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A Picture speaks a thousand words


April - June 2012

Have you ever heard the saying A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words? Well Im sure you did! This term were going to present our newsletter with pictures of events that happened during this term.

Global Outreach Day. YWAM Worcester did a clean-up drive and ministry in Roodewal, Worcester. Many kids watched as the Troubadour DTS performed. Others watched from the flats windows and stairs.

YWAM Worcester praying for the nations at one of our Wednesday morning intercessions.

Anne with our hosts in Wermelskirchen, Germany, Britta and Robert

Keziah dancing at the DTS arts evening

SouthRoots being advertised in a German newspaper.

Watch out for our next newsletter for more details/ stories of our outreach to Germany and The Netherlands
Ministering in the pouring rain Pforzheim, Germany

South Roots taking part in a Mid Summer Nights funwalk in Dhun, Germany Taken from one of the highest church towers in Wermelskircheny Contact Details:

South Roots Outreach Team

Jerome & Anne Cupido +27 733 454 059 +27 799 23 7993

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