OAF Concepts Guide

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Dependent LOV Creation..............................................................................................................2 Dynamic LOV................................................................................................................................5 Creating and Using Custom CSS for OAF Page Fields................................................................

6 Dynamically Changing CSS Style of the OAF Page fields..........................................................7 Forwarding control between pages using Controller code............................................................8 Dynamic SQL or PL/SQL Execution in Controller....................................................................12 Executing Dynamic SQL:........................................................................................................12 Executing Dynamic PL/SQL:..................................................................................................13 Submitting Concurrent Request using Controller Code..............................................................14 Query Region for Creating Sample Search OAF Pages..............................................................15 Partial Page Rendering (PPR)......................................................................................................16 DFF in OAF Page........................................................................................................................22 Debugging OA Framework.........................................................................................................24 OAException Message and Dialog Page in OA Framework......................................................26 Extending the PageLayoutRN of a Page in OAF........................................................................29

Dependent LOV Creation

Requirement: Consider we are having two LOVs in our page 1) Supplier LOV 2) Supplier Site LOV Here supplier sites LOV should be populated depend on the Supplier LOV Field value. If we tried to select Supplier site LOV without selecting Supplier Name error should be shown as below.

We can do it without using any code and by just using LOV Map items of LOV fields.

Important Properties of LOV Map Items: LOV Region item Property of LOV Map:

Return Item Property of LOV Map:

It tells where to copy the selected LOV Region item value.

Criteria Item Property of LOV Map:

It controls the LOV Region Search results depend on the value of item given in Criteria Item property. Corresponding LOV Region item will be restricted based on the value in Criteria Item Field.

Required Property of LOV Map:

If the value is true: Value is mandatory in Criteria Item Field, i.e. the item referred in Criteria Item property should have value before LOV gets populated(Conducting Search). If the value is false: Value is not mandatory in Criteria Item Field, i.e. we can conduct a search for LOV Item even the item referred in Criteria Item property has null value. If Criteria Item property has no value (i.e. not assigned with any item) Required Property of LOV Map will be ignored.

Steps to approach the requirement:

Use FormVlaue item style for SupplierID field as we are not showing the SupplierID in our page.

Items or Fields Details of Page: Field Created in Page Layout Region:

PageRN_SuplierName PageRN_SupplierID PageRN_SupplierSiteName PageRN_SupplierSiteID : LOVInput Field : FormValue Field : LOVInput Field : FormValue Field

Fields created in Supplier LOV Region:

SupLovRN_SupplierName SupLovRN_SupplierID : Display Field : FormValue Field

Field created in Supplier Site LOV Region:

SupSiteLovRN_SupplierSiteName : Display Field SupSiteLovRN_SupplierSiteID : FormValue Field

1) Create Supplier LOV Item and do LOV mappings for necessary fields like SupplierName and SupplierID. a. Mappings under Supplier LOV

i. SupplierName Map:
LOV Region Item Return Item Criteria Item Required : SupLovRN_SupplierName : PageRN_SupplierName : PageRN_SupplierName : False

ii. SupplierID Map:

LOV Region Item Return Item Criteria Item Required : SupLovRN_SupplierID : PageRN_SupplierID : Null : False

2) Create Supplier Site LOV Item and do LOV mappings for necessary fields like SupplierSiteName. a. Mappings under Supplier LOV i. SupplierSiteName Map: LOV Region Item : SupSiteLovRN_SupplierSiteName Return Item : PageRN_SupplierSiteName Criteria Item : PageRN_SupplierSiteName Required : False ii. SupplierSiteID Map: LOV Region Item : SupSiteLovRN_SupplierSiteID Return Item : PageRN_SupplierSiteID

Criteria Item Required

: Null : False

3) Creating a Special mapping under Supplier Site LOV to make it as dependent on Supplier
LOV. a. Special LOV Mapping: LOV Region Item : SupSiteLovRN_SupplierID Return Item : Null Criteria Item : PageRN_SupplierID Required : True In this Special Map we are referring criteria item as PageRN_SupplierID and Required property is true so before populating Supplier Site LOV we should Have value in PageRN_SupplierID, i.e. we should select Supplier using Supplier LOV and while conducting search in Supplier Site LOV SupSiteLovRN_SupplierID field will be restricted based on PageRN_SupplierID field.

