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BuiltFitProLifts3"Beta" WorkoutGuide


BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


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All information presented here is property of Thomas Calkins and This is a free ebook and is not to be sold or claimed ownership by someone else. This content is intended for Built Fit members who registered for free.

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout



BUILTFITPROLIFTS3WORKOUTGUIDE .......................................................... 3

AboutTheBuiltFitProLifts3 ........................................................................... 4 WorkoutRoutine ........................................................................................... 4 ProLifts3WorkoutSetup................................................................................ 6

1.WorkoutSchedule..........................................................................................................................6 2.ExerciseSelection...........................................................................................................................6 3.WeeklyCoreLiftStructure .............................................................................................................8

StartingProLiftsWorkout .............................................................................. 9
WarmupWeeks ..................................................................................................................................9 PrepWeek.........................................................................................................................................10 StartProLifts3Workout ....................................................................................................................11 ProgressingandWeek5andBeyond ...............................................................................................14 BeyondWeek12 ...............................................................................................................................15

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


About The BuiltFit ProLifts3 Workout Routine

TheBuiltFitProlifts3workoutwascreatedin2012byThomas Calkins, founder Although the workout is unique it could not have been created without the training principles and ideas from some popular workouts. The primary goal of the BuiltFit ProLifts3 workout is to build muscleandincreasestrength. Background Overthepast10yearsIhavetriedseveraldifferentworkoutsprograms.Some workedwellandothersdidnot.ThewholeideaofProlifts3wastocreatea workout routine for myself to build muscle, which contained some of the aspectsfrompopularworkoutswhichIfoundtobeimportant. ThreeofthemainworkoutsthatProlifts3isbasedonarethebasic3day/week Push/Pull/Leg split, Growth Stimulus Training (GST), and Madcow 5x5. You willseesimilaritiestoGSTandfullcreditneedstobegiventothatworkoutfor thesomeofthefoundationofProLifts3. Here are the aspects that I found to be successful in a workout routine for buildingmuscle: Variationinvolumebydifferentamountofsets,reps,orweightlifts Focusoncompoundexercises Adequateamountsofrestbetweenworkouts Stepbystepworkouttemplatetofollow Linearprogressioncontinuouslyaddingvolumeorweight 812weeksinlength Highreps/lighterweightandlowreps/heavierweightvariation

Ihadgoodsuccessworkingoutin3daysperweeklikeIusedduringMadcow 5x5 and my standard push/pull/leg 3 day/week training split. The one thing my3dayperweeklacked,whichIreallyenjoyedinMadcow5x5andGST,was howeasilyitwastofollowandprogressweekbyweek.Alltheguessworkwas takenoutofitbyjustusingweightsbaseonpercentagesofyouronerepmax (1RM).

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


I enjoyed 5x5 but after awhile it can get boring. GST had more variety and flexibilitybutIwanteda3dayperweekworkoutwithaslightvariationinrep schemes. Mysuccess: Idida12weektestwiththeProLifts3andtheresultsweregreat.Herewere someofmyresults: Timeframe:12weeks LeanMusclegained:7lbs InclineBenchPress:20lbincrease Deadlift:25lbincrease Squats:20lbincrease

Notethesearenotnewbiegains. Iwillberunninganother12weekworkoutinFall2012,sobesuretofollow. AftermysuccessfulrunwiththeprogramIselectedafewmemberstotestthe workoutaswell.Allhadgreatresults. The ProLifts3 workout is a free workout that I am happy to share with everyoneandIhopeyouhavegreatsuccesswithitaswell.Besuretoreadthe testimonialsonBuiltfit.comandleaveyoursaswell.

