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Student Gender: Teacher Gender: Age: School year level:

Question 1 Do you think your teacher treats boys and girls differently in class? If yes, how?

Question 2 What do you think makes a good student?

Question 3 What do you think your teacher thinks, a good student looks likes?

Question 4 What subjects do you think you are good at?

Question 5 How do you know if you are good at that subject?

Question 6 Does your teacher make girls or boys work harder in your class? If yes, how?

Teacher/Expert Interview Questions

Question 1 What do you consider as evidence of academic success in the classroom?

Question 2 Do your notions of students academic success differ between boys and girls?

Question 3 Do you think that boys and girls have a different idea of success and achievement?

Question 4 In what ways would you ensure that equal opportunities for boys and girls are given to show their achievement?

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