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Applying SAP Notes

At times SAP recommends applying certain SAP Notes application to resolve problems or for enhancements The Note being applied could be related to ABAP or it may advise changes in some configuration parameters. Notes related to changes in configuration parameters are applied manually. The ABAP related notes can be applied manually or through Note Assistant. Manual application means manually changing the ABAP code as described in the Note. Note Application using Note Assistant: Call the Note Assistant using the T-Code SNOTE

Download the SAP Note

Click on the Check button to verify the applicability of the Note. The following screen is displayed:

Click on the Implement SAP Note Button to implement the Note. The following screens are displayed:

Create the Change Request. The Note gets applied and the following screen is displayed:

Implementing an OSS note via SAP note assistant The table below outlines the simple steps required to implement an OSS note using SAP note assistant (SNOTE). Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 Icon or Description Download note (differnt icon depending on your version of SAP) Set process status to in process Read note instructions Implement note (popup will appear allowing you to read note) View implementation log, add comments of your own Set status to complete

Other icons De-implement note Note browser (view all in system for your user) Download latest version of SAP notes

HOW TO SAP - Apply Snote

1. Tcode SNOTE

2. Click Download SAP note (Ctrl-F8)

3. Enter note number and click execute

4. Note finish download

5. Search for your note

6. From SAP Note > Display SAP note > this is to check if it can be


7. Finally you excute. Done

SAP Note assistant - Using transaction SNOTE to apply OSS notes

Execute S-note Command to implement snote.

Click on the below specified symbol to download SAP note

Now below screen will be appeared, give the note number below.

Now Double click on below

Load the Note as shown above

Click Yes to continue to Confirm , and press continue

Note : Here it will prompt for local Workbench request, y because this is Sandbox and not connected with other systems in the landscape, so you should create a new request

Give your own description, to recognize your request and Continue.

Continue to generate Transport Request.

Go to SAP NOTE set processing status


Select The Option Completed

After that GOTO SAP NOTE Browser and check the implemetation status

Now you can see below the Implementation status " Completely Implemented "

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