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


ProLifts3 Workout Setup

TheProLiftsworkoutisperformeda3dayperweekworkoutthatisrunfora minimumof8weekswithoutanyexercisevariation.Itisrecommendedyou completethatfull12weekworkoutbeforechanginganycorelifts. Youneedtoleaveadayofrestbetweenexercisessoyoucanprobablyrecover betweenworkouts.Inthatcaseyoucanworkoutthefollowingdays:Monday, Wednesday,FridayorTuesday,Thursday,SaturdayorSunday,Tuesday, Thursday. Eachdaywillbedifferentduringtheweek,herearethethreeworkouts: Day1:PushWorkout Day3:PullWorkout Day5:LegWorkout

Most of the exercise involved in the workout are compound, free weight exercisesinwhichyoucanliftaheavyamountofweight. Eachworkoutwillfeatureacoreexercisefollowingby3accessoryexercises. YoucanviewhowtodoeachexerciseonBuiltfit.comexercisepage: Thecoreliftsarethemostimportantpartoftheexercise.Thesewillbeyour main focus as the reps and weights change week by week for this exercise. Theseareallcompoundexercisesthatenableyoutoliftthemostweight. Youwillpickoneexerciseforeachworkoutfromthetablebelow:
Push- Core Exercises Incline BB Press Flat BB Press Military BB Press Standing BB Press Pull- Core Exercises Conventional Deadlift Sumo Deadlift Rack Pulls Leg - Core Exercises BB Squats Box Squats Front Squats Wide Stance Squats Narrow Stance Squats

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


Nextyouwillpick3accessoryexercisesforeachworkoutfromthetablebelow. PickonlyoneliftfromAccessoryLift3group:
Push Accessory Lifts 1-2 Dips Flat DB Press Incline DB Press Overhead Press Close Grip Bench Press Decline Bench Push Accessory Lift 3 Any of the above plus: Triceps Extensions DB Flys DB Lateral Raises Pull Accessory Lifts 1-2 Pullups BB Rows DB Rows BB Shrugs T-Bar Row Chin Ups Seated Rows Lat Pulldown Pull Accessory Lift 3 Any of the above plus: Hyperextensions BB Curls DB Curls Leg Accessory Lifts 1-3 Leg Press Calf Raises Hack Squat Stiff Legged Dead Lift Leg Curls BB Lunges DB Lunges Leg Extensions


Ifyouareunsureofwhichexercisesyoushouldpick,herearetheonesIwould suggest: PushDay CoreLift:InclineBBPress AccessoryLift1:Dips AccessoryLift2:CloseGripBenchPress AccessoryLift3:DBLateralRaises PullDay CoreLift:Deadlift AccessoryLift1:BarbellRows AccessoryLift2:Pullups AccessoryLift3:StandingBBCurls LegDay CoreLift:BBSquats AccessoryLift1:StiffLeggedDeadlift AccessoryLift2:DBLunges AccessoryLift3:CalfRaises

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


TheProLiftsworkoutiscomposedof4weekblocksofworkouts.Aftereach4 weekblock,theweightsareadjustedasyouprogressinyourlifts. Beforeyoubeginthefullworkoutyouwillhavealreadydeterminedyour1RM for each workout (as discussed later). This 1RM is used to determine the weighttouseduringeach4weekblock. Hereistheweekbyweekstructure:
Exercise Core Lift Set/Reps 3 x 10 Weight
60% to 70% of Max

Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Exercise Core Lift Set/Reps 3x6 Weight
70% to 80% of Max

Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Exercise Core Lift Set/Reps 3x3 Weight
80% to 90% of Max

Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Exercise Core Lift Set/Reps 3x1 Weight
90% to 100% of Max

Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Youwillnoticeonthethirdsetyouwilltrytodoasmanyrepsasyoucan.You mightbeabletodoalmosttwiceasmanyrepsasthefirstandsecondsets.

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


Starting ProLifts Workout

BeforeyoubegindivingintheProLifts3workout,youneedtomakesureyour bodyisready. Thereareafewreasonyouneedtoperformwarmupweeks: 1. Youhavenotliftedweightsinthelastmonth 2. Youarenotfamiliarwiththeexercises.Yourformneedstobeperfected beforemovingforward 3. Todeloadforaweekbeforetheworkoutbegins Ifyoudonotmeetanyofthesecategoriesthenyoucanskiptotheprepweek. Warmupweek: Day1PushDay: PushCoreLift12x15LightWeight PushAccessoryLift12x15LightWeight PushAccessoryLift12x15LightWeight PushAccessoryLift12x15LightWeight 10minutesCardio. Day2PullDay: PullCoreLift12x15LightWeight PullAccessoryLift12x15LightWeight PullAccessoryLift12x15LightWeight PullAccessoryLift12x15LightWeight 10minutesCardio. Day3LegDay: LegCoreLift12x15LightWeight LegAccessoryLift12x15LightWeight LegAccessoryLift12x15LightWeight LegAccessoryLift12x15LightWeight 10minutesCardio.

