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The Original Design The water is flowing regularly in the cannel starting from the main gate of the Dam. Along the cannel there are some places formed like a mini water fall making sound that can be hear from a distance. It is nothing strange to the villagers from the near by villages since the dam was constructed and operating everyday's in 24 hrs non stop. In general, Dams are constructed for the main purpose of Hydro Power Production and/or for water supplying to the agriculture farm for multiple crop cultivation. It is one of the state of the art to the environmental engineer to produce electricity utilizing irrigation water without losing The Origin of Project Design the main objective of the irrigation system. Based on the water flow rate and the drop (water head different) along the cannel, in addition with the help of suitable generator available in the market or easy to do are the real origin of this project started to be implemented. 1.1 Design Ma Mya Dam was constructed mainly to supply irrigation water for multiple crop cultivation. The design of mini hydro power plant by using irrigation water was created to coincide with the constructed drop structures and the locally available materials. After studying the design of drops structure and site investigating the location for installation of hydro power plant is selected with the basic criteria such as working head (drop height) vicinities of villages, number of households and possibilities of power transmission line. The plant is installed at the drop structure which has enough water head and flowing water rate to generate hydro power. A water control gate and channel or casing are to be constructed to each unit. The flowing water from the cannel is the main source of energy to convert electricity with the help of hydro turbine which is connected to the generator. The generated power could be calculated as following;

where P = Generated Power
Ma Mya Dam

= Overall efficiency of the turbine = Specific weight of water (KN/m)

Q= Flow rate of water (m/s) H=Head of water (m)

The drop structure along the cannel of Ma Mya Dam


The required flow rate to operate turbine is as small as 0.1~0.5 m3/sec only and propeller type turbine was selected for low head plant with the working head 1.0~2.0 meter. It is small, light weight and can be installed virtually any where and the main parts of turbine could be designed and easily fabricated in local workshop. 1.2 Application. Once the mini hydro power plant is installed in the cannel the power generating is available as 24 hrs 365 days a year as irrigation water is flowing continuously. With this continuous output electricity, not only lighting and recreation in the night time but also many productivities such as bettery charging & other cottage industries can be done in the day time. Electricity is one of the most essential needs of the rural development. It could be installed and operate independently due to the demand of the user. Furthermore, with this power source available, the small factory could be relocated for their new place as lowest production cost. Day time usage
24 hrs usage

Mini hydro Power Plant Electrification

1.3 Approach.

Night time usage

Battery Charging

This project is approached and instructed by the state leaders and the minister of the ministry of agriculture and irrigation when they made a site visit to the Ma Mya Dam to find the mini hydro power production with the assistant of the local technology and material available in the market and to implement the project as quick as possible.

The electrification with the mini hydro power plant in the cannel of Ma Mya Dam is the first of its kind producing electricity utilized the constructed irrigation facilities irrigation water in Myanmar. It is completely designed and fabricated by irrigation circle no.9 of Irrigation Department in Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation.
By this successful implementing of mini hydropower plant at Mamya Dam Project, nearby villages also located near the cannel with efficient drops approached to the Irrigation Department and requesting to implement the same project for them. They all get the electricity at present and have chances of creating opportunities for cottage industry development. Two mini hydropower plant in nearby dams of Kantin Bilin Dam Project and one in Thonze Dam project were also implemented for the villages recently. (see table 1) There will be more mini hydropower plants planned to be installed in all irrigation projects in the whole country. By installing mini hydropower plant, the people who live in far from the grid will get the chance to improve higher living standard and can develop the healthy environment.