Dynamic LOV
We can modify the search results by changing the Where clause of VO Object assigned to the LOV Region fields. We should use Java code to modify the where clause of VO Object. Steps to change where clause of VO Object: 1) Create a new controller for LOV Region. 2) Write the required code in processRequest method of controller as LOV values should be restricted when LOV region is loading. 3) Get the reference of required VO Object using Application Module of Page and assign it to local variable. 4) Change the where clause definition of VO Object using inbuilt method setWhereClause (). 5) Set the each parameter depend on where clause definition using VO Object inbuilt method setWhereClauseParam (). 6) Should call VO Object inbuilt method executeQuery () to effect the where clause changes. Example Code: // getting the reference of required VO Object OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule (webBean); OAViewObject empVO = (OAViewObject) am.findViewObject ("EmpVO1"); // changing where clause VO dynamically empVO.setWhereClause (" DEPTNO = nvl (:1, DEPTNO) "); empVO.setWhereClauseParam (0, deptNo) empVO.executeQuery ();

Creating and Using Custom CSS for OAF Page Fields

1. Take the existing custom.xss file from instance under $OA_HTML/cabo/styles. 2. Add your new custom style definition between <styleSheet> and </styleSheet> elements. 3. Example: <style selector=".CusOraFieldText">Arial <property name="font-family">Arial</property> <property name="font-weight">bold</property> <property name="font-size">9pt</property> <property name="color">#08B53C</property> </style> 4. Replace the custom.xss in the instance with modified custom.xss file (may require Apache bounce). 5. Usage of custom CSS in OAF Page definition or Personalization. a. Using in New Custom Page Field:

b. Using in Personalization:

6. Style definition to lock caps for particular field:

Add below style definition in $OA_HTML/cabo/styles/custom.xss file and use the custom CSS definition name to required field. <style selector=".TNCUSCapsField"> <includeStyle name="DefaultFontFamily"/> <property name="text-transform">uppercase</property> </style>


Irrespective caps lock button, we can enter only capital letters in the field.

Dynamically Changing CSS Style of the OAF Page fields (Using Controller Code)
Changing the CSS of the field dynamically:
1) If required CSS Definition Exist: Example Code: OAMessageLovInputBean OrgFNBean = (OAMessageLovInputBean) webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive ("OrgCodeLov"); OrgFNBean.setCSSClass ("OraDataText"); Here OraDataText is standard CSS definition given by Oracle. Here we can use custom CSS definitions (defined in custom.xss file) also.

2) If required CSS Definition not Exist: Example Code: // create temporary custom CSS using CSSStyle Class CSSStyle customUnCss = new CSSStyle (); customUnCss.setProperty ("text-transform","uppercase"); customUnCss.setProperty ("color", "#F6358A"); // Assign the style to required field. OAMessageLovInputBean OrgFNBean = (OAMessageLovInputBean) webBean.findIndexedChildRecursive ("OrgCodeLov"); OrgFNBean.setInlineStyle (customUnCss);

Forwarding control between pages using Controller code

Generally we will use java methods forwardImmediately or setForwardURL to forward control between pages. Class Path: oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext Syntax of forwardImmediately Method: public void forwardImmediately (String url, String functionName, byte menuContextAction, String menuName, com.sun.java.util.collections.HashMap parameters, boolean retainAM, String addBreadCrumb); Syntax of setForwardURL Method: public void setForwardURL (String url, String functionName, byte menuContextAction, String menuName, com.sun.java.util.collections.HashMap parameters, boolean retainAM, String addBreadCrumb, byte messagingLevel);

url - The URL to forward to. Example: OA.jsp?page=/oracle/apps/po/webui/myPage functionName - This is the function name representing the page you want to forward to. If its null, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. Also if the function is not under the current HOMEPAGE a OAException will be thrown. menuContextAction - Determines the behavior of the MenuContext after forwarding to the new page. It accepts the following values: OAWebBeanConstants.KEEP_MENU_CONTEXT: Keeps the menu context as is. OAWebBeanConstants.KEEP_NO_DISPLAY_MENU_CONTEXT: Keeps the menu context as is, but will not display all menus including global buttons. OAWebBeanConstants.KEEP_NO_DISPLAY_MENU_CONTEXT_RETAIN_G LOBAL_BUTTONS: Keeps the menu context as is, but will not display all menus excluding global buttons. OAWebBeanConstants.REMOVE_MENU_CONTEXT: Removes the menu context OAWebBeanConstants.GUESS_MENU_CONTEXT: Selects the given functionName function if it exists in the current menu. If not it will try to make a guess by moving up the menu tree until it finds it. An exception will be thrown if the function could not be located. OAWebBeanConstants.RESET_MENU_CONTEXT: Reset the menu context to the given functionName and menuName.

