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In Pictures
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age Matthew 28:20b

Hannah Martin: 1st Place EMDs Got Talent

Sunday Services:
7:30 am Prayer and Devotions 10:30 am Adult and Childrens services 5:00 pm Adult Services; no Childrens service

Answer to yesterdays Riddle of the Day is: A Rug

Todays Lunch:Sliced Ham Dinner, Mashed Potatoes, Glazed Carrots, Corn Bread Muffins, Coles Slaw, Apple Cobbler No DinnerServed

If you have any Ideas, Testimonies, or info that you would like included in the Communicator contact Tina Cattane: text 810-7014205 or go to lot 206.

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