2.Environmental And Social Consideration

2.1Amount of Emissions Avoided(CO2, etc. in tons/yr) The people lived in Myinwartaung and nearby villages used candles and diesel oil lamp for lighting before the hydropower plant was operated and distributed the electricity. Some people used battery lamps recharged by engine driven chargers. All these lighting systems are harmful for health and affected to environment impact because of heavy Carbon emission. By introducing the hydropower plant, it could reduce the CO2 emission and could be diverted to the healthy environment. Total installed capacity = 48 KW, The operating hours per day = 24 hr Total operating hour for year (24 hr x 353day) = 8,472 hr/yr (with 12days for maintenance) Total output = 48 KW x 8472 hr/yr/1000 = 406.656 MWhr/yr The Amount of Emission Avoided (CO2) 2.2Community / People Participation. The people in this area has lived without electricity and has very little knowledge about electricity. Everyone had concerned about this project since it was laid down the decision of implementation of this project as they fully understood it could really benefit to the their daily life style and the way of living. As the first and pilot project for rural village electrification, the investment cost for major parts is borne by the Irrigation Department and the local community participated in connection of power line, volunteer the laboring for carpentry work and earth work excavation. The villagers have to take responsibility to run the plant by themselves after completion of start up and test running. Some villagers have been trained for operation and maintenance of the plant successfully. The local government authorities (Township, District and State level) also provided the necessary moral support and guidance as this project is useful for the community. 2.3 Benefits 2.3.1 Benefit to User. No expense is needed for any kinds of fuel to get the same amount of electricity. It is like a changing of stone age to the beginning of the present electricity world to this community. With its new utility access, it is also easy to expect the regular income by creating small business such as from battery charging and other cottage industry. This project was donated and handed over to Myinwartaung village. The benefit for the user is not only by the economic point of view but also for the social livelihood development. = 406.656 MWhr/yr x 0.8tCO2/MWhr = 325.32 t CO2/yr

Project Investment Cost(see Chpt.3.4) Income from lighting and battery charging (see Chpt.3.5) Operation and maintenance cost Pay back value of the month Pay back value of the year

= 2,450,000 ks = 228,000 ks/month = 125,000 ks/month = 103,000 ks/month = 1,236,000 ks

If it is set up by economically, the project investment cost would be paid back within 2 years. From that point the villagers can get the electricity almost free of charge with small amount of operation and maintenance cost equivalent to as low as 35.9 Ks/KWh (US$ 0.03/KWh).


2.3.2 Benefit to Community. The light in the dark is most invaluable in the developing countries as it has longtime experienced with the nights without light. With electricity and the modern electric & electronic appliances the enjoyment of the villagers in the evening is indescribable in words like more than a country foodball team won the world cup final.
Memorable moment for villagers

By introducing the hydropower plant, The villagers can create new opportunities such as recreation and upgrading living standard by watching TV, better learning for students, introduce new job and business. Could save income and shared this saving for upgrading the living standard as lighting by means of hydropower is cheaper than candles and fuel oil, they had ever used. Create the employment and the villagers become income earners as they could extend of their production time as much as they could with the light and electricity available in the night time. The community get improve their living standard compare to the life without electricity.
2.3.3 Benefit to Country. Even though the install capacity of mini hydropower plant is rather small (Max: 5 KW), its development plays a significant role in enhancing local prosperity, poverty alleviation and promoting the living standard of the people in rural area far from the national grid. Mini hydropower plant able to partially fulfill the national electricity demand and it is effected to developed the rural village in off grid area. By compilation of mini hydropower plant, it will become as a mega hydropower project (5.2MW see chpt 3.7)and the government can save the large investment cost for power transmission line from the grid to these villages including foreign exchange as well for importing diesel. Those the saved budget could be shared for other national development activities at anywhere. GOVERNMENTs ENERGY POLICY. To maintain the Status of Energy Independence. To promote wider use of New and Renewable Sources of Energy. To promote Energy Efficiency and Conservation. To promote use of Alternative Fuels in Household. 2.4 Other features. Benefit to the Country from this project (1) Maintain the Status of Energy Independence. (2) Save the foreign currency for the purchase of diesel oil. (3) Help the rural and remote area development program.

Benefits from mini hydro power System Application (1) The cost of investment, operating & maintenance is much cheaper than that of using fossil fuel for internal combustion engine getting the same output electricity. (2)The electrification with mini hydro power systems can create the opportunities of the rural people for the better social and economic conditions. (3)It can also enhance the development of new business opportunities for Privatesector entrepreneurs for the production of similar system. (4)Getting chance for further development for small businesses as the electricity can get very cheap.


3.Technical, Economical And Market Consideration

3.1 Installed Capacity. With the drop structure height different ( effective head ) the size of generator are selected as 2 kw, 3 kw and 5 kw at the suitable location respectively. Two units of power plant are mostly installed at the drop structure. Water flow rate in irrigation cannel is 4.25 m3/s and quite sufficient for hydropower generating as the flow rate requirement for mini hydro powered generator is only 0.42 m3/s.

Drop No(5) 5 KW-2nos.

