Final Campaign Paper

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In light of the economic stiuggles anu haiuships that families have been uiiectly impacteu
by, uoouwill Inuustiies of Cential Noith Caiolina is tuining its attention to establishing a
successful campaign that will allow consumeis to iely on uoouwill foi moie than clothing
anu uonations. uoouwill stiives to piomote its euucational anu job-tiaining iesouices that
enable consumeis to maiket themselves as qualifieu caieei canuiuates anu achieve success
in theii iespective occupations.

uoouwill Inuustiies of Cential Noith Caiolina foiesees an oppoitune campaign pitch
geaieu towaiu Afiican Ameiican consumeis that will encouiage them to take auvantage of
multi-puipose seivices, incluuing piofessional anu euucational aiu, at local uoouwill
facilities. The goal of this campaign is to help inciease public awaieness of these uoouwill
ietaileis while appealing to all consumeis, iegaiuless of socioeconomic status. This
campaign will piopose stiategies to enhance anu mouify cuiient maiketing, auveitising,
managing anu social meuia aspects of uoouwill Inuustiies.

0ui ieseaich aims to answei the following questions:
Wheie aie the suiiounuing iecieational paiks anu facilities in the
uieensboio aiea.

What specifically is the uoouwill Resouice Centei. When was it establisheu.

Who shoulu we taiget in oiuei to cieate the most successful campaign.

What aie the cuiient maiketing tienus of the uoouwill facility.

What past uoouwill events encouiageu community paiticipation.

Bow can we cieate a successful campaign that can be applicable as a long-
teim piogiam.
The infoimation in this uocument was obtaineu fiom seveial uiffeient souices ianging
fiom physically visiting the coipoiate office of uoouwill Inuustiies of Cential Noith
Caiolina to accessing uoouwill websites, blogs anu jouinals. We also accumulateu
infoimation fiom obseivational note taking anu outsiue souicing in iegaius to the exteinal
vaiiables that neeu to be consiueieu when cieating a successful campaign.
Infoimation that can be useu to help obtain oui ieseaich objectives is uiviueu into the
following sections:
Infoimation anu statistics about the Afiican Ameiican uemogiaphic in the
uieensboio aiea.

Infoimation about the neaiby publiciecieational paiks in close pioximity to the
uoouwill facility.

Betaileu infoimation about uoouwill's Resouice Centeis.

Location of ieligious facilities suiiounuing the uoouwill facility.

Infoimation about past uoouwill events.

In oiuei to builu upon iueas foi uoouwill's potential campaign, we conuucteu specific
ieseaich on oui taiget auuience, which is the Afiican Ameiican population in the
uieensboio aiea. The puipose of collecting the following ieseaich is to help us pitch a
successful campaign that ieaches the main taiget auuience in an effective way.

We founu the following on a uoveinmental Census' website:

Neuian iesiuent age: SS.u yeais
Noith Caiolina meuian age: SS.S yeais

Neuian householu income in uieensboio in 2uu8:

uieensboio: $Su,S87
Noith Caiolina: $S1,S8u

uieensboio, Noith
Noith Caiolina: @(CD9EB(

(9.u% foi White Non-Bispanic iesiuents, 2S.S% foi Black iesiuents)
0nemployment iate foi Black males:((FF9HB

0nemployment iate foi Black females:((C9CB(

Black alone in uieensboio:((CI7IIE($4*$/4(JAE9FBK(
Black alone in NC:(F7CLI7CFA($4*$/4(JHF9EBK(
Selecteu Population uioup: Black oi Afiican Ameiican population in uieensboio

Afiican Ameiicans make up a quaitei of Noith Caiolina's population. This is
concentiateu in the Coastal Plains anu paits of the Pieumont.

