.06582021_000.eps ‘220200 compact fice cH PRODUCT DVD lise LASER PRODUCT (DIGITAL VIDEO) cS = Contents Contents Page 1. Technical specifications and connection facilities. 2 7 Diagnostic software and Script interfaces 69 2 Warnings and laser safety instructions 4 8 Interactive tests a 3 Directions for use 6 9 Test instructions Display board 78 4 Service hints 40 10 Current mode power supply 20PS203, 80 5 Biockdiagram DVD711 /001 “1 11 Gircuit descriptions and abbreviations 84 Blockdiagram DVD7S1 /001 42 42 Sparepartsist DVD 711 86 Personal notes 43,49, 64 18 Sparepartsist OVD 751 89 Dismanting instructions “4 Exploded view 45 Witingdiagram 46 6 Electrical dlagrams and print-layouts Diagram PWB Power supply 7 48 ‘Troubleshooting Power supply 49 Volume / Standby (iagr.c1/01) 5050 Display panel Bi 52 ‘Troubleshooting Display Board 53 Troubleshooting AV Board DVD711/001 53. Oscitograms DVD711 001 55 AN Boards Dv0711 J001 (Diage 18, 13, 24, 28) 5660 ‘Troubleshooting A/V Board —-DVO751/001 Bt Oscilograms DVD751J001 61.63.64 ‘AN Boards VvD751 J001 (Diagr 14, 18, 2) 6568 Copyright reserved 2000 Phips Consumer Elactroncs B.V, Eindhoven, The Neterands. Al rights reserved. No part ofthis publication maybe reproduced, sloredina retieva sytem or transmit n any formor by any means, eacone, mechanical, paotocopying, or atherise wihout he poe permission of Pips Pblshed by NW 0064 Sones PaCE Printed inthe Netherands ‘Subject o modification @ 3122 705 10860 a PHILIPS Specifications DVD711/001 fi. | Technical specifications 1. Technical specifications PLAYBACK SYSTEM CONNECTIONS DvD-Video SCART Tareconnecor Dx Video CO Siideo Ouput MavDIN, 4 pins CD (CD-R and CO-R) Video Ourput Cinch (yetow) [Ratio LAR output inch (itera) ‘OPTICAL READOUT SYSTEM, Digs! Ouse ‘eons 1 opseal Teerype TeiconductorATGRAT 1ECIS8 for CODA LACM NonereatAgeraire 060 (OVD) IECI937 for MPEG/2 AC and DTS ‘048 (vcDICD) Wavelength 650 am (OVD) capiner 790 om (¥CDICD) Bimerstonstw x ROP TTA Wai ‘Approx 4 Kg VD DISC FORMAT Medion peal Oe PACKAGE CONTENTS. Damecer ‘lem (Bem) ByD-Video Payer Praying te One ayer Rash Remote Control & Saneriez (em) Dia ayer aie AC Power able Two side 430% User anual Sale ayer SCART cable (Exroconnectr) Two side an ‘AudoiVideo eae Das iy GENERAL FUNCTIONALITY. TVSTANDARD __ EUROPE usa Sop 7 Py TPaose RUB] ——_(NTSCIRD Fast Forward / Backward Number of inet 35 525 Time serch Payback Mulseandard (PAUNTSC) Step Forward! Backward Slow VIDEO FORMAT Tide! Chapter Trac Select ee as stip Net Sp Previous Saal handing Conponents Repeat (Chapeer Tike Al) or (Track Al) Digial Compresion MFEG2 for DVD, AB Repest MPEG! forVeD She Enhanced ese of use graphial incertace Perfo Sul with dig mut-ap fter pvo. SSR Rema Tapas range 2280 3 et wh pare ethancemee Vernal Rerolion S76 nee 420 nes eee Auto and video bi rate indeator ay te woe an veo. ori: Resolaion 35 phe Tipe Versa! Reroution 288 ines 240 nes bei aise VIDEO PERFORMANCE large Slecion ‘Audio Selection (1 tof mas. Banguages) Subd Selecuon (1 ur of max. 32 ngunges) Wane our Tip STS Aipec Ra comarion (163,43 Leer Pan Si) Sven ip m0 hn Patera Consol and Dk Lee pine 75 Sm Dac Mena suport ie Mans a Root Men) Ao8 oie ‘pp me 1 chm Rese (8 dea) ta sop sandy Beckiensoe On Som Ser (Orn ser 15) veo Cite Proper hsp wh Por Sco ‘aubIO FORMAT vioco co FUNCTIONALITY. Beal FE Compre OT Baja Conrar orVCD TOT orsaca feral Cnet and Dic loek per 16.20.2608 Resume (og) ar sop! sandy feet ohee ‘Araog Sound Stereo Dolby Pro Loge down from AC-3 muitchannl sound 3D Sound for vital 51 channel sound on 2 speakers, AUDIO PERFORMANCE DA Converser Hoe bvo fe 96ue Heh kbte fale Hm uie Video cD fe aB ube 4H 22 te © 44 ki Ais 20 Ke SignalNoise (tha) 10330 Dynan Range (1s) 38 Crosstalk (tha) 68 Distortion and Neise(1kH) 5a Sereen Saver (Dim 75% after 18 min) Programming Tacks with Forte Selection AUDIO CD FUNCTIONALITY “Tene Dapay (oul Track! Remaining Ta Toe) Fullaudfanetionality with remoce control Programming with Favorite Track Selection Speco ict change ion pr tie Technical specifications Specifications DVD751/001 PLAYBACK SYSTEM _ ‘CONNECTIONS _ DvD-iceo SCART 2 Eorocomector Video CD S¥ideo Ouput Min DIN. pos (CD (CD-R and CO-RW) Video Oupie inch (tow) ‘ado LR ourpet Cinch (wt) ‘OPTICAL READOUT SYSTEM gal Oumpue 1 coat optic Lasers ‘Semiconductor AIGAE 1EC85B or CODA LACM Numesel Aperture 60 (O¥0) TECI937 for MPEGI.HPEG2 and AC'3 045 (veorco) ors Waelnges {680 nm (OVD) Headphone 63 mm ck 790 nm (¥EDICD) Creatine fon SCART DvD DISC FORMAT caainer Median Opt Oise Dimensions (wx) 42592 320mm Diamar ‘tem (Bem) weigh Aeproc 4 Ke Ping time One yer 256 (em) Dialer an PACKAGE CONTENTS _ Two side 4208 DVD-Video Payer Sale ayer Remote Coreel & Baars Froude ar [AC Power cord Dial yer Inervevon for Use Aude cable TVSTANDARD EUROPE usa, Video cable (PALSOH) (NTSCu40H SCART ele Number of oes as 335 Paback Maksendard (PAUNTSC) GENERAL FUNCTIONALITY Sop / Py / Pause VIDEO FORMAT __ _ Fast Forward /Bacovard DA Converter tobi Tare serch Sigal handing Components Sep Forward Backward Digtal Compression MPEG? for DVD, Slow MPEG for veD Tile / Chapter Trek Select Skip Next Ship Previous pv _ Repeat (Chaper Tie Al) or (Track A} Hori Resolason 720 pics» 720 pixetr= AB Repeat ‘Versa Resoton ST6 ner 400 ner Shute Sean veo = 2 Enhanced ease of use graphical incrface Horie Reslaion 382 pas 382 pels Perfect Sil with gal malap fer Vertcal Rerohiion 28 ee 240 nes acm (6133.12 x4) with peur enbancerent Personal Color seins (Smart Petar) VIDEO PERFORMANCE CCoemalne interconnection for pligdlay Video ourpur 1Vpp into 75 obm 30 Sound Vides output YetVpp ito 75 ohm Vial fog Sole 03 ¥pp inc 75 ohm Adio and vdeo bc rae ndeator Roe {pp into 75 ohm Beeper ack Level Se oon Video St Letatighe DVD FUNCTIONALITY Muosangle Selection AUDIO FORMAT - 7 Adie Selection (1 ue of max. 8 languages) Digal hres Compress Dial Suber Selection (1 ou