menuName - The name of the HOMEPAGE menu to reset the Menu context to when the menuContextAction is OAWebBeanConstants.RESET_MENU_CONTEXT. If the menuName is not of type HOMEPAGE a OAException will be thrown. You can pass null otherwise. parameters - HashMap of parameter name/value pairs to append to the forward URL. The final forward URL parameters are in the following sequence: It will first get the function's corresponding URL call by querying the function information from the database. If the user is not authorized to execute this function, a security OAException will be thrown. It will then append all parameters passed in the parameters HashMap. First parameter added to the HashMap will be first added to the URL. Also the framework will encode all parameter values before appending them to the URL. It will remove all parameters if they have null values in the passed parameters HashMap. This provides an easy way for developers to set a certain parameter's value to null if they want to remove it. It will remove any OA Framework internal URL parameters such as bcrumb, retainAM, and so on..

Usage Notes: Abide by the following rules to use this map correctly. If you do not want a parameter value on the request after the JSP Forward, then pass in the parameter name with a null value to the parameters HashMap of the setForward* or forwardImmediately* call -- this removes the parameter in the forward target page's form action URL and also has the effect of masking the parameter in the request object (passed in through a submitted form value or OAPageContext.putParameter). If you want to replace a parameter value upon JSP forward (for instance, because you have a dynamically changing information like "poReg=x" which determines which dynamic region to render in the forward target page), then again pass in the parameter with the new value ("poReg=y") to the parameters HashMap but make sure that the parameter is NOT part of the seeded function URL or the url (method parameter) that you pass into the setForward* or forwardImmediately* call -this way, the latest parameter change correctly takes effect in the forward target page.

retainAM - If true, all the cached application modules will be retained. If false, all the cached application modules will be released. Developers must use this parameter to control the release behavior of the cached appplication modules. This method will ignore any retainAM=true or retainAM=false as a URL parameter or as part of parameters. addBreadCrumb - Controls breadcrumbs behavior. Possible values are: OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_YES: creates a breadcrumb item for the forwarded page and adds it to the in memory breadcrumb list. If the in memory breadcrumb list already contains a breadcrumb item with the same breadcrumb label as that you try to add into the list, breadcrumb list will be rewound to the breadcrumb item found -- that is, all the items after the found item will be removed from the list, and breadcrumb will not be added twice for the same label. The associated URL value of the existing breadcrumb item found will not be changed. If two pages have the same breadcrumb label (defaulted to page title except for the first breadcrumb that is based on the menu selection), but if they are under different applications, they will be treated as different pages and hence different breadcrumbs.

OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_NO: clears the in memory breadcrumb list. OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_SAVE saves/preserves the in memory breadcrumb list as is. OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_RESTART In memory breadcrumb list is cleared and then the current forward URL is immediately added to the empty breadcrumb list (this mode has the effect of OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_NO plus OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_YES). OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_REPLACE: searches for the first breadcrumb item in the in memory breadcrumb list that has the same breadcrumb label as that you try to add into the list. If such an item is found, the URL value of the breadcrumb item found is replaced with the current forward URL, and the breadcrumb list is rewound to the breadcrumb item found -- that is, all the items after the found item are removed from the list. Otherwise, (if the item is not found), a new breadcrumb item is added to the existing breadcrumb list -- same effect as in ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_YES. Each breadcrumb item in the in memory breadcrumb list is uniquely identified by its displayed breadcrumb label/text (defaulted to page title except for the first breadcrumb that is based on the menu selection) within an application. Within the same application, breadcrumb label should not repeat in the displayed breadcrumb list. If the addBreadCrumb is not one of the above constants, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. For more information on breadcrumbs, see Breadcrumbs Coding Guidelines document. messagingLevel - Used to determine if the forward should be cancelled if messages or exceptions of level Error, Warning, Confirmation, or Information are found. Note all messages present will be shown regardless of the level. Possible values are: OAWebBeanConstants.IGNORE_MESSAGES: the page will be forwarded even if exceptions or messages exist. OAException.ERROR: cancels the forward if there is at least one error message or exception. OAException.WARNING cancels the forward if there are any warnings or error messages or exceptions. OAException.INFORMATION cancels the forward if there are errors, warnings, information type messages or exceptions. OAException.CONFIRMATION cancels the forward if there are errors, warnings, information, or confirmations type messages or exceptions. Note: If you plan to call setForwardURL method before throwing an exception, then you should determine whether you want to ignore the messages and forward or to show the messages in the current page and stop the forward. Throws: OAException If the user is not authorized to execute functionName. If the menu context is to be altered and either menuName is not a defined HOMEPAGE or functionName is not under the HOMEPAGE.