- Black oi Afiican AmeiicanR(CD7MHC($4*$/4((JLC9DB(*)($*$9(%'(,+44'2;*+*K(

By ieseaiching local paiks anu iecieation centeis, we founu locations wheie we coulu holu
futuie events. In oui ieseaich, we also came acioss ceitain local events that uoouwill coulu
help sponsoi oi paitnei with in oiuei to ieach the Afiican Ameiican auuience. 0veiall, we
neeu to be awaie of what locations might be available to uoouwill to holu events in the
Waineisville Recieation Centei

Room ientals available; 0pen eveiy uay but Sunuay

Centei City Paik

Known foi having fiequent events incluuing:
Live music conceits
Novie nights

uiassioots Piouuctions Limiteu

uiassioots Piouuctions Limiteu is a uieensboio, Noith Caiolina nonpiofit
coipoiation focusing on chaiitable anu euucational activities, which fostei
inteiest in local histoiy anu events in uuilfoiu County.
They holu two festivals a yeai:

Biffeient family oiienteu activities such as caioling, tiee

Week long activities incluuing a iun anu walk,
block paity, stieet festival, live conceits

uieensboio uiasshoppeis Baseball

Bates of Season: Apiil- Septembei
Location: New Biiuge Bank Paik,
(coinei of N. Eugene St & Bellemeaue St)

Caiolina Bynamo Soccei

Bates of Season: Nay - August
Location: Biyan Paik Soccei Complex
(627S Biyan Paik Ru., off 0.S. Bwy. 29 Noith)

uieensboio Coliseum

Faimeis maiket
Examining the iesouice centei is a key component of the ieseaich piocess. It is
impoitant to look at the facility as a vital seivice that is available to the community
anu oui uemogiaphic.
While the object of the campaign is not to geneialize, it has come to oui attention
that many Afiican Ameiicans aie having uifficulty finuing anu ietaining jobs.
Theiefoie, it is impoitant foi them to know that this iesouice is available to them.
The following ieseaich uetails the uiffeient seivices pioviueu by the iesouice
centei, which can be useu to taiget the campaign's uemogiaphic . Since it is ciucial
to consiuei all aspects of uoouwill, the iesouice centei was ueemeu as a key
ieseaich component.
Caieei Resouice Centei:
Thiee community iesouice centeis
(uieensboio, Reiusville, Asheboio)

All facilities featuie netwoiking iooms, computei labs anu job tiaining
classes at no expense.

Classes incluue:
o Caieei exploiation
o Caieei planning
o }ob seaich stiategies
o Inteiviewing techniques
o Noney management
o Computei skills

}obs on the 0utsiue

Piogiam offeis:
o Intake Inteiview Sessions
o Caieei Counseling
o }ob Seaich Placement Assistance
o Case Nanagement
o Computei Tiaining
o Rsum Piepaiation
o Caieei Reauiness Tiaining
o Community Seivice
o Agency Refeiials
o vocational Bevelopment
o }0T0 staff membeis aie available foi speaking engagements to uiscuss
pie-anu post-ielease seivices.

Pioviues foimei piisoneis with:
o Skills tiaining
o }ob seaich assistance
o }ob placement assistance
o 0thei seivices
o vocational skills tiaining
o Community Rehabilitation Piogiam (CRP)
o Leaining a vaiiety of skills fiom the uoouwill office
o vocational evaluations (which aie Su uays in length)

Woik Fiist Piogiam:

uoouwill Inuustiies has been able to offei job tiaining to inuiviuuals who lack the
skills, tiaining oi euucation to finu a job anu become self-sufficient. Paiticipants attenu an
oiientation, a vocational evaluation anu the }ob Piepaieuness class. Thiough a seiies of
exeicises, paiticipants finu confiuence anu leain how to piesent themselves on a isum
anu in an inteiview. uoouwill helps paiticipants complete applications anu aiiange
inteiviews until they ieceive anu accept a position.