The installed output per unit 2~5KW Total installed no. 16 Total Installed capacity 48 KW (pls see detail in table 1)

Table 1. The List of Implemented Mini Hydro Power Plant

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Installed Drop Height No. of Location Name of Village Capacity Remarks (ft) Household (KW) Drop (1) 4 Near Dam Site 50 5 Drop (3) 5 Myinwartaung 4 350 From Ma Mya Dam Drop (4) 4 Myinwartaung 5 Drop (5) 6 Myinwartaung 10 Drop (13) 3.5 Ngabatkya 100 6 Check Gate 5 Bogyigone 100 6 Thoneze Dam Drop (7) 5 Magyikwin 120 6 Kantin Dam Check Gate 4 Gayansanpya 80 6 Total 48

3.2 Technical Design. In the irrigation system such as drop structure, flume, super passage, cross drainage culvert etc are usually constructed for the delivery of irrigation water effectively. Producing electricity by installing hydro turbine at the drop in the cannel without disturbing normal irrigation system is one of the smart idea and good innovation of renewable energy. It is one of the most important design factor to be considered carefully for the capability of power production without effecting from the minimum to full water supply and water level in the irrigation cannel. Therefore the turbine generator units are designed to operate by controlling full supply water level in the irrigation canal as well. To be able to do so own water channel and control gate for the mini hydro turbine unit is necessary to be installed at the drop structure Regular Canal where the plant is designed to be located.


From the turbine selection table(Fig 1 ) for low head and small discharge, vertical propeller turbine (single effect) was chosen for this project. In the design consideration, Overall efficiency and mechanical efficiency are assumed as 80 % and 85 % respectively. To obtain 5-KW for 8 pole generator, the turbine speed to drive the generator must be about 750 RPM. The design calculations are summarized as follows: Generator Power Output P = 5 KW Generator Efficiency = 0.85 Mechanical Efficiency = 0.9 Generator Speed Ns =750 rpm Design Head of Turbine = 2.2 m 2units to be installed every drop Calculated Specific Speed(Ns)= 727 rpm Turbine Speed (N)= 762 rpm Turbine Outlet Dia; (D)= 0.23 m Turbine Hub Dia; (d)= 0.095 m Number of Runner Blade= 4 Nos Number of Guide Vane Blade = 10 Nos Length of Guide Vane= 0.0848 m Angle of Guide Vane= 45 Required flow Rate= 0.416 m3/s Velocity of water (inlet)= 0.115 m/s Area of inlet water channel= 0.3721 m2

Fig (1)


To match with available water head, the generator of sizes 2 kw, 3kw or 5kw are chosen. The casing and draft tube is installed in the middle portion of drop structure. It is generating electricity by slowly releasing water from the gate till it reached the running RPM of the generator to produce the out put voltage at 220. After that, the hydropower plant was operated successfully and could be manage the output power according to the designated install capacity. 5 KW TURBINE GENERATOR DESIGN Adjusting Water Gate The drop structure

Unit in Action
3.3 Technical Performance. The water level difference in height of drop structure results the difference in potential energy available. Power outlet of mini hydropower plant are design by measuring the height of drop structure which is 4 ft height for 3-KW and 6 ft height for 5-KW generator. The technology for design and construction of mini hydro power plant by using irrigation water is similar to hydropower plant technology. Irrigation supplied water from canal is converted into mechanical energy by hydro turbine to drive rotor of the electrical generator. Main canal section between two drop structure is served as basin by closing the outlet of the drop structure with stop log during the irrigation period doesnt met the design discharge. Hydro turbine generator plant are installed at each side of the drop structure by creating the inlet water channel and control gate on both sides of the drop structure site. 3.4 Investment Cost. (The Rate of Investment ) Table 2 The project cost of mini hydropower plant This project is being constructed based on the Item Description Cost (Ks) Cost US$ donation of construction circle 1 Turbine Casing Assembly 450,000 375 (9) for the material and 2 Turbine Generator Assembly (5KW) 600,000 500 technical support. The local 3 Electricity main switch board and access; 100,000 83 people voluntarily participated 4 Water Control Gate Assembly 200,000 167 in all construction works. 5 Inlet Water Channel Structure 250,000 208 However total project cost is 6 Power Plant Building 400,000 333 estimated as shown in table 2 if 7 Power Transmission Line 250,000 208 it is constructed economically without the benefit of the 8 Labour Cost 200,000 167 mentioned above. Total 2,450,000 2,042