of max 32 guage) prac ‘Aspect Ratio conversion (169,43 Letterbox 43 Pa Sen) Pom 16,20,24 be Parental Conrel and Disk Lode 441.48,96 He ise Mera suppor (Title Menu and Root Menu) ‘Aralog Sound Stereo Resume (5 ds ser stop / sandy Dolly Pre Logie downmic from AC-3 mult-chnnel sound Serean Saver (Dim TSX ater 15 min) 3D Sound for vital $4 chanel sound on 2 speakers Progaming Teslhapers wih Favre Sleton [AUDIO PERFORMANCE VIDEO CD FUNCTIONALITY ee Sacomurur mba Pap Cal rVED 20 vo 96K Ae a6 ite Resume (5 dss ser stop / standby faa te 422 ube Serean Saver (Oem 78% ar 15 min) vane) pane) rea) Programming Tacks wih Favorite Slecion o coor er AUDIO CD FUNCTIONALITY Sao (ha) 103 “Tene Display (Total Track / Remaining Tack Tine) —— Dynamic Range (he) ory Full audio fneionalty wien emote contol eee er Fe Progamming with Fores Tack Slecton Dietortin and Note (Ke) 35.48 Headphone 30m 232 Ohm fad headphone inp. 82k Ohm 2 Sees ae comes Speco subject ta change without rr nate SPECIFICATIONS 35, Eo Es 4. 4a 43 44 711 EE Service hints Service hints DVD-Module 218 4.2 Diagnostic software ‘The DVD mechanism has tobe exchanged completely in case In chapter "Diagnostic software” some tests are refering tothe of faur, A new or repaired mechanism can be ordered with SCART functonalty covlenumiber 9905 023 61001 ‘These tests ar for sets wth RGB-ouput Retum the detective unit complete assembled in original package to Philips Consumer Service in Eindhoven. For sol without RGB: output no SCART connectoris mounted In these ets the SCART tess wil automaticaly be skipped ‘The monoboard hast be repaired on component eve Power Supply options wieareire)__| __stezaavziso_| __simeazr 21760 TOV USA 22OV Europe China Wativotage AP 226i] GAP S0pF Bist | ELCO 100uF 486V_| 561 | CAP S30pF Bai] ELOO Te0uF 260 2ia1_| ELGO 160uF 400V 3138_| Resistor 70M Compair For assistance with the repair process of the monoboard an ‘electronic Fault finding guidance has been developed , this program is called COMPAIR. ‘This COMPAIR program is available on CDROM. The Version of the CDROM for repair of the monoboard is V1.3 and can be ordered with codenumber : 4822 727 21637. This is an update CDROM , so when the COMPAIR CDROM is used forthe first time , one has to install the COMPAIR, ENGINE CDROM V1.2 first The V1.2 CDROM can be ordered with codenumber 4822 727 6634 and has to registered after instalation , the procedure for, registration is explained in the help file of the program and in the booklet from the COROM. The cable to connect the monoboard with a PC can be ordered with codenumber 3122 785 90017. Al the hardware and software requirements of the systems necessary for working with COMPAIR is described on the CDROM. Monoboard repair For repair of the monoboard the service manual 3122 785 10045 must be used. Block and wiringdiagram, dismantling, exploded view and oscillograms Blockdiagram DVD 711 /001 BEGIN Es a 5. Block and wiringdiagram, dismantling, exploded view and oscillograms } +3V3 ay i MONO BOARD i RAM ROM | | | I JBE ; (servo) eal : -——— HOST i 18 _ Sti5505 I ! | x ! ee Ee ee 4 l2c nn | [eres i ! : no DISPL ; SPMS. i St by | ¥ | I ; | | SLAVE PROCESSOR | p> +12V stby | —» }¢——— | i> +5Vstby | Ly -8Vstby | | F | ana i Ly -aov ! v 1 i | ay | aC a : 4 ! ! ad i a l i “ i 1 + eacves ome__ps Nx 4 — 707 oe aioe! re Scan ewe PO swaroune | | suo) scant aseves | | Syrrone | aubiol cvs iy | acaomsy | ! @o AIV signals 7 ~" Gre saan pa Lage | Avo uk mae cn 42 $+} otter aT ® | | fa ! _—__—____________ ssp ct er = -AY BOARD | | | bk | Po, _ i | HEADPHONE | 28 | i 1 \ | H i? | KEYBOARD | Le, | | | Block and wiringdiagram, dismantling, exploded view and oscilograms Ee Blockdiagram DVD 751 /001 po pee eee i MONO BOARD | RAM ROM | | | JBE i (servo) Ee i | => HOST | oJ Sti5505 . i | i x i L. = woe eee eee —_- see eee. lac . : | r 7 . | | stby | ¥. = | | TT | | | | su AVE PROCESSOR | POWER SUPPLY ! | | i | | i i RC | it i | I | I | | i | | A/V signals | Fe Toa 7208 | A eo AoA Seng ese i ae p+] Swrrowne | awooue | J rrotmsiave scant wv . Sarees <>} T oo wana C2) ve vases: rt, THO at RO (on Bv0855 KARAOKE) Block and wiringdiagram, dismantling, exploded view and oscillograms Dismantling instructions DISMANTLING INSTRUCTIONS ‘See exploded view for item numbers Frontassy 1 => remove 2 screws 212 (front $ —sframe 213) = unlock front from frame by releasing successively 3 snaps(on the left, in the ‘middle and on the right) => put front assy in front of the sSet(service position) a a! Display board 1002 = Remove 7 screws 203 (board -» front), pay attention to earth spring 300, = demount board [Headphone board 1006 }=> Remove volume knob by pling it forward |= remove 3 screws 208 (board —front) + demount board ‘Standby board 1003 and ‘switch assy = Remove 2 screws 25 - 26(board-» front) = demount board = Remove 1 screw 207 = Take out switch assy DRESLON Es ‘over 151 Remove 7 screws 2: Litt cover at rearside DVD MODULE 218 = Remove connections ‘Mono beard = remove 4 screws 217 (loader bracket 2+ frame 213) = demount module _______ DVD MONO Board 7 = See also exploded vi DVD module = Remove flex connect turntabel motor and « motor. => remove 4 screws 10 — 13(mono board loader bracket 2) = remove carefully flex ‘connection to OPU a ‘connection to tray mi = demount board, —__y LOADER VAL3000 1 => Remove 2 screws 8, => Remove 4 suspensic 3. 