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Trey Thompson Lesson Topic: Physics Newtons 2nd Law of Motion Grade level: 5th grade Length of lesson:

Lesson 25 min assessment 2 sessions of 15 to 20 min each Curricular Context / Overview:

Stage 1 Desired Results Goals/Content Standard(s):

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Expectations: Investigate how change in one variable relates to change in a second variable.

Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) Standards: Standard 2: Physical Science Grades 5-7: The student will apply process skills to develop an understanding of physical science including: properties, changes of properties of matter, motion and forces, and transfer of energy. Benchmark 3: The student will investigate motion and forces. Indicator 3: The student recognizes and describes examples of Newtons Laws of Motion.
Essential Question(s):

Understanding (s)/goals

Forces are always present and working. Natural forces provide a standard by which we operate.

Topical Enduring Questions: - What can we discover about the relationship between forces? -How would eliminating one variable change the outcome? Overarching Enduring Questions: -What other outside forces affect us? -How much of how we operate is defined by forces we cant control?
Students will be able to

Students will know

Newtons 2nd Law of Motion, Direct vs. Indirect Relationships, Definition: Force, Mass, Acceleration

The Learner will predict and determine the acceleration of an object when given the variables of mass and force. Observing, Comparing, Inferring, Predicting, Communicating, Develop Hypothesis, Evaluate and Interpret Results

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Performance Task(s): (Grasps)

Other Evidence:

G- Create a exhibit that shows Discuss inverse to direct relationship understanding of 2nd law of motion between the 3 variables in the equation. R- Museum curator A- Museum Goers, and classmates S- Create a present a potential exhibit that explains the 2nd law of motion P-3 fold presentation poster, pp, presi, goggle presentation, or explaining exhibit and 3-5 min presentation to the class S-Students will be graded on their ability to show their understanding of the 2nd law. Their board must be neat and show attention to detail. Collaboration and the ability to work with others will help the students succeed in this project. Discuss question on student activity sheet as a class. Have students think of other examples that demonstrate Newtons Second Law of Motion.
Stage 3 Learning Plan Learning Activities: (WHERETO or Gagne)

Introduce and explain Baseball Examples. Select a student volunteer to read Example 1: A pitcher pitches Newtons Second Law of Motion: F=ma. a baseball and the batter Define all three words in the definition. takes a large swing. As the Force: Any push or pull that bat hits the ball squarely, will gives energy to an object, the ball (mass) have a large sometimes causing a change in or small acceleration? the motion of the object. Example 2: A pitcher pitches Mass: The amount of matter in a baseball and the batter an object. bunts the ball. When the bat Acceleration: The rate of hits the ball, will the ball have change of the velocity of a a large or small acceleration? moving body. Example 3: Imagine the Select another student volunteer to read pitcher pitches a bowling ball the definition of Newtons Second Law of instead of a baseball. The Motion. batter takes a large swing The acceleration of an object hitting the ball squarely. Will increases, as the amount of the bowling ball have a large force causing the acceleration or small acceleration?

increases, when mass is constant. Discuss definition

Share other examples that demonstrate F=ma Its easier to push an empty shopping cart than a full one. A train requires more force to stop than a small car moving at the same speed.

Differentiation Techniques:

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