The Rate of Investment = US$ 408 / KW


3.5 Financial Scheme/Livelihood Projects. (The payback period) Even though the said mini hydropower project was mainly contributed by Irrigation Department, it should be maintained as a livelihood project by local people. In order to sustain this project, Village Electrification Committee was formed with 5 members and 3 staffs were appointed for operation and maintenance of the hydropower plant. By supplying the electricity to the community, the financial status of the committee will become as follows. Incomes (For Install Capacity = 5 KW) Batteries charging = 60 nos x 60 ks/day x 30 days= 108,000 ks/month Home Lighting = 100 nos x 40 ks/day x 30 days= 120,000 ks/month Expenditure Salary for 1Manager operator +2operator ( 3 nos x 30000 ks) = 90,000 ks/month For Maintenance & Repairing = 20,000 ks/month For Office Management Expense = 15,000 ks/month Saving for reinvestment will be 103,000 ks/month. Therefore pay back period would be within (2) years.

3.6 Funder (Government and non-government) This project was totally contributed by donation of Irrigation Department ( Government Organization) for turbine, generator with main accessories and construction of civil works including design and supervision. The villagers voluntarily participated for earth work excavation and power line installation.
3.7 Market Size (Potential within 5 years) (A)This technology of mini hydropower by using irrigation water is simple and easy to adept. It needs only one time investment and will revenue daily for years. Furthermore, the pay back period is very short as mentioned above. (see chpt.3.5) Ready To Go (B) According to the water requirement for the agriculture farm, it is releasing water from the dam all the year round and the minimum flow rate is 2.21m/s. For installed capacity 5 kw power plant, the required flow rate is only 0.42 m/s. Even though 2 hydropower plants were set up at a drop structure the necessary flow rate would only be 0.84 m/s and that is still lower than the minimum flow rate of irrigation water. With this calculation, more power plant (5 units) could be installed at each drop. Therefore the available power out put would be 1.5 times more (25KW)for each drop. This power out put will be reached within years due to the power demand from the village for their new production or increasing electric appliances. Table 3 Mini hydropower plant in Ma Mya Dam (under construction)
No Location 1 2 3 4 5 Drop (8) Drop (10) Drop (24) Drop (25) Drop (26) Drop Height (ft) 3 4.5 4 4 4 Installed No. of Name of village capacity Remarks Household (KW) Wingaba 130 6 Ma Mya Dam NyaungKhon 185 10 Htoogyilay 40 5 Khinetawkwing 80 6 Alesu 50 6 Total 33

Table 4 The Future Pan of mini hydropower plant

Future Planning for mini hydro power project No. Project location Installed Units 3KW 5KW 1 Chin State 1 2 Magway Division 3 3 Mandalay Division 4 17 4 Construction Circle (1) 3 5 Construction Circle (3) 2 6 6 Construction Circle (5) 5 7 Construction Circle (9) 8 2 8 Kyunsu Township 10 Total 20 41 Remarks



(C) At present, a large number of irrigation projects (217dams) have been completed and every dam has the potential for installation of mini hydropower and some of them are already planned to implement.(see table 4)
Market Analysis Installed(2008) Units KW 16 48 Under construction Future Plan(2009~2010) Units KW Units KW 10 33 61 265 Total Units 87 KW 346

Base on these points of ABC the potential and the market size could be estimated easily. The total output will be 5.2 MW if all dams (217) have installed this system as 11 dams could install 265 KW. This kind of power production will be booming to the whole country within 5 year for sure with potential of more than 30 times from now. ((5.2MW/265KW) x1.5) 3.8 Local Manufacturing/Content of System Turbine and generator are the key elements for hydropower plant. The main parts of turbine such as water way casing, runner blade, draft tube and guide vane are easily fabricated in local work shop. All the parts in generator could be fabricated by the local manufacturers except the armature. The other necessary electrical appliances and lighting fixtures are also available in local market.

Ready for mass production

Local production
Site Installation 3.9 Amount of Energy Avoid By accomplishing of mini hydropower plant(Total48KW) at Mamya Dam project,756.864GJ/yr of energy is avoided and it could be saved 280,320 liters of diesel oil for every year if the same amount of electricity is to be produced with Diesel engine powered generator.


