Gi HW1

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CE371 H.W.

# 1


Q. 1 List and explain the parameters that define an Ellipsoid.

Ellipsoid: An Ellipsoid is defined as a surface whose plane sections (cross sections) are ellipses or circles, or the solid enclosed by such a surface. In geodesy, we use an ellipsoid that is flattened on the top and bottom; this is referred to as an oblate ellipsoid. Parameters of an Ellipsoid: Semi-major Axis: The semi-major axis of an ellipsoid is the distance along the equatorial plane of an ellipsoid from the centre of that plane to its edge; or the equatorial radius. It is referred to as the long radius of an ellipsoid or one-half of the largest diameter. The semi-major axis is labelled "a". Semi-minor Axis: The semi-minor axis of an ellipsoid is the distance in a meridional plane from the centre of the plane to its closest edge; or the polar radius. It can also be referred to as the short radius of the ellipsoid or one-half of the shortest diameter. The semi-minor axis is labelled "b". Flattening: The flattening of an ellipsoid is the ratio of the difference between the equatorial and polar radii (semi-major and semi-minor axis) to the equatorial radius (semi-major axis) and is labelled "f". It is more commonly expressed as the inverse of flattening (1/f). Flattening can also be called ellipticity. f= (a-b)/a Eccentricity: The square of the eccentricity term is mathematically defined as: e*e = 2*f f*f

Q.2 Collect the parameters of WGS-84 and Everest ellipsoid 1830.

WGS-84: a = semi major axis = 6378136.047 meter b = semi minor axis = 6356747.866 meter f = flattening = 1/298.257223560 e = eccentricity = 0.0818192 Everest 1830: a = semi major axis = 6377283.095 meter b = semi minor axis = 6356071.941 meter f = flattening = 1/300.657055 e = eccentricity = 0.081473

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