July 29, 2012

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Todays Psalm and the story behind it are passionate, at the very least. The Psalm is a plea, but the underlying story is one of betrayal and revenge; jealousy and contempt. The seeds of hatred and disrespect choked out the seeds of grace. For Christians today, these are the kinds of things that happen to other people. Here in the West, we enjoy a peaceful coexistence with the enemies of the Cross. (How nice.) We enjoy protection under the Law for our beliefs and faith. And Gods enemies enjoy the same. Where does that put us? It puts us next door to Lot and his family in Sodom, or Gomorrah in the Plains of Siddim near the Dead Sea. Because of our protection under the Law, sinners dont bother us. Because of their protection under the same Law, we dont bother them, not even with the Gospel. This past week a Christian business owner took a stand for righteousness. He publicly stated his beliefs about gay marriage, and has subsequently been vilified all week in the media. The Mayor of Boston, MA issued a statement that the man could keep his businesses out of Boston. National boycotts will surely follow. So, leave us alone and well leave them alone too. This is the god called Tolerance. It manifests itself as political correctness. As citizens we bow to it just like any atheists, or liberal. Paul states and warns us of such things. Philippians 3:17-19 is an evangelical plea to not forsake truth, for the sake of unity. Yet today, society and much of the church has done exactly that. Sinners of every sin are now protected under the Law. But when we leave them alone, their end is hell. Not all will hear us. But if even one hears about the Truth miracles happen; a sinner might repent; the angels in heaven will rejoice! Preach the word; be instant in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time shall come when they will not endure sound doctrine for they shall hear only teachers who tell them what they want to hear. 2 Timothy 4:2-4 (paraphrased). Gods grace is not to be perceived as His winking approval.

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