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ENGLISH PMR SECTION B LITERATURE COMPONENTS POEM Paper 2: Section B Poems open-ended questions (2 questions 3 marks) Students must

st learn and understand the element of: persona meaning (literal and figurative) tone/mood themes moral lessons/messages

PMR Tips: 1. Answers could be lifted from the extract or could be paraphrased. 2. For yes/no question, marks are given for a relevant reason which is related to the poem. Lower Secondary Form 1 to Form 3 Poems 1. The River Valerie Bloom 2. Mr. Nobody Unknown author 3. I Wonder Jeannie Kirby 4. Heir Conditioning M SHANmughalingam 5. A Fighters Lines Marzuki Ali 6. Leisure William Henry Davies

Form 2


I Wonder by Jeannie Kirby. Answer the following questions.

1. How does the child describe the wind?

Ans: as something that cannot be seen

2. What does the child want to know about the moon?

Ans: where the missing bit goes when the moon is not round
3. What are the words the child uses to describe clouds?

Ans: fluffy and high

4. What does the child wonder about Dad?

Ans: why Dad does not answer the questions

5. What can you learn from this poem?

Ans: Children are very imaginative and curious. / Children often ask simple questions about things that adults take for granted. / When children become adults, they stop being curious. / Adults do not know everything about nature. (Accept any suitable answer) 6. What would the child like to know about birds? Ans: who showed them how to build their homes 7. In the poem, the child thinks that trees are Ans: resting 8. The child thinks that when the moon is not round, the missing bit is Ans: hidden somewhere 9. The child thinks that _____ lights the stars and paints the rainbows. Ans: someone

10. The child asks her father what makes _____ flash. 2

ENGLISH PMR Ans: lightning 11. When the stars disappear, the child thinks that Ans: a person has blown them out 12. What are the things mentioned in the poem? Ans: moon, cloud, rainbows 13. What are the words that describe the child in the poem? Ans: smart, curious, imaginative 14. The line Who taught the birds to build a nest shows that the poet Ans: feels that someone teaches birds how to build a nest 15. All the questions that the poet asks are about Ans: nature 16. The poet thinks that her father Ans: knows the answer to her questions

Form 2
Heir Conditioning by M SHANmughalingam.

ENGLISH PMR Answer the following questions.

1. Look at the first line from the first stanza, where the grandchild says did you breathe

This shows that the grandchild thinks that Ans: it is difficult to breathe in a hot environment
2. What are the things that the grandchild considers as things that you must have in life?

Ans: faxes and long distance calls

The grandparent points out that there was no destruction of forests when he was young.

3. Do you agree with this statement? Why? Ans: Yes. In the poem, the grandparent says that they did not knowdestruction of forests This means that there was no destruction of forest. 4. From the first three lines of the poem, we know that the grandchild Ans: thinks it is difficult to live without air cons 5. In the poem, it shows that the grandchild would find it difficult to live Ans: without phones and faxes 6. Why do you think the grandparent says that nature fears the grandchild? Ans: because people destroy the environment
The grandchild is used to modern-day inventions.

7. Do you agree with the above statement? Why? Ans: Yes. Based on the poem, the child wonders how his grandparents could live without faxes and long distance calls. This means he could not imagine how life is without modern-day inventions as he is used to it.
8. In this poem, the grandparents feels that problems such as traffic jams and destruction

of streams are caused by Ans: ignorance


ENGLISH PMR 9. The grandchild thinks that in the old days, people Ans: suffered a lot 10. In the first two lines of the stanza, the grandparent Ans: admits that their life was different from the grandchilds 11. This poem is in the form of Ans: a conversation between a grandparent and a grandchild 12. The grandchild thinks that life was _____ before modern inventions. Ans: difficult 13. A long time ago, people had respect for Ans: God and nature

Form 3
A Fighters Lines by Marzuki Ali. Answer the following questions. 1. The poem, The Fighters Lines, is written by

ENGLISH PMR Ans: Marzuki Ali 2. In stanza 1, the persona had made a name for himself in history for his role in the Ans: fight for independence 3. In stanza 1, we know that the persona is Ans: old and tired 4. What does the persona say about the fight for independence? Ans: it was costly in terms of lives lost 5. What is the best word to describe the personas physical handicap? Ans: physically disabled 6. In stanza 2, which words show that the persona is alert and aware of current social problems? Ans: disturbs me 7. What do you think the phrase remnants my crippled years mean? Ans: The remainder of the wheelchair-bound days. 8. The persona uses the words net of deceit indicate that the ans: problem is becoming extensive/widespread
9. Who did the persona directed his battle cry to?

Ans: youths 10. Why are the young people referred to as heirs of our freedom? Ans: They have inherited what the persona fought for.
11. The persona wants the young people to do the following except

Ans: abuse their positions

Form 3
Leisure by William Henry Davies. Answer the following questions. 1. What does the cows and sheep do in the fields? Ans: graze

2. Based on the poem, write down one expression that is compatible (well-matched)

Ans: life full of care

3. According to the poem, what are the things that beauty does

Ans: smile, dance and laugh 4. The beautiful things in nature are Ans: stars, steams, trees 5. The word boughs refer to Ans: branches of trees 6. When can streams be full of stars? Ans: in broad daylight 7. The persona is advising us to do the following except Ans: work and neglect to rest 8. When beauty moves her feet, she is Ans: dancing 9. The expression stand and stare is example of the poetic device of Ans: metaphor
10. The main theme in the poem Leisure is

Ans: relaxation is part of life

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