SS205 Sociology Week3 CurrentEvents

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Dylan John Mazziotti

SS205: Sociology, Week 03 Assignment

Social Classes in the textbook are defined as a large group of people who rank closely to one another in property, power and prestige. The textbook also states that these elements separate people into different lifestyle, that provide different chances and opportunities as well as providing them with ways to look at themselves and the world.

The article I chose discussed a study that basically states the the lower class they are the less healthy they are with a good majority of the issues caused by the stress of discrimination. I was not surprised by the results provided in the article, the world is very class based with possessions and status being things you are judged upon. Unfortunately, the political climate does seem to being going down a road that will improve the classes anytime soon.
Rattue, Grace (2012, June 22) Does Social Class Discrimination Affect Teenage Health?, Medical News Today, Retrieved from: http:/ /

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