8 from loader br ‘mounting ‘0 1 J demounting DS TAN board 4002 PPowor suppiy unit 1005 © AM etki fon connecions to | o> remove cemnecons More board I> femeve 2 sore 222 = remove? scr 227 (board strane} TF tecase snaps of pacers | |= remove screw 25 (mains 221 a 7 inled-sbackplate) o> domou -> ‘oleae ene of spacers “ moc 226 (board—»frame) -» Semoun boar of Js to oops Exploded view DVD MODULE 218 7 wre 5 ket Block and wiringdiagram, dismantling, exploded view and oscillograms CXCRAe ee Be Exploded view ITEM 252 208 209 227 1006 Monet | OVvD7M = = = 6X = Ovo751 mx [x [ox [ox [a __f Dv0732 x 3X, x [ex 224— 217 (4X) \ 218- 213 244 (2X): 215 (4X) NX 211 (9X) 209- 252: 1006: 207 205 212 (2X) m—~\ 4 —, & ™~ * 200— * See 2 201——__», i. ae, 204 225 | 221 (2X) 1005, <= >. ———- @ 4& 222 0207 X & : ~ aS 226 (2X) 265 (2X) (cL osssanet 002 ops 230200 Block and wiringdiagram, dismantling, exploded view and oscillograms, Wiringdiagram Ds Es DVD 751 ONLY HEADPHONE BOARD 2100 1109061 x= DVD 732 ONLY HEADPHONE / MIC BOARD For DVD 732 and Non Eure model only STANDBY sta ose For DVD 732 and wc Nonsuregget ony MONG BOARD I / BOARD ) BOARD POWER SUPPLY BOARD DISPLAY BOARD DVD 711-751 /001 Electrical diagrams and Printlayouts 6. Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts Power supply pi POWER SUPPLY 20PS203 i a a ul a ay a ee fH GER HE ee MN 12 13 14 15. 16 i co KX == o nc 8V Ste By anv rap pa rat & «©0028 vrsin: 312242721370 uaa OVOTSOOVDRSADYONES SERVED TEM NUMBER i s6sz206s 2.065 ‘207 TT % ik 7 Cae 7 Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts Dvp711-751/001 ff 6. § 49 | TROUBLESHOOTING POWER SUPPLY UNIT 20PS203 i ‘Check DC voltages oK “412V, +5Vetby, -5V, +8V, +3V3, +2V9 power supply OK Nok Disconnect the power supply from the MAIN Board ‘Connect dummy load resistors 10W(min SW): 10 ohm at +3V3, 15 ohm at +12V and ground | * CreEK OC vats E eagareoc ++12V, +5Vstby, -5V, +5V, +3V3, +2V9 f> check These vetages wb samvhatighrihan pected [>] Seaboard display board ox t ox [Sarasin pa ore a age 728, 7, TH, ‘Check the +3V3 and12V yp] 7287, 7221 L2_Stanaby circuit NOK | —__—+ Hiv; check 6240, 2240, 5240 ‘ox fF +3V3: check 6210, 2210, 5210 —_ ‘conned the mains inlet to a mains isolated variac [turn input voltage up and check across C2121] yoy [> check the functionality of the following components: the voltage |_| 1120, 3122, 5120, 6120, 2121 this voltage should be + 1,41 x Vin AC ee [5 _ check the toad on the secundary output yes [eck oversiage protection: 3195.6114.2114.9115.0116 : mF Ls check oscillator voltage on pin 10 of IC711 is power supply ticking’ [>| check 2102,3110, replace 7110 }+ check drive circuit: gate voltage of MOSFET 7125, No Components 3112,9119,2113,9125, > check working of regulation circuit + measure voltage on pin 6 of 107110 with oscilloscope + if>2.5V check the regulation circuit: 7200, 7201, 6275,6278,3201 ,3202,3204,3205,3206,2201,2202 3104,3105,3106,3109,2104,2106,2109 Nok F>— Check an crea and Vee supa Se Ween GT TTS 3128 9194 2129,6126 129 91112111 8199 ce |-> replace 7110 Jo Power supply is OK Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts Dvp 711-751 /001 6. ff so | Volume / Standby PWB wii | 1 | 2 tao a2 1208 be . 3180 1 — ©1:Volume Adjust PCB — 3297 84 3238-A.A1 3230-4 81 + On or KOK vers ot Soto At 20401 Fiat az Tie ae A 1208 A tana ADIA_OUT men = EH-B ‘1124 a2 ADIAIN T122p | pii2e Ez) eet | Tiaec1 ono TH, ' T1351 € I 7136 D1 4 T1244 op 1137 D2 ADBIN He | i 7138 D2 ele \ f I | ‘To Con 1201 of Headphone PCB. { - I B | |B i I i ' I D1: Standby PCB Tas S150 tor 4 Tas | t— GEN SYMBOL , |LTL-ICHPE cawio “F e208 7136 @ 1205 cus D ue D Ww Try ot Te SKONAS THB ° 4 Toon 1117 of Display PCB = 1 2 Lose o18ap¢ PYPRAREee Td) Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts Display A1 : FRONT DISPLAY PCB yee oh ot a fel Cel Le oe > | 2 on | srorcomsrat0 ‘ VTane Lane om (iat 7a tL rag $form rool caresses ones ee T aw | a © wl a ~O2: 14 T Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts EYEE TROUBLESHOOTING DISPLAY BOARD NO DISC POWER ON No DISPLAY? YES Key Function >NO ves ‘Standby LED off? Yes Remote control? YES v DISPLAY PCB OK. * Check supply voltages 5 ne cplay pb uses a 24V stabiliser(7112) in combination ith a 10V zeneraiode(6102). Check input voage: at connecter 1115-8 “tov 25% Check output voltage at anode of Diode 6102: 10V 25% Check stabiizer 7112 output (VKK): “sav are Check +5Vstb voltage al connector 1115-8: wv 25% Check satety resistor R217 & Gheck +12V at connector 1115-1 H12V +10% ‘© Check filament voltage = AC voltage is created via uP output pin 19 generating a 42kHz (duty cycle 45/55) square signal => Check frequency : 42kHz 10% => Check buffered square output at emitter of transistor 7108; low level: B00mV, high level 10.7 = Check DC decoupling: check RMS voltage between FIL1 and FIL2 lines: 3.9Vims} STOP+OPEN/CLOSE simultaneously and connect to mains. Proceed until display shows" APP SND-2 ”. ‘= Check flex connection to mono board © Check mono board Check digital trato L400 Check +5V supply(R3603) Check optical transmitter 6400 DVD 711 /001 VIDEO PART NO PICTURE CVBS & Y/C OUT Diagnostic Software APP PIC-1 NO POWER SUPPLY?, YES, To put set in “Player script’, press keys STOP+OPEN/CLOSE simultaneously and connect to mains. Proceed until display shows “ APP PIC-1 *. Check supply voltages +8Vstby, -8Vstby, +12Vstby, +6V, +5V . Check voltage regulator 7304 Check safety resistors 3615, 3620, 3802, 3803 Check flex connection to mono board. Check flex connection to mono board Check mono board VIDEO CVBS CINCH TP19? Check VIDEO buffers See test instructions . VIDEO YIC OUT TP20-217 Check VIDEO buffers See test instructions VIDEO PART OK C1 96552065_061.9ps 190799 eez0ct ‘80 290"ss020896 10 4O SNIHOLIMS LYVOS “suoonujsul 186} 288 ‘siayng oapin YU “AO = AL-LNOBA, ‘AO = AL 81S, 19849 S062-0062 SeyoyMs 409UD E62 'SEBL S1O}S!SUEN YEU © AZL = JHDIH LOSIT3S, ‘AY = LOITSS, YOU PskOg OUOW O} UOPOSUUIOD xB] 499YO AO = 8-00E| Jo|eUUOD UO ,21/9/0, ¥98UD éALNO. NIHOWKAY BYNLOId GAG LUVOS ,, 0, uunias [WM SNOIASYd Busse1g dOO7 LUO! 4007 .14v9S eremyog onsoubeig ‘SUORONUISU! 