The Islamic Ruling On Muslim Marriage Websites

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Islamc Ruling on Muslim Marriage Websites

Question: What is the Islamic ruling on trying to get married through a Muslim Marriage Site like SingleMuslims or In the name of Allah the Most Merciful the Most Compassionate Answer: Unfortunately the vast majority of such organisations are set-up as financial ventures and the main concern is not the adherence to the Shariah and its pure spirit. This is evidenced by there being little or no Ulama-involvement in their organisation and running. As a result many evils are found in the way they operate and often differ little from a non-Muslim marriage site set-up. Thus photos of sisters are freely made available to absolute strangers who can share them to even more strangers; often no arrangement is made to ensure that parents are the actual interface for a possible match and they do the talking. As a result of the violations of such Islamic ettiquettes illicit liaisons frequently take place between the girl and boy leading to Zina and other sins such as exchanging photos, chatting casually on the phone and texting (despite the fact that they are absolute strangers). The hadith are explicit that it is the walis/gaurdian (father, grand-father, uncle, brother; and if a sister does not have such people, because for example she is a new-Muslima, then this role can be undertaken by a reputable and learned Imam who resides in her locality) who arrange possible suitable husbands for her. The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: There is no nikah except with a wali (Jami al-Tirmidhi). In view of all the Unislamic evils these websites encourage and facilitate, it is hard to see how any marriage conducted via such websites will not be doomed from the outset and tears will be its sorry end. The reason for this is that Allahs help, blessings and mercy vanishes when people wantonly discard Allahs taala laws and teachings: So, those who violate his (messengers) order must beware, lest some trial befall them or there comes to them some painful punishment. (Sura al-Nur:63) Those who wish to help Muslims to get married, and it is indeed a highly rewarded and mubarak intention, should do so by consulting with the Ulama and following their guidelines. Wallaahu aalam Mufti Abu Ammarah As-Salik Academy 13 Ramadan 1433

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