4. Operation And Maintenance Scheme

4.1 Operation Hours (day/month/year)
This mini hydropower plant can operate around the clock for the whole year except stop for maintenance service one day for a month. The operation hour of the hydropower plant could be obtained as following. Daily operation hours for battery charging (Day time) Daily operation hours for lighting (Night time) Monthly operation hours (Assume 1 day off for maintenance) Yearly operation hours (365-12=353days/year) = 12 hours = 12 hours = 696 hours = 8,352 hours

4.2 Maintenance scheme (In house, contracted out service, Government, others) This type of this mini hydropower plant is almost maintenance free and the operator can easily do general services by themselves. The only important things to realized is that the operator has to pay attention on the sound of turbine and generator carefully always. The operator should follow the points as mentioned below 1. Check the water level from supply canal. 2. Check the function of gate operation. 3. Remove the debris and bushes in front of trash rack of inlet gate. 4. Check the cable line. 5. Listen to the sound of turbine and generator. It is designated to do the maintenance service once a month. At that time, over haul repairing of turbine of generator (if necessary), checking gate assembly, turbine casing, draft tube, painting work, cable line strengthening and etc should all be conducted.

The organized committee can manage the major maintenance services as described above by themselves and no contracted out-service is needed. However volunteer technical service is always provided by the request of villager management team from government or NGO.
In house Management Team. 1 Manager Operator, 2 Operators-Technician Volunteered Out Service. One Engineer. (CC9-ID)One Technician. (CC9-ID) Government & NGO. One Area Engineer (District Engineer from ID)


Regular maintenance measures.

As regular maintenance scheme, one day in a month the check list is provided as following. To check the bearing To check the turbine blade and assembly To check the generator To check the water inlet and guide channel To check all electric power switches and transmission line

4.3 Other maintenance measures (Training, after sales service ) The installation and operation of mini hydropower plant by using irrigation water is easily manage by the local people after short training. On the other hand, the villagers participated together with the irrigation staff personnel from the beginning of project till to the completion. By doing so, they can grab some knowledge and experience on the plant and could be referred for the operation and maintenance of the scheme. According to these advantages, the villagers (Organized Committee) could operate and manage by themselves since the plant was handed over to them. More over, they can contact and ask for help from the staff personnel at any time they required. 4.4Local Service Content According to the feature of mini hydropower plant, there is less maintenance and repair job. The operator has enough knowledge and intelligence to take care of the scheme except the major problems in turbine and generator. If they get any disturbances in turbine and generator, they can call for the service or workshop standing nearby them as a local service and could run the project continuously.

The working function and the operation are easy to catch up by every villagers as it is so simple. It could be easily to be noticed by every one passing-by for malfunction of the system, so that they could inform to the most concerned personnel for maintenance and repair. In this way villagers can participate in the regular maintenance of the system.


5. Replicability
5.1 Replicability of project (Relevance, Impact, Efficiency)

This project can be easily replicated in any irrigation cannel for electrification to the nearby area where the communitys commitment to having electricity with self help initiatives.
3 KW 2 nos (Power House in Night Scene ) Among the type of renewable energy, hydropower energy is the most suitable and sustainable to develop electricity with less emission. The hydropower energy by using irrigation water is completely renewable energy resource and there is no impact to the environment. Further more, there is no ill effects on irrigation supply for crop cultivation as primary aim for sustainable development of agriculture sector.

As Myanmar is agricultural based country, the agriculture sector plays vital role for economic development. In order to promote the agriculture sector development, Irrigation Department emphasized to perform the irrigation projects including dams, sluice gates, flood protection embankment and river water pumping etc. At present ( 217 ) irrigation projects have being constructed around the whole country and by using the irrigation facilities ( drop structure ), the mini hydropower plant can be installed. In fact, the irrigation water will supply all the season for crop cultivation and so that, this hydropower can generate around the clock for the whole season. By introducing hydropower generating at constructed irrigation projects, it would become as multifunctional purpose usage of irrigation water without disturbance in irrigation supply. As replication of this project more similar hydropower plants after introducing hydropower plant by using irrigation water in Ma Mya Dam are going to install in other dam projects wide spread throughout the country as mentioned. (See Table 4) As the propeller turbine is small, light weight and can be easily installed, the said mini hydropower plant is the most suitable for local people who lived in off grid area and could be performed with the high effectiveness to generate electricity. The construction work of the mini hydropower plant is also simple and easy to adaptation by others. It would be more attractive to the small industries as the electric power can get 24 hrs almost free of charge.