186} 8S 'S1E4NG APIA HOU AS FAL ANOBsy ‘AG |ALETS, YEU 062-0062 Se4oUMs 484 €P6Z 'SEBL SHOISISUEN 4904 © AO = .HDIH LOSS. "AO = .LOBTAS, ¥92UD * Pazog ouoU! 0} UoRDeUUDD xE}} BUD AOL = 8-006} 4010UU09 UO ,Z1/9/0, 49940, -,0AQ LUWOS, smoys Kejdsip nun peesoig “suleW 0} JoBuUoD pur AisnoaueyiNWIs ISOTO/NSdO+dOLS ‘fay seid ‘,adu9s 8Aeld, Ul 398 ind OL Ad LHVIS aremyos onsouBeig ONIHOLIMS LYYOS LHWOS SHMLDid ON L00/ LLZ GAG OMS 7 | synofe|-uug pue swesbelp jeo1098/3, rey Pia ag orton wines. oF Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts DvD 711-751 /001 6. 56 | Supply and video switching 711 /001 1 | 2 I 3 L 4 5 Ll 6 Ll 7 l 8 SUPPLY & VIDEO SWITCHING A 7 o z / On ine ea 4 ye ET x an c re ad wo ce bar Dein > ema E An | PART en ] cvesewrowa F ae Eb ov e com ov H 1 @ s 1 " 7 | | a i 1 ~ av | ' nay moo ro | \ gl Cee a _ fe ' c i |p ile mus t F ' 6 H setecr Si2urin pLaven sompr “sanr ovo" Sv URNS RLER Soni. -Scanroce | sevecr wan St bcants Paven sonier.“scanr ovo" | SAE Bunn PEN Somer “SCART Loo l atestereeetseren ' | fsrorMooe ! pBavmux — [- tod 123 4248 430-1 tome Namen 2 ' 2 1 4 7 Electrical diagrams and Printayouts s. | Audio A/V MUX DVD711 /001 I. ‘oun play. [rem 7 a - “gm 1 A ae Si ami Tuoi sear surenne | ' wt tO a eee 5 7) oe c + 4/0 fejol Ln Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts Scart panel DVD711 /001 DEREOn Os 1) 2 yy 8 y 4A ys 6 |) 7 xX SCART HB a vp__8" tne 7 a FY — 1 ¥ sm pag 4 Eh nu ct fe : 7 | i 4 i § Ruma age ef | i B focu ee 4 a i > ne = ? ye i tha ge oF i E F G omg 4 oma. ; 22° ae oa | i Le 1 2 1 9 4 5 e Tort i 7 paavaux | is ERS ee —_—_ 3104 123 4248 eure unt 80-3 cea, e Foe Tow Tow Tow T 4s 7 co west sae Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts CVBS / YC panel DVD711 /001 u 1? 4 Povorii7s1 001 Ps. P33] ew § ge hase in zor) 1 + 7 7 BE ae ee bie ee Bin ae! EP Oe ce EO a e 17 | a ow 9, © | 4 | 2 13 | 4 eae A B L ~ D ee E F aoar 6 ' ta IF cn H st | | 1 PBAN MUX [— 3104 123 4248 130-4 | T > TF wo | ww 7 a 3 | 4 Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts DVD751 /001 TROUBLESHOOTING A/V BOARD Testing of A/V board can be done using diagnostic software “Player script”. Mono boar Povorii-751 001 6 Pet used to generate a sound with the sound tests SND-1 and SND-2 or a VIDEO signal with the picture test PIC-1. Functional control of scart switching and RGB video processing is also possible. See description in chapter “Diagnostic Software: Script Interfaces” AUDIO PART NO SOUND ON. AUDIO CINCH +400 Diagnostic Software > To put set in “Player script’, press keys ‘STOP+OPENICLOSE simultaneously and connect to ‘mains, Proceed unti display shows "APP SNo-, ‘After a second, the display shows: "scarr ovo" During this test, an audio pink noise signal will be sent fo the audio cinches and the audio outputs of the scarts.. No POWER SUPPLY? ‘Check supply voltages 8V3(IC 7400), +8Vaud{IC 7304), -BVstby(F13615), + 12Vstby(T7333). ‘Check flex connection to mone board, Pom _ouT{o:2 LRCLK, SCLK PCM_CLIC Check testpoints 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 (Check flex connection to mono board ‘Check mono board AT OUTPUTS ‘Check for analog signal at outputs of DAC IC 7401: pin 1,245,28,29,31,82 (testpoint 14) Check DAC IC 7401 ‘Check VREFA on pin 30 of DAC 7401: 1.65V? (CINCH OUTPUTS (Check OPAMPS 7403, 7408, Check KILL transistors 7404, 7405, 7406, 7407, 7408, 7409, 7410, 7411. KILL: -8V DURING PLAY? Check ELCO'S 2456, 2462, 2466, 2475, 2481, 2485. (Check OPAMPS 7403, 7408. Check KILL transistors 7404, 7405, 7406, 7407, 7408, 7409, 7410, 7411 Check resistors 3453, 3464, 3475, 3482, 3493, 3502. DISTORTION? (Check DAC IG 7401 Check 02485, C2459, C2461, C2464, 2477, 2480, 2484, 2487 NPO TYPE? (Check OPAMPS 7403, 7408, ‘SOUND OK ce.2esa2126.002 ope Audio-1 DVD751 /001 103924 masa a E E 0 eral sou I Fes sb.o0 be: os, mt e7. POM_OUTO TPtz: POM OUTE aoe 0392 of v I {| i | \F T = mols \basde ; Se a oe I few La vd) pena 2 wrb.00 We... frm. s4006,| TP6: LCL "Pia: POM. OUT! non navsan \ 4 ee | \ VET Todo \ eo ty > Ly TP9; SCLK ‘TP14: ANALOG OUT DAC (PINK NOISE) \ x | VAG j me, _cb,-|... CINCH(PINK NOISE) 0196532126 003.9ps ete unl v. x TP10: POM_CLK Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts DVD751 /001 ‘NO SOUND ON ‘AUDIO GINGH 1402 TV. BAUXSCAAT Diagnostic Software = To pu sotin-Playor soit press keys |_yl * StOPLOPENICLOSE aimatanecusty and connect to mains, Proceed unt aeplay shows we Povo i751 001 ose (Check HPR and HPL at conn. 1410-1. (esipoin 16) (Check OPAMP 7403-6,0 ‘AUDIO TO HEADPHONE? + Chack SWITCH 7413, + Check OPAMP 7414 + Check KILL tansstors 7416, 7416, 7419, 7420, ‘AUDIO CINCH ¥402 «Check SCART SWITCH IC 7305 + Check KILL tansstors 7396, 7397 (RopiorraL ovreuT) Digs Sota | _» [+ Topudsntin Payer erp prose kere “mn |_ ppl * StBPsoPENCLOSE stmitanoouly and conact 19 tae Proceed url Gepay stows ter wos ‘01G_ouT Tesipaine 117 “= Check lex connection to mano board + heck mono board DIGITAL OUT + Check digital rafo L400 + Gheck optical ansmiter 6400 DIGITAL OUT OK DVD751 /001 VIDEO PART NO PICTURE CVBS & Y/C OUT Diagnostic Software POWER SUPPLY? YES, VIDEO CONN. 1300 CONN. 1301 * To put set in “Player script’, press keys |— > STOP+OPEN/CLOSE simultaneously and connect to mains. Proceed until display shows “ . * Check supply voltages +8Vstby, -8Vstby, +12Vstby, +6Vstby. * Check voltage regulator 7304 * Check safety resistors 3615, 3516 © Check flex connection to mono board. © Check testpoints 1-6 * Check flex connection to mono board * Check mono board VIDEO CVBS CINCH 2 NO _ | © Check testpoint 19. * Check CVBS VIDEO buter transistors 7301, 7300, 7310. Check testpoints 20-21. * Check SCART SWITCH IC 7305. © Check I2C (testpoints 22,23). Check Y/C VIDEO buffer transistor 7302, 7303. CL96592126_005.eps 261099 YES VIDEO PART OK Elctical agra and Prntayeuts Povo 7-751 001 6 so Video-1 DVD751 /001 TP woo B " ‘19:cves uF 7 es hu ae TP 2 iws00 6 a h Att be + im ty By tou. a be ‘20: _0uT wa Leer oul i pone TP vio et ‘parc our Tea: cves, fi (0196592126. 