IllegalArgumentException If the passed addBreadCrumb is illegal.

Example Code: pageContext.setForwardURL ("OA.jsp?page=/ssl/oracle/apps/fnd/util/webui/EmployeeCreatePG ", null, OAWebBeanConstants.REMOVE_MENU_CONTEXT, null, null, true, OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_YES, OAWebBeanConstants.IGNORE_MESSAGES); OR pageContext.forwardImmediately ("OA.jsp?page=/ssl/oracle/apps/fnd/util/webui/EmployeeCreatePG ", null, OAWebBeanConstants.REMOVE_MENU_CONTEXT, null, null, true, OAWebBeanConstants.ADD_BREAD_CRUMB_YES);


Dynamic SQL or PL/SQL Execution in Controller

Executing Dynamic SQL:

Import the following packages into your controller.

import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule; import oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement; import oracle.jdbc.OracleResultSet; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction; import java.sql.SQLException; Step2: In the processrequest method after the super.processRequest (pageContext, webBean); line write the following lines of code. OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule (webBean); OADBTransaction oadbTransaction = am.getOADBTransaction (); Step3: As shown below prepare the required SQL statement using variable type StringBuffer. StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer (); stringBuffer.append ("SELECT vendor_site_code, email_address FROM apps.po_vendor_sites_all "); stringBuffer.append (" WHERE vendor_id = "+l_vendor_id); stringBuffer.append (" AND org_id = "+l_org_id); // Here l_vendor_id and l_org_id are local variables Step4: Just write the code as below to execute SQL and get the output of SQL. try { OraclePreparedStatement oraclePreparedStatement = null; OracleResultSet oracleResultSet = null; oraclePreparedStatement = (OraclePreparedStatement) oadbTransaction.createPreparedStatement (stringBuffer.toString (), 1); oracleResultSet = (OracleResultSet) oraclePreparedStatement.executeQuery (); oracleResultSet.next (); String SuppSite = oracleResultSet.getString (1); String emailAddress = oracleResultSet.getString (2); oracleResultSet.close (); } catch (Exception sqlexception) { pageContext.putDialogMessage (new OAException ("OraclePreparedStatement OR OracleResultSet Exception")); sqlexception.printStackTrace (); }


Executing Dynamic PL/SQL:

Generally we use this method to call PL/SQL procedure from controller. Step1:

Import the following packages into your controller.

import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction; import oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; Step2: In the processrequest method after the super.processRequest (pageContext, webBean); line write the following lines of code. OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule (webBean); OADBTransaction dbtrans = am.getOADBTransaction (); Step3: As shown below prepare the required PLSQL statements using variable type StringBuffer. String query_String = new String (); query_String = BEGIN xx_trial_package.xx_trial_procedure (); END; ; // Here xx_trial_package.xx_trial_procedure () is predefined PLSQL Package. Step4: Just write the code as below to execute PLSQL. OracleCallableStatement callablestatement= null; callablestatement = (OracleCallableStatement) dbtrans.createCallableStatement(query_String,0); try { callablestatement.execute (); callablestatement.close (); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println (The Error is + e); }


Submitting Concurrent Request using Controller Code

Step1: Import the following packages into your controller.
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OADBTransaction; import oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.ConcurrentRequest; import oracle.apps.fnd.cp.request.RequestSubmissionException; import java.util.Vector;