3 KW2nos(Power House in Day Time)


5.2 Cost Effectiveness (No, Low, High cost) The total project cost of setting up is very effort able range to the local people. The cost of raw material for the parts of the turbine is relatively low at present. The mini hydropower plant constructed in Ma Mya Dam Project consists two major parts as civil work and turbine generator installation. This two major work is involving for cost effectiveness. Concerning for the civil work, the main facility was already constructed and it needs to renovate a few portion of structure such as setting up gate frame and providing of approach channel. The expenditure for those works are inexpensive (low cost). The design and construction technique of the mini For my community hydropower plants is not complicated and so simple compare with other type of hydropower plant. Moreover, this type of hydropower plant is regarded almost maintenance free and less repair. It needs only one time investment and will resume revenue daily for years. Therefore it is very suitable to the busy villagers who can not pay much attention to the system. This is very low cost project. US$408/KW (see chpt.3.4) 5.3 Sustainability of project. The mini hydro power plant designed and produced by construction circle (9) of Irrigation Department has the following characteristics. The following points are the reason for identifying these mini hydropower plants as a sustainable project for years. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Hydropower energy is free, clean and untapped sustainable renewable energy. The hydropower technology is simple, reliable and is easy to adaptation. The fabrication and installation is simple and locally manufactured. This plant is almost maintenance and repair free. The payback period is comparatively short as low investment and operation cost. It can compile of mini hydropower to mega hydropower. This mini hydropower plant is created the secondary benefit of irrigation project as multifunctional purpose of project.

With these characteristics especially low investment and shorten payback period, it is the national interest to install the similar project throughout the country. This project would not only be benefitted for the local people but also for the government in order to promote the living standard of the people by providing of the required electricity which could increase the work force for the country.
The mini hydropower plant started from Ma Mya Dam is reliable, replicable and sustainable for years. 5.4 Others (Life of project) Operation Starting Date. 7th June, 2007.


6. Figures, Tables, Photos

I love TV game so much

We have 24 hr electricity you see!

What a happy we are

Drop No - 1 Drop No - 3 Drop No - 4

Thoneze Dam Drop Drop No - 13

CONCLUSION The renewable energy is the term which is very simple and most popular terms in this early 21st century after the fossil fuel crisis, the treat of global warming and climate change by the effect of carbon emission. The hydro generated power is one of the best sources among the renewable energy and widely installed wherever possible in the world. Myanmar is doing its best to comply with ASEAN expectation to utilize 10% of its energy requirement from New and Renewable Energy sources by 2015. Even though the install capacity of mini hydropower plant is rather small (Max: 5 KW), its development plays a significant role in enhancing local prosperity, poverty alleviation and promoting the living standard of the people in rural area not covered by the national grid. It is also expected to boom the cottage industries along the cannel by increasing multi unit installation at each drops as the electricity can get almost free of charge or so cheap. With this easy to do technology, almost free operation & maintenance scheme and zero CO 2 emission with low investment, the high replicability of this project surely will be easily spread to all from the near by to the whole country elsewhere within a short period. This project is fulfillment of the main objective of Renewable Energy Competition organized by ACE to promote the creativity in Renewable Energy sector and to promote the CO2 emission reduction and to develop better environment in this region. Hence, The Rural Electrification With Mini Hydro Power Project (Ma Mya Dam) is the best for 2009 and forever.


Project Location
Ma Mya Dam is located near a small village called Myinwartaung in Hinthada Township Ayeyarwaddy Division. The village is 120 miles North West of Yangon.

Name of village Project Name Township District Division Distance from National Grid

Myinwartaung Ma Mya Dam Project Myanaung Hinthada Ayeyarwaddy 34 Kilometers

Project Site

Some salient data for mini hydropower plant installed at drop structure No.5 is mentioned as below; Distance from national grid Distance from Cannel Generator Power Output Drop Height Total Investment Cost In House Management Team Daily Operation Hours Pay back period = 34 Kilometers =600 Meters = 5 KW 2 units = 2.2 m = US$ 2,042 = 3 people = 24 Hr. continuously = 2 years

Population List Name of Village House Hold Family Population Livelihood No. of school.