006 p= TP5:C.ENC too DVD751 /001 NO PICTURE SCART SCART SWITCHING Diagnostic Software To put set in “Player script’, press keys STOP+OPEN/CLOSE simultaneously and connect to, mains. Proceed until display shows “scar ovo". NO YES Check RGB at testpoints 1-3 Check HSYNC at pin 14 of IC 7316 (testpoint 24), Check RGB at output of RGB video processor 7316 testpoints 25, 26. 27. Check SCART SWITCH IC 7305, Check “SLB_TV: 10V, "FBOUT_TV: 5V, BC_TV: 1,2V Check video buffer transistors 7306, 7307, 7308, 7309 for TV scart and 7325 for AUX scart. Diagnostic Sotware |__ ys] press NEXT. Display shows:"scanr Loop Pressing PREVIOUS will return to“ scart ovo PICTURE AUXNVCR IN ONTV? NO Check “SLB_TV = OV, "FBOUT_TV Check video buffers. V, BC_TV: -0.3V. SCART SWITCHING OK NO RGB VIDEO PROCESSOR: CONTROL Diagnostic Software ‘COLOUR SETUP OK? SCART SWITCHING OK To put set in “Player script’, press keys STOP+OPEN/CLOSE simultaneously and connect to, mains. Proceed until display shows" couserur Hi”, Press NEXT. display shows * couseTuPLo Colours will change from light to dark. Check RO, GO, BO at output of IC 7316 testpoints 30, 31, 32, Check I2C (testpoints 22, 23). Check RGB VIDEO PROCESSOR IC 7316. (2196552126.007.ep8 "261000 Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts DvD 711-751 001 ff 6. | Video-2 DVD751 /001 i Nl 7 Mt | | fel sooty | sazol ou 5 pa souls) = "P26: GO (GOLOURSETUP Hj rH v fou sb .00 fu 01 chi, Houz| sqomy MTB29 19 bls, : [4 p min [I oP ee Feud soedes Ls . cal anodes. his Teas AO (GOLOURSETUP A) P27: BO (COLOURSETUP Hi | \ \ \CT +4 rt LA TT WV { 0 | onl to [— Lod y Tt r f ‘| — = E | | a: has foul soot moesaloe Lae | | atemzoloy ‘TP2s: RO (GOLOURSETUP LO} ‘TP27: BO (COLOURSETUP LO) (01.08532126.008.op= 261099 Electrical diagrams and Printayouts DVD711-751/001 6. p65 | DVD751 /001 3 I 4 i 5 Ls 7 I 8 , 2 4 ESvic0 CONTROL & SCART SWITCH | 9 1 oe |) 4 Lom |, By et ¢ PBAVMUX & 3104 123 4225.5 cumaeret.soeage Te Tow Ton wz Tow Tow T 45 Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts, i DVD751 /001 1 Ll 2 L 3 L 4 l 5 I 6 7 Ll 8 WE Wvico OUT ‘| = if - 4 i B = “On, FETC ge __ po CvBS-oUT s 4 ae + c ont alee aes é * A re D E F G 4 | ~ 1 4 a! Ok. rT oe 3 Sm ae 2 ede OE soo ae a aan rs ca * a oo 4 cust. 10a T Tw Ta Tow Tas Ts T 40 Electrical diagrams and Print-layouts DvD 711-751 /001 ff 6. | DVD751 /001 I 1 l -EJAuni0 = AUDIO OUT Oem POL AV MUX : T L 3104 123 4225.5 .$199592128.051 995 Ty Tow Tow Tag DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE : SCRIPT INTERFACES . 7. TA TAA co DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE : SCRIPT INTERFACES DEALER SCRIPT Purpose of Dealer Script ‘The dealer script can give a diagnosis on a standalone DVD. player; no other equipment is needed to perform a number of hardware tests to check if the DVD player is faulty. The agnosis is simply a "error" or ‘pass" message: no indication {is given of faulty hardware modules. Oniy tests within the scope 71.2 Contents of Dealer Script ‘The dealer script executes all dlagnostic nucil that do not ‘need any user interaction and are meaningful on a standalone DVD player. “The nuclei called in the dealer script are the folowing (the ‘number after each nucleus name corresponds with the number being on the local display when the nucieus is executed during the dealer script): of the diagnostic software will be executed hence only faults within this scope can be detected. Nucleus Description VideoColSetupcomm |g | Checks the I2C interface with the RGB video processor on the Audio/Video board (only for DVD players with RGB video processor). VideoScarSwComm |, ieee the I2C interface with the scart switch on the Audio/Video boar PapChksFl 7 | Calculate and verify checksum of FLASH memory. PapDramWrR 6 | Patter test of all locations in the DRAM(s). Papl2cDisp 5 | Checks the 12C interface with the slave processor on the display PCB. PapS2bEcho 4 | Checks the I2C interface to the basic engine. Papl2cNvram 3 | Checks the I2C interface with the NVRAM. PapNvramWrR 2 | Patter test of all locations in the NVRAM CompSdramWrR_ T | Pattern test of all locations in the SDRAM(s). Figure 7-4 Press 2 keys simultaneously + Connect to mains. y ‘During the test, the following display is shown: the counter counts down from the number of nuciei to be run before the test finishes. Example: YES wo [ERROR PASS |_| To out DEALER SCRIPT scones rom mains }a—! Figure 7-2 Ea DIAGNOSTIC SOFTWARE : SCRIPT INTERFACES 72 724 72.2 72.3 PLAYER SCRIPT Purpose of Player Seript ‘The Player script wil give the opportunity to perform atest that will determine which of the DVD player's modules are fauity, to read the error log and error bits and to perform an endurance loop test. To successfully perform the tests, the DVD player must be connected toa tv set to check the output of a number ‘of nuclei. For DVDv2b a multi-channel amplifier, a set of 6 boxes and an extemal video source are necessary to test, To be able to check results of certain nuclei, the player scrint ‘expects some interaction ofthe user (1. to approve a test picture ora test sound). Some nuclei (e.g. nuclel that test functionality ofthe Basic Engine module) require that the DVD. player ise is opened, to enable the user to observe moving parts and approve their movement visually. Only tests within the scope ofthe diagnostic software willbe executed hence only faults within this scope can be detected. Contents of Player Seript ‘The player script contains all nuci! that are useful on a DVD player that is connected toa tv-sot andhelp to determine which ‘module of the DVD player is faulty, as well as to read out the contents of the error logs. Structure of Player Script ‘The player script consists ofa set of nuctel testing the three: hardware modules in the DVD player: the Display PWB, the Digital PWB and the Basic Engine. ‘Nuclei run by the player tost need some user interaction: in the next paragraph this interaction is described. The player testis, ‘done in two phases: 1. Interactive tests: this part of the player test depends strongly on user interaction and input o determine nucleus results and to progress through the full test. Reading the efor log and error bits information can be useful to determine any errors that occurred recently during normal ‘operation of the DVD player 2. The loop test wil perform the same nuclel as the dealer test, but it will loop through the lst of nuclei indefinitely. 