In the processrequest method after the super.processRequest (pageContext, webBean); line write the following lines of code. OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule (webBean); OADBTransaction dbtrans = am.getOADBTransaction (); int requestId; Step3: Just write the code as below to submit the required concurrent program. try { java.sql.Connection pConncection = dbtrans.getJdbcConnection(); ConcurrentRequest cr = new ConcurrentRequest(pConncection); String applnName = "TNC"; //Concurrent Program Application Short name String cpName = "TNAPSOBR"; //Concurrent program name Vector cpParameters = new Vector (); // Parameters of concurrent program cpParameters.addElement(l_param); requestId = cr.submitRequest(applnName, cpName, "", "", false, cpParameters); System.out.println("Testing -->"+requestId); dbtrans.commit(); } catch (RequestSubmissionException e) { throw new OAException(e.toString(),OAException.ERROR); }


Query Region for Creating Sample Search OAF Pages

A query region is basically an extension of the stackLayout region. A query region can contain the following: 1. Simple search panel 2. advanced search panel 3. a results table 4. Other elements as indexed children Simple search panel can contain any of the following regions a) defaultSingleColumn b) defaultDoubleColumn c) defaultStack d) defaultFormStack elements. The advanced search panel can contain a) advancedSearch element. The results of a query are rendered using either a HGrid or a table. The table or HGrid elements are added as indexed children of the query region. A query region can have three types of search panels as listed below. Simple Advanced Customize Also the query region runs in three modes: 1. Default mode 2. Results Based Search (RBS) mode 3. Auto Customization Criteria (ACC) mode. Default mode: Developer is responsible for defining the search panels and binding the results of the search to the results table/HGrid. Results Based Search (RBS) mode: Search panel is created dynamically using the queryable property of the region items inside the nested table or HGrid indexed children Auto Customization Criteria (ACC) mode: You have the flexibility of defining your own UI for the search panels, but the binding is powered by the framework as long as items on the panels are mapped to items in the results table/HGrid. Set the User Personalization property of the table/hgrid region (under the query region) to True if you want to support user-personalizable searches which are surfaced in a Views panel. Corresponding web bean: OAQueryBean


Partial Page Rendering (PPR)

A mechanism for selectively refreshing parts of a page (as opposed to the whole page) in response to user actions. For example, if a user sorts a table, only the table's contents changes; the rest of the page remains the same. The FND: Disable Partial Page Rendering profile option must be set to No. If this profile value is set to Yes, a Go button renders next to each item you configure to raise a PPR event). We use SPEL (Simplest Possible Expression Language) for PPR actions. Note: UIX currently does not support the ability to hide components whose direct parent region is a cellFormat or a rowLayout. As a workaround, to hide a component such as a button in a cellFormat, add flowLayout to your cellFormat region first, and then add the button to the flowLayout SPEL syntax: ${oa.<ViewInstanceName>.<viewAttributeName>} Example: ${oa.EmployeePVO1.EmpManagerRender} You need to set this syntax on the attribute on which you want to enable PPR in the Parameters window. At runtime, this item will render according to the value of the EmpManagerRender attribute in the EmployeePVO1 view object. To enable PPR on page, you must create an OA Framework standard applications properties view object (PVO) including a transient attribute for tracking the state of the visible property for the Attribute. The application properties view object should be created in the same package as your module's other UI BC4J components. Note that you should have only one application properties view object per application module (it can include attributes used by different pages that share the same root UI application module). Example: Now we will try to implement partial page rendering for a text item. If value of TextItem1 is null then TextItem2 will not be appreared on UI. If value of TextItem1 is not null then TextItem2 will be appreared on UI.

1. Create a New OA Workspace and Empty OA Project File> New > General> Workspace Configured for Oracle Applications File Name -- PPRProj Project Name PPRDemoProj Default Package -- test.oracle.apps.fnd.pprdemo

2. Create Application Module AM PPRDemoProj right click > New > ADF Business Components > Application Module Name -- PPRAM Package -- test.oracle.apps.fnd.pprdemo.server

Check Application Module Class: PPRAMImpl Generate JavaFile(s)


3. Create a PPRVO View Object PPRDemoProj> New > ADF Business Components > View Objects Name PPRVO Package test.oracle.apps.fnd.pprdemo.server

In Attribute Page Click on New button and create transient primary key attribute with the following properties:

Attribute Name Type Updateable Key Attribute

Property RowKey Number Always (Checked)

Click New button again and create transient attribute with the following properties:

Attribute Name Type Updateable

Property TextItem2Render Boolean Always

Note No Need to generate any JAVA files for PPRVO

4. Add Your View Object to Root UI Application Module Right click on PPRAM > Edit PPRAM > Data Model > Select PPRVO in Available View Objects list and shuttle to Data Model list

5. Create a OA components Page PPRDemoProj right click > New > OA Components > Page Name PPRPG Package -- test.oracle.apps.fnd.pprdemo.webui


6. Modify the Page Layout (Top-level) Region

Attribute ID Region Style Form Property Auto Footer Window Title Title AM Definition

Property PageLayoutRN pageLayout True True PPR Demo Window Title True PPR Demo Page Header test.oracle.apps.fnd.pprdemo.server.PPRAM

7. Create the Second Region (Main Content Region) Right click on PageLayoutRN > New > Region

Attribute ID Region Style

Property MainRN messageComponentLayout

8. Create Two Text Items

Create First messageTextItem -Right click on MainRN > New > messageTextInput

Attribute ID Region Style Prompt Length

Property TextItem1 messageTextInput Text Item1 20


Disable Server Side Validation Disable Client Side Validation Action Type Event Submit

True True firePartialAction TextItem1Change True

Note -- Disable Client Side Validation and Event property appears after you set the Action Type property to firePartialAction

Create Second messageTextItem -Select MainRN right click > New > messageTextInput

Attribute ID Region Style Prompt Length Rendered

Property TextItem2 messageTextInput Text Item2 20 ${oa.PPRVO1.TextItem2Render}

9. Add Following code in PPRAMImpl.java

import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OARow; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAApplicationModuleImpl; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAViewObjectImpl; public void handlePPRAction() { Number val = 1; OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)findViewObject("PPRVO1"); if (vo != null) { if (vo.getFetchedRowCount() == 0) { vo.setMaxFetchSize(0); vo.executeQuery(); vo.insertRow(vo.createRow());


OARow row = (OARow)vo.first(); row.setAttribute("RowKey", val); row.setAttribute("TextItem2Render", Boolean.FALSE); } } }

10. Implement Controller for Page Select PageLayoutRN in Structure pane right click > Set New Controller Package Name -- test.oracle.apps.fnd.pprdemo.webui Class Name PPRCO

Write following code in processFormRequest function of PPRCO Controller

import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OARow; import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject; public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean) { super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean); PPRAMImpl am = (PPRAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean); am.invokeMethod("handlePPRAction"); } public void processFormRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean) { super.processFormRequest(pageContext, webBean); PPRAMImpl am = (PPRAMImpl)pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean); OAViewObject vo = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("PPRVO1"); OARow row = (OARow)vo.getCurrentRow(); if ("TextItem1Change".equals(pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_PARAM))) { if (pageContext.getParameter("TextItem1").equals("")) { row.setAttribute("TextItem2Render", Boolean.FALSE); } else { row.setAttribute("TextItem2Render", Boolean.TRUE); } } }

Output Screens:



DFF in OAF Page

1) CacheComponent not registered (KEY=FLEXFIELD_METADATA_CACHE) (APP=FND) Error Resolution:
CacheComponent not registered (KEY=FLEXFIELD_METADATA_CACHE) (APP=FND) error will come while running the OAF page which has flex bean in the page definition. We should do below setups to run an OAF page trough Jdeveloper, this has flex bean in page definition. Click on Functional Developer responsibility->CoreServices select Application Object Library as Application name in the screen. Click on create component button and give the following details to create component. Name -- FLEXFIELD_METADATA_CACHE Code -- FLEXFIELD_METADATA_CACHE Application Name -- Application Object Library Description -- Stores descriptive flexfield, key flexfield, and value set metadata. Loader Class Name -- oracle.apps.fnd.flexj.FlexfieldCacheLoader Business Event Name --oracle.apps.fnd.flex.dff.compiled;oracle.apps.fnd.flex.kff.structure.compiled;oracle.apps.fnd.flex.vst.up dated Time Out Type Time Out After --Time To Live --Global Idle Time

2) Important Flex bean item style Properties and Values to Use DFF in OAF Page:
General: Item Style: flex BC4J: View Instance: VO Object name which should be based on DFF related Table. Flexfields: Appl Short Name: <Application Short Name of DFF> Name: <DFF Name> Type: descriptive SegmentList: <List Segments should be shown> DisplayContextField: True or False Syntax to control DFF Segment List: Displayable Segments List Syntax for Segments List property of flex bean item: Global Data Elements|[global segment1]|[global segment2]||...||Context1|[segment1 for context1]| [segment2 for context1]||...||Context2|....

