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. Open a program Visual Basic and follow the instruction below. Clik at the right at Form1.

2. The following instruction will be shown and click Open

3. Active the Menu Editor (Tools-s) Follow this steps: Click the menu Tools. Select Menu Editor. You can also use shortcut (Ctrl E) or use the icon Toolbar.

Place the textbox for Caption and Name as follows: Caption : Practical List Name : mnuPractical

4. Press button Next following with button .Type Combine String for Caption and mnuCombine for Name. 5. Press button Next, type Calculator and Caption and mnuCalculator for Name. 6. Again press button Next, type E&xit for Caption and mnuExit for Name. 7. The following are your Menu Editor display.


The following displat will be produce. Please click Comnine String, Calculator and Exit and place an instruction as below.

9. Add 2 new form from FormMDI as below.

10. When a new form is display change MDIChild instruction in Properties to True as follow. Do the same to the two new form. For the first form change Caption to Combine String and Name to frmCombineString. The second form change Caption to Calculator and Name to frmCalculator.

11. Click two times on form frmCombineString. Follow the following example

12. Click two times form frmCalculator as example and write the program as below.

PORT DICKSON POLYTECHNIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT E3062 PROGRAMMING I ASSIGNMENT 2 BAHAGIAN B 1. From the instruction 11 please add a program suitable for three Textboxfunction. so that it can display combine uppercase later ,lowercase later and the first alphabet on the first later is uppercase. Used function LCase(string), Ucase(string) and StrConv(string,conversion). Make sure button Erase is functioning. 2. Build a program that can be used as rate exchange from RM to other currencies as shown below:

3. Build a program that can count monthly payment for a loan as below. Used the formula given.

Every report should include the code program.

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