7.24 Survey ross 2 keys simultaneously + Connect to mains INTERACTIVE TESTS DISPLAY PCB Ls DISPLAY TEST | bispbisplay(a0) LED TEST —_ [> Displediea) KEYBOARD TEST Lp bispkeyo(27) REMOTE CONTROL |p ispre(za) ———__Y ‘MONO PCB DIGITAL PART Le PICTURE TEST —_ }® videocotbenconi2sa) v SOUND 1 TEST 15. audoPinitoiseoni20e) SCART DVD TEST | Videoscanswovdis4a) v SCART LOOP TEST } videoScartswPass(54b) v SOUND 2 TEST —_}® Ausasinoon2te) —_Y—_ ‘MONO PCB(SERVO) & BASIC ENGINE LA BASIC ANGINE _) VERSION NUMBER |p eever(a7) TRAY TEST — Lp Berrayourin4ab) SLEDGE TEST — |» Besiedgeouvin(siaby DISC MOTOR TEST |» BeviscMotoron(gea) FOCUSTEST — | » seFocuson(sea) RADIALTEST — |b» Boraciaion(4oa) JUMP TEST — Lp BecroovestvMidouttzabe) TRAY TEST — Lp Berrayouvinssab) ERROR LOG & BITS |} Poncsabisiee) LOOP TEST = Deslor script exclusive of tost2 To ext player tos, disconnect rom mains Figure 7-3 INTERACTIVE TESTS 8. INTERACTIVE TESTS 8.1 DISPLAY PCB 8.1.1 DISPLAY TEST ‘The display testis performed by nucleus DispDisplay. By putting a series of test patterns on the local display, the local display is tested. To step through all dierent patterns, the user ‘must elther press PLAY (pattem is ok) or PAUSE (pattern was incorrect) to proceed to the next pattern. The display of pattems is continued in a cyclic manner until the user presses NEXT. If the user presses NEXT before all display patterns are tested, the DispDisplay nucieus will return TRUE (cisplay test successful. 812 LEDTEST ‘The LED(s) on the DVD player is (are) tested by nucieus DispLed. The user must check ifthe LED(s) is (are) lighted; iit 's, press PLAY, ifitis not, press PAUSE. By pressing NEXT the script wil proceed to the next test. Ifthe user presses NEXT before PLAY or PAUSE, the DispLed nucleus will return TRUE (LED test successful), THVT EU AL NOK press PAUSE Figure 8-1 8.1.3 KEYBOARD TEST The keyboard of the DVD player is tested by nucleus DispKeyb. The user is expected to press all keys on the local keyboard once. The code of the key pressed is shown on the local display (1 hexadecimal digt) Immediately followed by a (hexadecimal) number indicating how many times that key has been pressed. Example ofthe local display during ths test: T3-63-A (Ae Figure 8-2 ‘The key-codes displayed on the local display will scrol from fight to let when the display gets ful, the text "tb-* will remain, con display. | vp 711-751 /001 8. GB 71 | PLAY NEXT PREVIOUS PAUSE ‘STOP REPEAT TS ‘SCAN BACKWARD ‘OPEN / CLOSE, FORWARD. ‘SHUFFLE Figure 8-3 lt any keys are detected more than once (due to hardware error), the key-code is displayed twice (or more), with the second digit increased by 1. Ifthe user does not press all Keys minimally once (in any order), the DispKeys nucleus wil return FALSE and cause an error in the overall result of the player script. ‘The user can leave the keyboard test by pressing the NEXT key on the local display of the DVD player for at least one full second. The result of the keyboard testis shown on local display as follows: T TB- PASS Figure 8-4 Or — | F A TI | ib Figure 8-5 Pressing NEXT on the local keyboard again will proceed to the next text 8.1.4 REMOTE CONTROL TEST ‘The remote control of the DVD player is tested by nucleus DispRe. The user must press any key on the remote control ust ‘once. The codes of the key pressed will be shown on the local followed by numerical keys <1> <5> <9> The display shows: *- ~ -- Press now successively the following keys for DVD711/001 : <0><5><3> <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0> PAL / NTSC for DVD751/001 : <0><5><4> <0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0> PAL/NTSC Press again The TV screen will become BLUE during a short time to confirm that the mono board has been reprogrammed, then the set goes to standby mode. ~ Figure 8.29 8.52. Resetoof Virgin Mode TRADE MODE ‘After the player has been powered up fortes by the dealer, it When the player isin Trade Mode, the player cannot be ‘would have gone through the Virgin Mode. Its possible to reset Serre moa eho ey atone Bt ony by means the settings made during that mode before the delivery of player to the customer. This can be done as shown in the fotowing agra DISCONNECT FROM MAINS restr seas v SIMULTANEOUSLY ‘SIMULTANEOUSLY oT se, ee, PRESS 2 KEYS CONNECT TO MAINS. CONNECT TO MAINS SIMULTANEOUSLY - RETR aoenone rere onion CONNECT TO MAINS etrerne aoe were stare VIRGIN MODE 1S RESET TVSOREEN SHOWS VIRGIN MODE MENU Figure 6-1 Figure 8-30 Ea Test instructions Display board 9. Test instructions Display board 9.1. Display board 8.1.4 Reset 8.41.1 Introduction Check next reset timing with an oscilloscope at pin 10 of the microprocessor. “These test instructions are writen forall versions ofthe display PCB 3104 123 42230, The contents of the PCB can be spit up into next blocks: Ce Display Vet ~ aaa Processor | Zz ea sa ry Figure 9-2 s5vioy Log wh. aw” ES Ly Timing: 40omsec <1 > 700msec CHI: 45Vstby votage at power on CH2: Voltage at pin 10. 9.1.5 Display steering Figure 9-1 Check next timing and level for all grid-ines (G1 r G14), 91.2 Functionality description: ‘The essential component ofthe diaplay PCB is the uP (slave), ‘This slave works on an 8MHz resonator and has a reset circuit thats triggered by the +5Vstby. After the reset pulse, the standby contol line wil release the reset ofthe host uP. This host uP will ten intalise the slave. In addition, when going to stand-by, the slave will putthe host uP in reset. When the siave receives the ight IR or key code to leave the standby mode, the reset ofthe host uP will be released Other slave functions ar: ‘+ Square signal generator to generate the filament voltage, which is required for an AC FTD, “+ Generates the grid and segment scanning forthe FTD. mms ‘+ Gonerates a scanning grid for the keys (separated from = display scanning). Figure 9-3 ‘+ Has inputs for RC (RCS and RC6) and P50 (P50 controler is builtin). 