CaseStudy - Performing Art Theater

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Toro Cooling Systems Pvt.

Case study for IDEC based comfort cooling with Displacement Ventilation for performing Art Theater.
Toro Cooling systems Pvt Ltd (TCS) is getting associated with one of the oldest performing art auditorium for supply and installations of LOpex Ambiator systems with displacement ventilation. The management of the said auditorium placed an order with TCS for supply and installation of total 5 number of machines for comfort cooling of the auditorium as well as the stage and the project will be get executed by end of the March2012. Background The said auditorium is owned by oldest institutions active in the field of performing art, drama and music with more than 100 years of history. It is one of the most respected performing art theaters with many followers in and around Maharashtra. The present auditorium building is more than 40 years old and has had no mechanical ventilation or cooling since then. The management was offering portable cooler for some of the front lines while ceiling fans for other portion of the auditorium while the stage has practically no comfort offered. The auditorium building was due for renovation and this is the time, the management was evaluating option suitable for their requirement. It was considered that with changing ambient conditions and audience life styles in and around Pune, the auditorium needed to have better indoor comfort for audience as well as the artists on the stage.

The Concerns
LCC & Opex Some of the respected members of the committee were technically conversant with the comfort engineering and ventilation technologies and were engage in understanding and evaluating all aspects of the proposed systems. The first and foremost was the energy consumption of the systems and the Life Cycle Cost. Noise The second major concern of the committee members was noise levels of the systems to be deployed. This being a performing art theater, any noise transmitted to the hall of the comfort cooling systems, can negatively affect the performance of the most talented artist performing on the stage. Highly sensitive stage microphones are especially vulnerable to unwanted noise created by the ventilation and cooling apparatus. Winning differentiators from LOpex. In view of this , the committee was closely evaluating a Evaporative cooling systems for the whole building. Toro Cooling team was invited to make a techno commercial presentation. During the introductory round of discussions, it became apparent that LOpex Ambiators score against the conventional solution like Evaporative cooling in terms of significantly lower power consumption, lower water consumption and considerably low noise levels.

Toro Cooling Systems Pvt. Ltd

A senior committee member having excellent technical expertise also appreciated the use of relevant proportional and integrative temperature controls as well as Variable Frequency Drives used in LOpex systems. But the winning point of the deal was suggestion and inputs to design Displacement ventilation type of air distribution on the stage . In this design of air distribution, the cold air will be offered from under floor grills with very low velocity. This addresses both the concerns, to offer cooling to the artists and practically Zero noise. LOpex Ambiator got final technical acceptance on the day the technical team visited TCS factory and appreciated workmanship and overall quality of the manufacturing process. The Committee placed the order in due course and after commercial approvals.

Why LOpex Ambiators

Some of the major differentiators which help Lopex to win the contracts are the technological and qualitative improvements over any and all comparable comfort cooling systems. Modular design, Non Corrodible construction, maintenance free operation, sparks proof, blow through low noise fans, international class electrical and control components. TCS design team sincerely engages with the client to design and offer appropriate solutions suitable for their applications. Engineering knowledge base available with Toro Team helps in understanding the application specific client requirement. In this specific case, Toro Team conceived a unique solution to addresses the problem of performing art theater. Normal air distribution scheme using overhead ducts was changed to displacement ventilation (DV) . The DV can offer temperature in the range of 22 to 24 degrees C on the stage even if the supply air temperature is as high as 20 deg C. Toro Team was greatly appreciated as it addressed the three major issues the committee was most concerned about i.e Artist comfort, noise created by cooling equipment and air and need to save energy. It is also highlighted by TCS team that the Displacement ventilation or under floor air distribution offered for this theater is one of its only kind of solutions in the country, especially done with IDEC technology. About TCSToro Cooling systems Pvt Ltd is in the business of offering most advanced and energy efficient , solutions and services in the domain of Low Energy Cooling, IAQ and Pre-cooling applications suitable for comfort cooling applications in various industry verticals.

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