How About Some Nachos

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R: How about some Nachos? L: Nachos? That sounds delicious! I love them with chesse and onion!

R: Are there any onions on the shelf? L: Yes, there are R: And do we have any nachos? L:Ill check. R: So, and now? shall we prepare the recipe? L: Yes, of course! R: Where is the recipe? L: Its here and it says this R: How to make Nachos 1) bag of nachos 2) 3 cups of refried beans 3) pound of Cheddar chesse 4) 2 tomatoes 5) 1 onin 6) 1 pounds grind meat Thats all. R: well, Now chop the tomatoes and onions Saute some beans in the olive oil and add some grind meat beff too. R: something else? L: so, nothing more, now prepare two portion. Well lets put in the nachos into the dish. R: How many nachos? L: it doesnt says nothing R: Then, I going to put lots of nachos and put 5 spoon of grind meat L: ok, now put 5 spoon of refried beans into the dish with nachos. and put cheddar cheese on top mix the tomatoes and onions, and add it to the dish. R: is that all? L: yes, that all.

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