1. Check level A: +4V5 +/+10% for ofid lines 1 => 11 2. Check level A: +4V0 +/-10% for grid lines 12.=> 14 913 General 8. Check level B -33V 4/-10% 4. Check timing and levels of segmenttines Pt => P10: ‘+ Oscitoscope measurements have been carried out using a Philips PM3392A, rosea ‘+ Impedance of measuring-equipment should be > 1M0. I + Todo correct measurements we recommend to use supply 3122 427 21970, whichis used in all "second generation B* DVD-players. Make sure that the main 3.3V has a 0.7A load Figure 9-4 Test instructions Display board Level A:+4V5 +/-10% Level B:-33V +/-10% ‘The data on these segment nes depend on the characters that, are displayed. The characters can be set by sending I2C commands to the display. ‘See the Slave URS how to send a display command. Key-matrix Connect a extra 10k2 pull-up to pin 36 en 97 of the uP and check next matrix scanning at these pins. «| Figure 9-5 Level A: 5.0V 4/-7% Level B: OV +/-200mV (Check matrix scanning from pin 26 until $3 of the uP. ‘The results should be the same as the diagram above. ‘Check at pin 23 ofthe uP if this ine switches from low (< 0.3) to high (> 4.5V), while pressing a key on a Philips RCS or RGB remote control Karaoke interface “The karaoke interface (4 lines) is a single direction communication, ‘This means that it consists of four P output lines. ‘The interface can be checked by setting or resetting these ‘output-ports via the 12C bus. ‘Send next command via the I2C bus: Address 0x70 ‘Command byte 0x24 Data byte yowxabed Where a= Karaoke reset, b= Karaoke data ‘c= Karaoke clock. 5 d= Karaoke strobe P50 interface P50 is a bi-directional serial interface, which is used for ‘communication between video equipment, For European sets, this communication goes via pin 10 of the scart-bus. In other regions, it can be a cinch bus at the back of the set 1. Keep the uP in reset by short-crculting emitter and collector of transistor 7108, via resistor 3100 and 3104 transistor 7101 is switched on. 2. Check the voltage at the P50 output connector 1118-5: < 2o0mv. When the resetis released the uP output-pin becomes low and transistor 7101 is switched of. DESO Ee Ce ‘Check the voltage at the P50 output connector 1118-5: 4V9 5%. Check also the uP P50 input (uP pin 20): SV w/-5%. Connect the P50 line (connector 1118-5) to ground. ‘Check again the uP P50 input (uP pin 20): ele we MM f. | ssfeeswon | = taten BUFFER at et ono] 4 =H ww [THERMAL 4 I | SHUTDOWN wat aes. | he i t 4 OVER Dmax & wa! | VOLTAGE 43} cnour ‘SOFT-START MANAGEMENT pet Figure 10-3 10.5 Pin function description Pin function description Pin [ae [esoipion 1 [vee ie pins pate supa eG The operating votage ange ae sat 9010 145. 2 [ve rw pe igh stan VOR) sty votage agp op 3 Lowa pak cere to T50.0A can be suc oF snk SUD or divg ater MOSFET a lgla vaneto « [ows Te pounipn a sng etn, ypcayconecadback ore pone sou «+ [ovewamae [tenn nce psn sneha vote gt fa 250, i detec a oan 8 7 | ouert servo | sotagepoparionl he cra Rowng in the power ach connection «| Donagnttatn | vote arvee bya uy tarlomer edna povies oe cemagrataion a naeaton a 86 Starr" | gpm set fino” hs ine cancers Sant © | Siremerisaton | The sncvanton pi pn canbe aciied wh er apatie pte garg Yor aleve: between 07¥ a oat Sansa pours gorge airsatween OTe 3 oo lana 7 Te ‘0 [or Peers asx: ager 4 perry Pe ape CT cee: hie et 1 | cack str or oye sue corto hain is th tenga yl Ti canbe [Soman | teed ars otage nase corel ipa By omesing Pin Ged MOOS con be ut em {geese 2 | RP stacy | Avonape wv aon ry sn aries tbe apt poner al a wich ola vl an ‘Nowra eon eget mate ot pean. tardy mos] Ar mama Haters opera awa nh ama mde 3 ghrp Somer 13 [enow The arr ari pulsed aval rap conoaraton 4 |vonoe ‘hie th rng ptf rac Amir. can be conected Re ono ome up OA Foca | reuphan pts os eetark 135 [rr mnsey | me eee ogy try varias rae a BF Sandy wee chee 18 | at tel terre Te ac canter om Ou gh Te Figure 10-4 Core oe Current mode power supply 20PS203 10.6 106.1 Operating description ‘The input voltage Veo(pin 1) is monitored by a comparator with hysteresis, enabling the circult at 14.5V and disabling the circuit below 7.8V. The error amplifer compares a voltage \Vib(pin 14) related to the output voltage of the power supply, with an internal 2.5V reference. The current sense comparator compares the output ofthe error amplifier withthe switch current Isense(pin 7) of the power supply. The output of the current sense comparator resets a latch, which is set every cycle by the oscillator. The output stage Is a totem pole, capable of driving a MOSFET directly Start-up sequence tt: Charging the capacitor at Veo 62129 willbe charged via R3123 and A3134, C2133 and C2111 via R3129. The output is switched off during 11 {2: Charging of output capacitors When the input voltage of the IC exceeds 14.5V, the circuit is ‘enabled and starts to produce output pulses. The current consumption of the circuit increases to about 17mA, depending (on the external loads of the IC. At irs, the capacitor at the Voc pin will discharge because the primary auxiliary voltage, ‘corning from winding 7-9 is below the Vcc voltage. At some ‘moment during t2 the primary auxiliary voltage reaches the ‘same level as Voc. The Voc voltage is now determinated by this (9: regulation ‘The output voltage of the power supply is in regulation, 4: overload When the output is shortened, the supply voltage of the circuit will decrease and after some time drop below the lower threshold voltage. At that moment, the output willbe disabled land the process of charging the Vec capacitor stars again. If the output is still shorted at the next 2 phase, the complete start-and stop sequence will repeat. The power supply comes ina hiccup mode Figure 10-5 Start-up sequence 10.7 Regulation Figure B shows the most relevant signals during the regulation phase of the power supply. ‘The oscillator voltage ramps up and down between V1 and V2. ‘The voltage at the current sense terminal is compared every ceycle with the output of the error amplifier Veomp. The output, is switched off when the current sense level exceeds the level at the output of the error amplifier. 