ASTRO Palmistry

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Here we will discuss about nails and diseases , personality and their association with palmistry. How to identify health issues from nails.

Nails and there types (based on shapes and sizes)

Scientifically, nails are very important in the life of a human being, because at the top ends of fingers are provided plenty of nerves which are very sensitive. Nails are of the following types :1. Short Nail. 2. Extremely Short Nail. 3. Large Nail. 4. Short and Flat Nails. 5. Short and Thick Nail. 6. Broad and Square Nail. 7. More in Width and Short in Length Nail. 8. Long and Thin Nail. 9. Long and Slightly Bent Nail. 10. Narrow Nail. 11. Swollen and Projected Nail. 12. Round Nail 13. Small and Triangular Nail.

Growth Disturbances
YELLOW NAIL SYNDROME A 1964 study described yellow nail syndrome, in which nails grow more slowly and develop a heapedup or thickened appearance. The lateral sides of the nail plate show exaggerated convexity, the lunula (i.e., the white half-moon at the proximal edge of the nail bed) disappears, and the nail takes on a yellow hue. Nail Findings and Associated Systemic Conditions Nail findingAssociated systemic conditions

Shape or growth change

Clubbing Inflammatory bowel disease, pulmonary malignancy, asbestosis, chronic bronchitis, COPD, cirrhosis, congenital heart disease, endocarditis, atrioventricular malformations, fistulas Koilonychia Iron deficiency anemia, hemochromatosis, Raynauds disease, SLE, trauma, nail-patella syndrome Onycholysis Psoriasis, infection, hyperthyroidism, sarcoidosis, trauma, amyloidosis, connective tissue disorders

Pitting Psoriasis, Reiters syndrome, incontinentia pigmenti, alopecia areata Beaus lines Any severe systemic illness that disrupts nail growth, Raynauds disease, pemphigus, trauma Yellow nail Lymphedema, pleural effusion, immunodeficiency, bronchiectasis, sinusitis, rheumatoid arthritis, nephrotic syndrome, thyroiditis, tuberculosis, Raynauds disease

Color change
Terrys (white) nails Hepatic failure, cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, CHF, hyperthyroidism, malnutrition Azure lunula Hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilsons disease), silver poisoning, quinacrine therapy Half-and-half nails Specific for renal failure Muehrckes lines Specific for hypoalbuminemia Mees lines Arsenic poisoning, Hodgkins disease, CHF, leprosy, malaria, chemotherapy, carbon monoxide poisoning, other systemic insults Dark longitudinal streaks Melanoma, benign nevus, chemical staining, normal variant in darkly pigmented people Longitudinal striations Alopecia areata, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis Splinter hemorrhage Subacute bacterial endocarditis, SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, antiphospholipid syndrome, peptic ulcer disease, malignancies, oral contraceptive use, pregnancy, psoriasis, trauma Telangiectasia Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, dermatomyositis, scleroderma COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; SLE = systemic lupus erythematosus; CHF = congestive heart failure.

Clubbing of the nails is a thickening of the soft tissue beneath the proximal nail plate that results in sponginess of the proximal plate and thickening in that area of the digit.1 The cause of clubbing is poorly understood; the condition may result from megakaryocytes and platelet clumps that have escaped filtration in the pulmonary bed and have entered the systemic circulation. Platelets then may release platelet-derived growth factor at the nail bed, causing periosteal changes. The angle between the finger proximal to the nail and the proximal nail plate is straightened, creating the Schamroth sign, which is an obliteration of the normally diamond-shaped space formed when dorsal sides of the distal phalanges of corresponding right and left digits are opposed

Clubbing occurs in patients with neoplastic diseases, particularly those of the lung and pleura. It also may accompany other pulmonary diseases, including bronchiectasis, lung abscess, empyema, pulmonary fibrosis, and cystic fibrosis. Arteriovenous malformations or fistulas have been associated with clubbing, as have celiac disease, cirrhosis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Clubbing also may occur in patients with congenital heart disease and endocarditis. The finding of clubbing without an obvious associated disease should prompt a search for bronchogenic carcinoma or another occult reason for the finding.

KOILONYCHIA Koilonychia is represented by transverse and longitudinal concavity of the nail, resulting in a spoonshaped nail. This abnormality is sometimes a normal nail variant in infants, but it usually corrects itself within the first few years of life. Koilonychia also may result from trauma, constant occupational exposure of the hands to petroleum-based solvents, or nail-patella syndrome. The latter is an autosomal-dominant condition that includes hypoplastic, easily dislocated patellas, renal and skeletal abnormalities, and glaucoma. Koilonychia has been associated with iron deficiency, with or without resultant anemia. Interestingly, it occasionally occurs in patients with hemochromatosis. Patients with Raynauds disease or lupus erythematosus can have spooning, but it usually is not an isolated finding. When spooning is present without an obvious associated illness, physicians should obtain a complete blood count and ferritin level to help rule out iron deficiency and hemochromatosis.

