Steps To Install Bugzilla

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Steps to install Bugzilla: Softwares required 1) Perl 5.8.

1 or higher 2) Database engine(Mysql/postgres/oracle) 3) Web server(Apache/wamp) Steps:

1) First, download the bugzilla source stable release from the following site.

2) Move the bugzilla source folder to default directory of your web server. For Apache its htdocs and for wamp its www. 3) Run the following command / --check-modules it will display the list of modules available and list of modules to be installed with command to install those modules. Use those commands to install those modules one by one or use step to install all the modules in single go. 4) Execute the following command to install all the necessary modules all or else follow the steps given command prompt. Note: It will suggest module to install Eg: ppm install Email-Mime 5) Create one new database bugzilla in your MySQL. Then Open file localconfig and edit the following parameters. $db_host = 'localhost'; $db_name = 'bugzilla'; $db_user = 'user'; // Desired username of database $db_pass = 'password'; // Desired password of database 6) After Changing database details, run the below command and this will initialize database and create required tables. 7) At the time of configuration it asks a mail server hostname. Also it asks an administrator email and password. 8) Now, Open your httpd.conf file and add the place the following steps. First of all, enable CGI support in Apache by un commenting the AddHandler cgi-script .cgi line.
Alias /bugzilla/ htdocs/bugzilla/ <Directory "path to bugzilla">

AddHandler cgi-script cgi DirectoryIndex index.cgi Options +Indexes +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch +FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>

9) Now hit http://localhost/bugzilla in your browser. Note: If you get any error such as 500 internal server error or any other page load error or your bugzilla is not working, You need to replace First line #!/usr/bin/perl of all your .cgi files to #!C:\Path to perl\bin

Mysql Configuration :

1) Allow large attachments and many comments By default, MySQL will only allow you to insert things into the database that are smaller than 1MB. Attachments may be larger than this. Also, bugzilla combines all comments on a single bug into one field for full-text searching, and the combination of all comments on a single bug could in some cases be larger than 1MB. To change MySQLs default, you need to edit your MySQL configuration file, which is usually /etc/my.cnf on Linux. We recommend that you allow at least 4MB packets by adding the "max_allowed_packet" parameter to your MySQL configuration in the "[mysqld]" section, like this:

[mysqld] # Allow packets up to 4MB max_allowed_packet=4M

2) Allow small words in full-text indexes By default, words must be at least four characters in length in order to be indexed by MySQLs full-text indexes. This causes a lot of Bugzilla specific words to be missed, including "cc", "ftp" and "uri". MySQL can be configured to index those words by setting the

ft_min_word_len param to the minimum size of the words to index. This can be done by modifying the /etc/my.cnf according to the example below: [mysqld] # Allow small words in full-text indexes ft_min_word_len=2

3) Permit attachments table to grow beyond 4GB By default, MySQL will limit the size of a table to 4GB. This limit is present even if the underlying filesystem has no such limit. To set a higher limit, follow these instructions. After you have completed the rest of the installation (or at least the database setup parts), you should run the MySQL command-line client and enter the following, replacing $bugs_db with your Bugzilla database name (bugs by default): mysql> use $bugs_db mysql> ALTER TABLE attachments AVG_ROW_LENGTH=1000000, MAX_ROWS=20000; The above command will change the limit to 20GB. Mysql will have to make a temporary copy of your entire table to do this. Ideally, you should do this when your attachments table is still small.

Bugzilla version update: 1) From old version copy folder name data and localconfig file into new version. 2) And follow the same steps as installation. Your version update and database migaration in done.

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