1. TimeON phase : A drain current will low from the positive ‘supply at pin 1 ofthe transformer through the transformers primary winding, the MOSFET and Rsense to ground, As the positive voltage at pin 1 ofthe transformer is constant, the current will increase linearly and create a ramp ‘dependent on the mains voltage and the inductance of the primary winding. A certain amount of energy is stored inthe transformer in the form of a magnetic field. The polatity of the voltages at the secundary windings is such that the diodes are non-conducting. 2. TimeDIODE phase : When the MOSFET is switched off, ‘energy is no longer supplied to the tranformer. The inductance of the tranformer now tries to maintain the current which has been flowing through it at a constant tevel. The polarity of the voltage from the transformer therefore becomes reversed. This results in a current flow through the tranformer's secondary winding Via the diodes, ¢lectrolytic capacitors and the load. This current is also ramp shaped but decreasing. 3. TimeDEAD phase : when the stored energy has been ‘supplied to the load, the current in the secondary windings ‘stops flowing. At this point the drain voltage of the MOSFET will drop to the voltage of C2121 with a ringing ‘caused by the Drain-Source capacitance with the primary inductance, ‘The oscillator will start a next cyclus which consists of the described three phases. The time of the diferent phases 34294802 117 11927 750.1% 01W 3491 48220051 20471 4700 550.1 6900 4822 190 10648 BZx260-c5V6 34324802 117 11927 750.1% 0.1W 6201 4822 12083787 BASZIG 3489 4822,081 20008 Ot jumper. (0805) 602 4822 190 83757 BASIS ‘3494 4822051 20101 1000 5560.1 6903 4822 190 63757 BASIE 3435 4822 051 20101 1000 5% 0.1W 6208 4822 190 11528 1PS76SB10 3496 4822 117 10353 1500 190 0.1W 6007 4822 190 11528 1PS76S810 ‘3437 4822 081 20101 1000 5% 0.1W 6208 4822 120 11528 1PS76S810 3438 4822051 20101 1000 5% 0.1W 6309 4822 190 11369. 82X284-C5V1 3439 4822051 20101 toon 5% 0.1W ‘64004822 190 10845. GPIFST 3440 4822051 20101 1000 5% 0.1W 3441 4822051 20101 1000 5% 0.1W Ge 3442 4822051 20101 10012 5% 0.1W 3444 4622 117 10833 104 1% 0.1 3445 4822 117 10833 10k 1% 0.1 7200 4822 19060373 808568 Stag 4822 117 12988 247 1360.10 0805 7o01 4822 19060511 868476 3447 4822 117 12955 247 190.1 0805 7502 4822 13060511 BC847B 3448 4822 117 10683 10k 1960.1 73034822 19060611 8C8478 Bot 4822 117 10653 10K 1960.1 7908 9922 134 88668 LFEDC Saez 4822 051 20008 OB lumper (0805) 7205 $322 13558671 IC SM STV6610AD (STOO) Y| 3459 4822 17 10833 10k 1980.1 7906 4822 19060511 8C8478 BAS 4800 117 10829 1019001 7oor 4822 13060511 868475 3455 4822 117 10659 104 1%0.1W 7908 482 19060811 8C847B 3456 4822051 20101 1000 5% 0.1 7209 4822 19060511 8C847B 3457 4822051 20101 1000 5% 01W 7210 4822 19060511 BCE47B 486 4822 051 20008 01 jumper (0805) 73114822 13060511 BC8475 2480 4800 117 10888 106-%0.1W. rat2 4822 13060573 8C8568 3460 4822 051 20008 2 jumper (0805) 7319 4822 13060511 BC847B Seer 4822 117 10863 ORTON 7314 4922 130 42604 8CB17-25 3462 4822 147 12955 247 150.1 0805 7315 4822 130 42804 BCB17.25 3465 4822 117 12955 247 1350.1 0805 7316 4802 200 16256 TDAA7BOIVA 3464 4822 117 10853 10k 1% 0.1 7920 4922 19060511 8Ce472 3472 4822117 11182 407 5% [7321 4822 13042804 6C817-25 347348220051 20008 082 jumper (0805) 7sa2 422 19060511 BC847B 3476 48220051 20101 10011 5% 0.1 7s28 4822 130 42604 8817-25 3477 48220061 20101 100005% 0.W 7305 4802 19060511 BCe47E 2481 4822 117 12055 247 1% 0.1W 0805 7326 4822 190 60973 BC8568, 34914822051 20101 1000 $% 0.10 7327 4922 13060511 808678 3492 4822051 20101 1002 5% 0.1W 7328 4822 13060611 BC8478 S4ou 4822 117 12955 247 1% 0.1 0805 7229 4922 19060511 88478 505 d8a2 051 20101 1000 5% 0.1 7300 4822 19060811 BC8476 8507 4822 051 20101 100257 0.1W 7301 4822 19040961 BC397-25, 3500 4800 117 12821 68a 10.10 7392 4822 130 60973 808565 8513 4822 117 12055 247 1% 0.1W 0805 7393 4822 190 41246 BO327.25 3514 4822 117 12055 2K7 196 0.1W 0805 7e04 4822 19060511 BC8478 3815 4822 117 10637 100K 1% 0.1 7395 4822 19060511 808478 3516 4822 117 11152 407 5% Fae 4822 19042804 8C817-25 3517 4822051 20101 1005% 0.1W 7987 4822 19042808 80817-25 3518 4822 117 12055 247 1% 0.1 0805 7400 4822 200 17998 011170739 3519 4820 051 20862 Ske Sx 01W 0808 740i 4622 200 17423, UADIS2eT 3520 4822051 20472 4K7 5% 0.1 7402 482 1904280 8C817-25 3521 4822 051 10102 1h 2% 0250 74034822 2002071 MC330790 3522 4822 051 10102 1h 2% 0.250 740s 4822 19042808 8C817-25 £3596 4822 051 20008 011 jumper. (0805) 7405 4822 150 42808 8C817-25 3000 8220s 20472 ak7 seo. 7406 4822 130 42808 8C817-25 Soot 4822081 20472 4k7 5 0.1 7407 4822 130 42808 8C817.25 3602 4822051 20472 4K7 5% 0.10 Tats 4822 200 30085 Lwe330 3603 4822 117 10637 100k 1% 0.1W 7415 4822 19042608 BC817-25 Boos 4822 117 11449 242 5% 0.1 0805 7416 4822 190 42804 8C817-26 3605 4822 051 20472 4k7 5540.1 7417 4822 19060873 BC8508 3806 4822 051 20561 S00 5% 0.1 7X9 4800 190 40008 BCET7-25 3607 4822 051 20582 5K6 5% 0.1 0605 7420 4822 190.42604 8CB17.25 ‘3608 4822 117 10897 100k 1% 0.1W 174224822 130 44568. BC5578

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