You can add the read-only token ($RO$) suffix to the segment you want to render as read only.


3) Changing DFF Segment List or DFF Structure dynamically:

DFF Reference field concept will not work in OAF. So we should use PPR to change DFF Context depend on some existing field of OAF Page. Example: Here we are changing the Job DFF Context Depend on the parameter JobContext. Controller Code: Required Packages: import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OADescriptiveFlexBean; processRequest method code: public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean) { super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean); if (pageContext.getParameter("JobContext")!= null) { // Code used to change the Job DFF context name dynamically // changing DFF Context means page definition or structure will get changed so we should use // below code in processRequest method of controller. OADescriptiveFlexBean jobDFF=(OADescriptiveFlexBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("JobDFF"); // Getting the object // reference of required DFF flex bean jobDFF.setFlexContextCode(pageContext,pageContext.getParameter("JobContext")); jobDFF.processFlex(pageContext); } }


Debugging OA Framework
Some of these techniques are applicable when running the Framework pages from jDeveloper, whereas other debugging techniques apply when debugging OA Framework Pages from eBusiness Suite responsibility. Each method of debugging OA Framework pages has its own merits, and hence you must apply one of the techniques that suites the most to your situation. 1. Use System.out.println When running the OA Framework pages from jDeveloper itself, you can write debug messages using System.out.println. These debug messages will be displayed in the console of jDeveloper. Advantages: * Ease of use, as you simply enter free text messages * Debug messages simply appear without the need to set any profile options Disadvantages: * Too much typing, which can be avoided when using the debugger of jDeveloper. * You can debug only those pieces of code that you suspect are causing the error. Unlike to this approach, using jDeveloper debugging, breakpoints can be set for exceptions/classes as well. 2. Use the FND Debug Logging feature, to see debug messages on the OA Framework Screen itself The debug messages can either been seen on the same screen or those can be spooled into a table named FND_LOG_MESSAGES In jDeveloper, you must include OADiagnostic in the Run Options. This is effectively similar to setting profile option FND Diagnostics to Yes in eBusiness Suite. Using this option, you will be able to click on Diagnostics to enable On-Screen display of debug messages.

Advantages: * The debug messages seen using this technique are exactly the same as the debug messages seen in eBusiness Suite, once FND%Log% profile options are available. * There is tremendous amount of debug messages in FND classes given by Oracle. * This approach is the most useful when investigating red coloured error message Please contact your system administrator Disadvantages: * Prior to 11.5.10, this option might bring your application session down to its knee. But I notice from 11.5.10 onwards, these debug messages are captured very efficiently. * The debugging is limited to the debug messages in place. To maximise the listing of debug messages, try to use statement level debugging. 3. SQL Trace for Oracle Framework Sessions We often use this technique for tracing the SQL statements executed by Oracle Forms or by concurrent programs. The same technique can be applied to OA Framework too. You can run the SQL*Trace either when running the application pages from OA Framework or when running OA Framework pages from within eBusiness Suite.


For jDev, ensure that OA Diagnostics has been included in jDeveloper Project property Run Options. Alternately ensure that profile option FND Diagnostics has been setup against your username. 4. Use FND Logging profile options to capture debug messages into a table named FND_LOG_MESSAGES Use the FND Debug Logging feature, to see debug messages. The debug messages can either been seen on the same screen or those can be spooled into a table named FND_LOG_MESSAGES 5. Use raiseDeveloperException. You can raise debug messages to be displayed in OA Framework pages using raiseDeveloperException. By doing so, your debug messages will be visible onto the top portion of the screen. This is very similar to System.out.println, however the key difference being that raiseDeveloperException displays the debug message on top portion of the page itself. Advantages: * Ease of use, as you simply enter free text messages * Debug messages simply appear without the need to set any profile options * Debug messages appear on the top portion of the page and hence the ease of visibility when testing your code in jDeveloper Disadvantages: * Too much typing, which can be avoided when using the debugger of jDev. * You can debug only those pieces of code that you suspect are causing the error.


