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The effect of Antibacterial Agents and Antibiotics of Seratia Marccessens.

The purpose of the experiment was to observe which Antibacterial Agent was most effective at stopping and killing S.marcessens. Hypothesis

If the Antibiotics and disinfectants are introduced then the bacteria should die or not even grow.

Variables and Constants

IV: The petri dish DV: S.marcessens Constants: Ampicillin, Penicillin, Erythromycin, Streptomycin, Germ-x and Lysol. Antimicrobial agent Ampicillin Erythromycin penicillin streptomycin Lysol Germ-x Control Aug. Zone of inhibition. 13 10.3 2.3 8.6 6 0 0

Aug. Zone of inhibition. of inhibition in CM 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Antimicrobial agents. Aug. Zone of inhibition.

The purpose of the experiment was to observe which Antibacterial Agent was most effective at stopping and killing S.marcessens.

Procedure Seven Petri dishes with Auger were produced, and then the plastic cover of the dish was labeled with 4 quadrants and type of Antibiotics introduced. There was one Control in this project where no Antibiotics were introduced. The different Antibiotic tablets were introduced to different dishes and Germ-x and Lysol were introduced. The dishes were sealed and put upside down in a drawer to grow.

Conclusion The results showed that Streptomycin and Erythromycin were the most effective at killing and stopping the bacterial growth as predicted in the hypothesis. Ampicillin and Penicillin had no effect at all on the growth of the bacteria as also predicted. Germ-x and Lysol had no effect on killing the bacteria which disproved the original hypothesis.

Antibiotics have made many things a lot safer for humans; we have immunization which protects us from disease or antiseptics to protect children at birth. Antibiotics are used in foods and livestock so they are safer for human consumption.

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