Benefits of Surya Namaskar

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Benefits of Surya Namaskar :Surya Namaskara literally means salute to the sun.

It finds its roots in worship of Surya, the sun god. This sequence of activities and poses can be practiced a s a physical exercise or a complete "sadhana" which incorporates exercise postur es, breathing exercises, and profound meditation. The rewards of Surya Namaskara are many. It is the best exercise for achieving f itness. It includes a warm up session as well as the main exercise. In this pres ent day and time, as every individual faces a time-crunch it is difficult to exe rcise regularly, but with just fifteen minutes of this yoga, maximum results and infinite benefits can be obtained. These yogic asanas directly affect the endocrine system and the digestive system , balance any hormonal imbalances and give a quick shot of vigor to the body in a matter of minutes. In about three months time and with dedicated practice of S urya Namaskara the suppleness and litheness of the body can be increased. It is beneficial to perform yoga at sunrise, in a well ventilated place; this wi ll increase the level of oxygen in blood. This oxygen enriched blood will augmen t the store of energy in the body and make one feel active and energetic all thr ough the day. Moving into each asana with alternate inhalation and exhalation, a lso improves breathing capacity. This part of the yoga routine will help expand the chest walls, give greater lung capacity and that in it's self will solve all the respiratory problems. Once it is learned to regulate breathing, stamina is built automatically. Surya Namaskara is the most popular and esteemed exercise as it tones and streng thens the body. Regular practitioners of this regime enjoy a body that is health y and full of vitality. These exercises shape and fortify the muscles and improv e the condition and functioning of the internal organs. Fitness of the limbs and organs will build natural immunity and provide resistance to fight all kinds of diseases. Surya Namaskar is an excellent alternative to caffeine and other stimulants. If you suffer from insomnia or sleep disturbances, you will find practicing Surya N amaskar aids in helping you fall asleep without the need for depressants. Yoga Sun Salutation holds equal benefits for the body and the mind. Its practice results in a shapely and strong body encompassing a sharp and focused mind. Wor king out the routine at dawn, with controlled breathing, uplifts the mood too. T his alleviation of anxiety and stress grants a clear and alert mind that is capa ble of concentration and meditation which is the ultimate path to creating compl ete harmony of the spirit and the body. Benefits of Suryanamaskar :--->It improves the blood circulation of all the important organs of the body. --->Improves the functioning of the heart and lungs. --->Strengthens the muscles of the arms and waist. --->Makes the spine and waist more flexible. --->Helps in reducing the fat around the abdomen and thus reduces weight. --->Improves digestion. --->Improves concentration power

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