OAException Message and Dialog Page in OA Framework

You can use OAException (or any of its subclasses) to display a message on an OA Framework page and the OA Framework automatically displays an error message at the top of the current page. You can display the following standard kinds of messages at the top of a page: 1. Error 2. Warning 3. Confirmation 4. Information You can explicitly display a message box of any type using the following code in your controller. Code: OAException message = new OAException("You cannot create a new change order when a Draft version already exits.",OAException.ERROR); pageContext.putDialogMessage(message); Here you need to construct an oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException object and set the kind of message you want (other options are OAException.WARNING, OAException.INFORMATION and OAException.CONFIRMATION). Then you can simply identify this exception for display when the page renders by calling the OAPageContext.putDialogMessage() method.

if after you call putDialogMessage() in your processFormRequest() method you want to forward to the current page or another page and display the message at the top of the new target page, you need to call the appropriate oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext forwardImmediately*() method. The OA Framework immediately stops processing the page and issues a forward before displaying the messages. You can register or throw multiple exceptions; the OA Framework combines them into a single message box using the following rules: 1. Since an error is more important than a warning, the message box is titled Error if both errors and warnings exist. 2. Confirmations and errors cannot be shown together. In this case, the OA Framework simply ignores the confirmation message(s). 3. You can, however, show confirmations with warnings. The message box is titled Confirmation, and it contains both types of messages.

Multiple Error Messages in OAF:

a. Create and initialize new ArrayList object b. Define the error messages in array list c. Raise bundled eception method Example ArrayList errMsg = New ArrayList(); errMsg.add(new OAException("Msg1")); errMsg.add(new OAException("Msg2")); errMsg.add(new OAException("Msg3")); OAException.raiseBundledOAException(errMsg);


Output 1. Msg1 2. Msg2 3. Msg3 Exception - If above method is being implemented inside a try/catch block, It might not throw expected error message.So either implement above outside Try/catch block or use below steps to handle this inside try/catch. 1) Create array list object at global level ArrayList errMsg = New ArrayList(); 2) Define the messages inside the try block and raise exception with custom message try { errMsg.add(new OAException("Who is Lucifer")); errMsg.add(new OAException("Ra-One will kill Lucifer")); errMsg.add(new OAException("G-One is protector")); throw new OAException("Sandeep"); } 3) Handle this implementation inside the catch block catch(Exception e) { String a="oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Sandeep"; if (a.equals(e.toString())) { OAException.raiseBundledOAException(errMsg); } else { throw new OAException("Exception Has been found in code 28:" +e, OAException.INFORMATION); }

Show the Exception Message on a Dialog Page:

You can display an exception as a message in a dialog page using the APIs in the oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OADialogPage class and oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext interface.

The OADialogPage class holds properties for the generic dialog page. To create a dialog page object, first use the constructors to instantiate the basic properties, then use the setter methods provided in the class to set additional properties. To navigate (redirect) to a dialog page, use the OAPageContext.redirectToDialogPage methods. The OAPageContext interface contains the context and state information specific for a client request. Example Code: // To Diaplay the Exception on a Dialog page OAException message = new OAException("You cannot create a new change order when a Draft version already exits.");


OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage(OAException.ERROR, message, null, "",null); dialogPage.setOkButtonToPost(true); dialogPage.setOkButtonLabel("Ok"); dialogPage.setPostToCallingPage(true); java.util.Hashtable formParams = new java.util.Hashtable(1); dialogPage.setFormParameters(formParams); pageContext.redirectToDialogPage(dialogPage);

If you want 2 buttons (Say Cancel and Ok), then put instead of null in the OADialogPage dialogPage = new OADialogPage line.


Extending the PageLayoutRN of a Page in OAF

Generally we will have requirement like using existing Page definition or Region definitions for many times. In such cases extends property of Page or Region will be useful. If we need to hide or create any items in extending page we can do it by controller code of Page or Region. Now we will see how to extend the existing page definition. Steps for Extending: 1. Create a new page. 2. in the structure pane click on the region1 and click on the Extends property.

Give the required the Page Layout Name or Region name to extend. Click on button to search open search window shown below. Use can use new Control to dynamically change the structure. Other wise keep the controller defaulted due to extended region
3. Search for the region under a particular package where the original page is present. 4. Un-check the Show components with Valid scope only and click Search.

5. You can see the PageLayoutRN of all the pages present in that particular package. 6. You can select the original page and you should be able to see the whole page structure in the new page.


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