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PeptideProperties This is an adaptor class which enable the ease of generating protein properties.

At least one adaptor method is written for each available properties provided in IPeptideProperties. public static final double getMolecularWeight(String sequence) An adaptor method to return the molecular weight of sequence. The sequence argument must be a protein sequence consisting of only non-ambiguous characters.This method will sum the molecular weight of each amino acid in the sequence. Molecular weights are based on the input xml file. First parameter is a String variable that is Sequence which is a protein sequence consisting of non-ambiguous characters only, and it will return a double which is the total molecular weight of sequence + weight of water molecule

public static final double getMolecularWeight(String sequence, File elementMassFile, File aminoAcidCompositionFile) An adaptor method to return the molecular weight of sequence. The sequence argument must be a protein sequence consisting of only non-ambiguous characters.This method will sum the molecular weight of each amino acid in the sequence. Molecular weights are based on the input files. These input files must be XML using the defined schema.Note that it assumes that ElementMass.xml file can be found in default location.

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