PITTING Pitting of the nails shows as punctate depressions in the nail plate. Pitting usually is associated with psoriasis, affecting 10 to 50 percent of patients with that disorder.Pitting also may be caused by a variety of systemic diseases, including Reiters syndrome and other connective tissue disorders, sarcoidosis, pemphigus, alopecia areata, and incontinentia pigmenti. Because pitting is caused by defective layering of the superficial nail plate by the proximal nail matrix, any localized dermatitis (e.g., atopic or chemical dermatitis) that disrupts orderly growth in that area also can cause pitting.

ONYCHOLYSIS Onycholysis, which occurs when the nail plate is separated from the nail bed, results in white discoloration of the affected area. It can be caused by any local problem, such as periungual warts or onychomycosis, that separates the nail plate from the bed, although the most common reason for this separation is trauma. Separation may result if the nail is lifted mechanically off the bed or if a blow to the nail causes bleeding between the nail and the bed . Onycholysis can accompany psoriasis when the distal portion of the nail matrix is affected. If no clear local cause is discovered, a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism should be considered. In patients with hyperthyroidism, onycholysis is known as Plummers nails. Hyperthyroidism also can cause brown discoloration of the nail plate.

Nails and Personalit y

Pale/Yellow Nail :- This type are cheats to the core, liars, and even gamblers. They are always dogged by poverty. Blue Nail :- If the nails are blue at the root, the subject is weak hearted and suffer from bronchial diseases. Nails of Ladies's Hands :Ladies with their pink nails-pinkish and slightly projected, are fortunate ones. They are materially prosperous. Contrary to this, if the nails are rough, spotted and without lustre, tending to yellowish or whitish colour, the subjects are poor and addicted to corruption. Their lives are always full of scarcities, worries, mental agonies and they have their lives with uncertainly, according to "Bhavishya Puran." Ladies with very short nails on their fingers of hand, are of irascible nature. It will not be too much to say that ladies with such nails are like Mahakali. They always want to keep their spouses under control. The husbands of this type of ladies should behave their wives carefully and politely. The children also are under control of this kind of ladies. They are ladies with good character. If the nails are short with their colour pale, the subjects are violent liars. and are crooked to the core.

Marks, Spots and Lines over nails :1.If there are black spots or dots on the nails, such subjects have criminal and sensuous tendencies. They may suffer from skin and blood related diseases. 2. White spots on the nails are indicative of obstruction in blood circulation. If the spots are lustrous white, this indicates mutual and assertive love. 3. A white crescent at the root of nail is a good sign. Such subjects are always progressive.

Index Finger :- A white crescent on the nail of the index finger, generates the circumstances conductive to progress and profit. But, if there is a black spot on the nail, this indicates a sudden loss of wealth and deficit in business. In case the dots is white, the subjects gains in business and commands respect. Middle Finger :- A white spot on the nail of the middle finger with a crescent make the subject to undertake voyages, bring wealth and gain prosperity. If there is a black spot or black dot, some near and dear helps to resolve the problems and helps in troubles. And if there is a projected spot with palish yellow shade of the nail, the subject is rewarded according to the efforts made, but such a case harms the wife and brother of the subjects. Ring FInger :- If there is a crescent on the nail of Apollo, the subject achieves success in mechanical and machinary work. If there is a white spot or dot, the person takes interest in religious activities. Such person developes affinity for studies. If there is a black spot, the subject may suffer from allegations or blames and loses respects of others. Small Finger :- A crescent on the nail of small finger indicates gain in business field. White dot is not good and indicates unsuccess and loss to the subject. Lines on the nails :- The lines on the nails show their real effect. Vertical lines on the nails indicate nervous disorder. Vertical lines on the nails indicate nervous disorder. Vertically curved and unlevelled lines indicate disorders of blood pressure and blood. This also indicates damage to the nervous system. Whenever horizontal lines are visible on the nails, it should be understood that disease is finding its way into the body.

Nails and palmistry Riches and honours shown by overthwart lines clear and red underneath the nail and joint of the thumb. 1. Narrow, indicate an irritable temper or aspiring spirit. 2. Round and full, indicate learning and liberal views. 3. Small, indicate pride, stubbornness, narrowness and bigotry. 4. Broad and flat, indicate a mild and timorous disposition. 5. Filbert-shaped, indicate refinement and courteous manners. Help ,Learn and read about palmistry

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