Myinwartaung 350 370 1200 (1) Fishing. (2) Agriculture. 1


ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Competition ASEAN Energy Awards 2009


This project of rural electrification with micro hydro power system installed in Ma Mya Dam is sponsored by Irrigation Department of Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Myanmar. It is manufactured and installed by Construction Circle 9 of Irrigation Department operating and supplying the electricity to the nearby villages since 2008. The owner, the manufacturer and the consultant hereby happily agreed to welcome the ACEs Board of Judges and the experts to visit the site verification of the authenticity of the data presented.

We also hereby agree that ACE can publish the whole submission in ACE publications and web site, without any prior consent of the owner of the RE project. If the submission will be published in the other publications, the consent of the concerned RE project owner would be required.
We, the undersigned certified that all the information provided here in this paper are true, accurate and prepared by the consent of all parties concerned.
The Consultant The Applicant The Owner

U Htun Naing Aung Consultant Kaung Kyaw Say Engg. Co.,Ltd No.31 Pinlone Yeikmon 5thStreet Pinlone Yeikmon,Thingungyun Tsp, Yangon MYANMAR Tel: 95-1-571284 Fax: 95-1-667940 e.Mail

U Kyaw Myint Hlaing Director Construction Circle (9) Irrigation Department Yangon MYANMAR Tel: 95-1-662608, Fax; 95-1-664767 e.Mail Focal Point.

U Khin Zaw Director General Irrigation Department Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Office 15 Nay Pyi Daw, MYANMAR Tel: 95-67-410008 , Fax. 95-67-410018 e.Mail

U Soe Aung Director General Energy Planning Dept. Ministry of Energy Naypyidaw, MYANMAR Tel: 95-67-411057 , Fax: 95-67-411113 e.mail.

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Competition ASEAN Energy Awards 2009
Category : On-Grid Off-Grid

Applicant General Information

Name of Company Business Address Number of Employees

Irrigation Department, Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation Construction Circle (9) Irrigation Department 200

Age of Project
Nature of Business Contact Person Name Position Telephone Mobile phone Fax E-mail
Project Abstract

2 Years
Dam & Irrigation System Construction

U Kyaw Myint Hlaing Director of construction circle (9) +95-1-662608 095006615 +95-1-664767

The construction of Dam is mainly purposed for either Hydro Power Plant and/or Irrigation system. But Irrigation system is mainly constructed for water supplying to the agriculture farms for multiple crop cultivation only. However, taking advantage of the drop (water head different) structure along the irrigation system to produce electricity is one of the state of the art to the environmental engineer who is always considering to protect further global warming and climate change by reducing CO 2 emission. In this paper it will see how easy to install these power plant without any disturbing to the main objective of irrigation system of supplying water to the agriculture farms and how much carbon emission is omitted to produce the same electricity by using IC engine with fossil fuel. With this easy to do technology, almost free operation & maintenance scheme and zero CO 2 emission with low investment, the replicability of this project surely will be spread to all from the near by to the whole country elsewhere.

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Competition ASEAN Energy Awards 2009
Category : On-Grid Off-Grid


Chpt. No. 1 Description Originality 1.1 Design 1.2 Application 1.3 Approach 2 Environmental And Social Consideration 2.1 Amount of Emission Avoided (CO2,etc in tons/yr) 2.2 Community / People Participation 2.3 Benefits 2.3.1 Benefit to User 2.3.2 Benefit to Community Page No. 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4

2.3.3 Benefit to Country

2.3.4 Other Features 3 Technical, Economical And Market Consideration 3.1 Installed Capacity 3.2 Technical Design 3.3 Technical Performance 3.4 Investment Cost 3.5 Financial Scheme / Livelihood Project 3.6 Funder (Government and Non-Government) 3.7 Market Size (Potential within 5 years) 3.8 Local Manufacturing / Content of System

4 5 5 5 7 7 8 8 8 9

3.9 Amount of Energy Avoid

ASEAN Renewable Energy Project Competition ASEAN Energy Awards 2009
Category : On-Grid Off-Grid


Chpt. No. 4 Description Operation And Maintenance Scheme 4.1 Operation Hours (day / month / year) 4.2 Maintenance Scheme (In house, contracted out service, Government, Others 4.3 Other Maintenance Measures (Training, After Sale Service) 4.4 Local Service Content 5 Replicability 5.1 Replicability of project (Relevance, Impact, Efficiency) 5.2 Cost Effectiveness (No, Low, High cost) 5.3 Sustainability of Project Page No. 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13

5.4 Others (Life of Project) 6 Figures, Tables, Photos

Conclusion Project Location

13 14
14 15


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