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


Besuretostretchbeforeeachworkoutandstretchinbetweenworkoutstoo. WarmupdayscanbeperformedMonday,Wednesday,andFridayorother suitabledaysfollowingyourschedule.Besuretoleaveadaybetweeneach workout. Doatleast2weeksofworkoutsbeforegoingtothePrepweek.Makesure yourformiscorrectandyouarecomfortablestartingtoliftheavyweightson eachcoreexercise.

ThePrepweekisrequiredtogetabaselineforallyourcore1repmaxes.The prepweeksalsoactsasawarmupweekfortheworkoutaswell. HereisthePrepWeekWorkout
Monday - Push Day Push Core Lift Push Accessory Lift 1 Push Accessory Lift 2 Push Accessory Lift 3 Wednesday - Pull Day Pull Core Lift Pull Accessory Lift 1 Pull Accessory Lift 2 Pull Accessory Lift 3 Friday - Leg Day Leg Core Lift Leg Accessory Lift 1 Leg Accessory Lift 2 Leg Accessory Lift 3 5+ Rep Max Test - See below 2x15 Light weight 2x15 Light weight 1x15 Light weight 5+ Rep Max Test - See below 2x15 Light weight 2x15 Light weight 1x15 Light weight 5+ Rep Max Test - See below 2x15 Light weight 2x15 Light weight 1x15 Light weight

5 Rep Max Test 1. Foreachofyourcoreexercisesdo2warmupsetswhereyoucaneasily do20reps(doit10times). 2. Next,doasetwhereyoucandoabout1012reps(doit5times). 3. Take a 3 minute rest and add more weight (something you could do about5times)anddoasmanyasyoucan. 4. Recordthisweightandnumberofreps.

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


Determiningyourestimatedmax: YoucanusethecalculatorintheProLiftsExcelworkouttemplatetoestimate youronerepmaxforeachofyourlifts.Ifyouwanttocalculateityourselfhere istheformula: OneRepMax=(R/30+1)*W R=reps,W=weight

YoucanbegintheBuiltFitProLifts3workoutafteryouhavewentthroughthe Prepweekanddeterminedyour3maxes. Hereisaquicklookattheworkoutprogram.Itisrecommendedthatyouuse theProLifts3ExcelWorkoutTemplatetofollowtheprogram.
Workout Week 1 - High Reps/Low Weight Push Workout Week 1 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3 Pull Workout Week 1 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3 Legs Workout Week 1 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3

Sets/Reps 3 x 10 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10

Weight 60-70% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Sets/Reps 3 x 10 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10

Weight 60-70% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Sets/Reps 3 x 10 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10

Weight 60-70% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Workout Week 2 - Medium Reps/Medium Weight Push Workout Week 2 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2

Sets/Reps 3x6 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15

Weight 70-80% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout

Accessory Exercise 3 Pull Workout Week 2 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3 Legs Workout Week 2 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3 2-3 x 15

Sets/Reps 3x6 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15

Weight 70-80% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Sets/Reps 3x6 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15

Weight 70-80% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Workout Week 3 - Lower Reps/Heavier Weight Push Workout Week 3 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3 Pull Workout Week 3 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3 Legs Workout Week 3 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3

Sets/Reps 3x3 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10

Weight 80-90% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Sets/Reps 3x3 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10

Weight 80-90% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Sets/Reps 3x3 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10 3-4 x 8-10

Weight 80-90% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Workout Week 4 - Low Reps/Heavy Weight Push Workout Week 4 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3 Pull Workout Week 4 Exercise Core Exercise 1

