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August 01, 2012 To: Interested Parties Fr: Anzalone Liszt Research Re: Polling Results among Likely

Voters in New Yorks 21st Congressional District Roughly three months before Election Day, Congressman Bill Owens is well positioned to win re-election in New Yorks newly-configured 21st Congressional District. Owens currently leads Republican challenger Matt Doheny by twelve points and is earning 50% of the vote in a threeway race. Bill Owens leads Matt Doheny by double digits and is already taking 50% of the vote in a 3-way race. Owens is currently earning 50% of the vote against Matt Doheny, and holds a 12-point margin in a 3-way race (50% Owens / 38% Doheny / 4% Hassig). Even if Doheny were to win all undecided voters (8%), he would still trail Owens by four points. Owens is better-known, more popular, and has less negative baggage than Doheny. Owens name-ID (81%) is 10 points higher than Dohenys (71%). Owens favorable-to-unfavorable popularity ratio is over 2:1 (41% Fav / 17% Unfav / 24% Neutral), while Dohenys ratio is under 2:1 (27% Fav / 19% Unfav / 25% Neutral). Dohenys unfavorable rating is higher than Owens, even though Dohenys name-ID is 10 points lower than the incumbents name-ID.

Anzalone Liszt Research conducted N=400 live telephone interviews with likely 2012 general election voters in New Yorks 21st CD. Interviews were conducted between July 29-31, 2012. Respondents were selected at random, with interviews apportioned geographically based on past voter turnout. Expected margin of sampling error is 4.9% with a 95% confidence level.

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