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Digital Devices Basics

Begin todays lesson by referring back to our previous discussions on reliable Internet sites, and revisiting the SlideRocket presentation at to review criteria. After doing so, research the following terms on the Internet using reliable sources. Take your time as this information will be critical to tomorrows in class activity. You must re-phrase definitions into your own words you may NOT copy and paste terms. Create a bibliography afterwards to cite where you found your information. Input: information that is typed, submitted, or transmitted to a computer system Data: the symbols that represent facts, objects, and ideas Processing: manipulation of data Microprocessor: electronic component that can be programmed to perform tasks based on data it receives Storage: the area where data can be left on a permanent basis when it is not immediately needed for processing Memory: an area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed, stored, or output Output: the displayed, printed, or transmitted results produced by a computer Computer Program: the series or instructions that tells a computer how to carry out processing tasks Software: sets up the computer to perform a certain task System Software: helps the computer system monitor itself in order to function efficiently Application Software: set of computer programs that helps a person carry out a task Personal Computers: microprocessor-based computing device designed to meet the computing needs of an individual Mainframes: a large and expensive computer capable of simultaneously processing data for hundreds or thousands of users Supercomputers: computers, at the time of their construction, are one of the fastest computers in the world Personal Data Assistants: pocket sized digital appointment books with small keyboards or touch-sensitive screens, designed to run on batteries and be held while using it Portable Media Players: digital devices whose primary functions include playing music, shoeing videos and storing videos

Computer Functions 1. 2. 3. 4. Accept Input Process Data Store Data Produce Output

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