Sets/Reps 3x1 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15

Weight 90-100% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

Sets/Reps 3x1

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Weight 90-100% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout

Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3 Legs Workout Week 4 Exercise Core Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 1 Accessory Exercise 2 Accessory Exercise 3 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15

Sets/Reps 3x1 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15 2-3 x 15

Weight 90-100% 1RM

Notes Do as many reps as you can on 3rd set

1RM=onerepmax.YoudeterminedyouronerepmaxfromthePrepweek. The%fromweektoweekdependsonyourabilityandtrainingexperience. Lowerpercentage(60,70,80,90)=beginnerornewerlifter Middlepercentage65,75,85,95)=intermediatelifter Higherpercentage(70,80,90,100)=advancedlifter Accessory Lifts - Weights Useaweightyouarecomfortabledoingthefullamountofsetsandreps.Ifit getstooeasyasyourprogress,increasetheweight. Pre Workout Warmup Itisalwaysagoodideatogetyourbodywarmedupbeforeaworkoutsession. Agood5minutecardiosessionwithsomequickstretchingisaoneoption. Reallyanythingtogetyourheartrateupandbodymoving. Youdefinitelyneedtodosomewarmupsetsbeforeyourfirstcoreliftexercise oftheday.Trytostartwithsomereallylightweightorperhapsnoweightat all.Nextyouwillwanttodo23setsat50%ofyourmax,10+reps.Youmight thenwanttodoonemoresetwithsomemoreweightifyouraregoingtobe doingaheavyday. Forexample,letssaytodayIamdoingbenchpress2sets,1repat250lbsand thelastsetsasmanyasIcando.Mywarmupwouldprobablystartwithsome pushupsandperhapsjustbenchingthebar.NextIwoulddo2setsofatleast 10at135lbs.Imightalsodo1setof5at185.

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


What about cardio? Ifyourgoalistobuildmuscle,youprobablywanttolimityourcardiotoabout 2timesaweekandunder20min.Youarewelcometodomorecardiobut rememberyouwillneedtoeatmoretooffsetthecaloriesburned. Ifyouarelookingtolosefat,youwillwanttoincludecardioeitherbetween workoutsoraftereachworkout.

Whattodoafterweek5? Essentiallyyouwillcontinuedoingthesameworkoutbutuseyournewmaxas aresultofweek4. Calculate your Max after Week 4 Completion Tocalculateyournewmaxrecordthenumberofrepsandweightyoudidon yourlastsetthatyoudidasmanyaspossibleforyour3corelifts. Plugthisintheworkouttemplateorusetheformula: OneRepMax=(R/30+1)*W R=reps,W=weight Youwillusethesenewmaxesinthetemplateforweeks5to8. You will repeat the same procedure at the end of week 8 to get your new weightsandworkoutforweek912. Accessory Lifts Progression Each24weeksyouwillprobablywanttoaddyoureyouraccessoryvolumeby increasingthenumberofrepsoraddingweight.Youcouldalsoaddsetsifyou chooseto. Rememberyoushouldnotbedoinganythingtointenseorheavyinweightsas yourmainfocusisthecorelifts.

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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


Afterthe12weekrun,Iwouldsuggesttakeaweekoffordeloadforaweek doingsomecardioandlightresistancetraining. Thegreatthingaboutthisworkoutisyoucanalwayschangeyourworkoutby varyingexercisesevery12weekssoitneverseemsstale.Soaftertheinitial12 weekrunyoumightrepeatitwithdifferentcoreliftsaswellasanewmixof accessorylifts. RememberthatyouwillneedtodoanotherPrepweekpriortobeginningyour workouts. The great thing about another Prep week is it will get your body someneededrestandrecoveryaftertheprevious12weekprogram.


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BuiltFit ProLifts 3 Workout


ThanksforcheckingouttheProLifts3workout.Ihopeyougivetheworkouta YoucantalkabouttheProLifts3workoutintheBuiltfit.comanddiscusswith othermembers. Ifyouhavehadsuccesswiththeworkout,Iencourageyoutoprovidefeedback andleaveatestimonial. Thanks, ThomasCalkins

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