Wheels to Woik:

o Pioviue cais to those in neeu of tianspoitation
o Paiticipants go thiough an intense selection piocess

Success Stoiies:

o Fiom an Afiican-Ameiican peispective
o 0pen to EvERYB0BY
o Possibly can use success stoiies in campaign anu publications
o We can uistiibute these pamphlets oi flyeis at community centeis, chuiches,
uoouwill stoies, anu othei populai community uestinations(
In oiuei to launch a successful campaign to taiget the Afiican Ameiican population
in cential Noith Caiolina, it is ciucial to finu a facility that woulu allow uoouwill to
holu events oi ieach out to the public. uiven that chuiches aie scatteieu all ovei the
iegion, ueveloping a ielationship with a neaiby chuich woulu give uoouwill a
chance to fuithei its connection with the community. The following ieseaich
uesciibes chuich locations within two miles of uoouwill heauquaiteis. By
paitneiing with a neaiby congiegation, specifically a histoiically Afiican Ameiican
chuich oi a Baptist chuich, uoouwill woulu builu a ielationship with community
membeis anu secuie a venue to host possible events in the futuie.
Chuiches founu on "The Soul Sanctuaiy: Images of the Afiican-Ameiican Woiship
Expeiience" website:
Pastoi 0tis Lockett, Si.
22u7 East Cone Boulevaiu
uieensboio, NC 274uS

Rev. Bi. Caiues B. Biown, }i.
11uS Willow Roau
uieensboio, NC 274u1

vaiiety of chuiches neai uoouwill facility:


121u S Eugene St, uieensboio
Rock Bill Soveieign uiace Baptist Chuich
1216 Bellevue St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 274-4SS6

SS6 W Floiiua St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 27S -822

1S1u Naitin Luthei King }i, Bi, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 272-8441
1Su9 Laikin St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 27S-u468u

711 0xfoiu St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 272-7Su7

11u8 Noiiis St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 27S-694S

1uuu W Fiienuly Ave, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 274-S286

11u6 Tuscaloosa St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 27S-7SS2

Nethouist Chuiches:

6S1 East Floiiua Stieet, uieensboio, NC 274u6
(SS6) 274-467u
Su2 W Naiket St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 27S-4S87

( Su9 Tate St, uieensboio, NC(
( JSS6) 27S-SS6S(
N3(?"3364.2(^'%34-(?436*-%23(!61+86( (
( 6uu E Floiiua St, uieensboio(
( JSS6) 272-4SuS(
( 4S8 W Fiienuly Ave, uieensboio(
( JSS6) 272-2171(
( 81S W Naiket St #22u, uieensboio(
( JSS6) 288-Su7u(
^'%*'(?4#*+%"/(^'%34-(?436*-%23(!61+86( (
( 1u12 E Lee St, uieensboio, NC(
( JSS6) 27S-4uu6(

S2u Elm St, uieensboio
(SS6) 772-6978

Su1 S Nenuenhall St, uieensboio
(SS6) 27S-64uS

82u Ross Avenue, uieensboio
(SS6) 27S-66S8

12uS ulenwoou Ave, uieensboio
(SS6) 27S-17SS

617 N Elm St, uieensboio

181u Philips Ball, uieensboio
(SS6) 478-477S

0thei Chuiches:

1u7 W Whittington St, uieensboio
(SS6) 271-2u44

8SS S Elm St, uieensboio
(SS6) 2S4-9294

64S W Lee St, uieensboio
(SS6) 617-uS81

11uu Cuitis St, uieensboio
(SS6) S78-97S8
417 Ailington St, uieensboio
(SS6) 274-114S


426 W Naiket St, uieensboio
(SS6) 27S-8Su2

71S N uieene St, uieensboio
(SS6) 27S-6S17

18u2 Biitton St, uieensboio
(SS6) 27S-4u6S

2Su6 Floyu St, uieensboio
(SS6) S79-1488

S8u4 Beath St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 691-8uSu


222 Spiing Bill Chuich Ru, Bigh Point
(SS6) 886-8S41

Statistics iegaiuing Religious affiliation of Noith Caiolina iesiuents:

Chiistian: ICB(
Piotestant: DIB(
Baptist: LMB
Nethouist: CB
Piesbyteiian: LB(
Lutheian: HB
0thei: DB
Roman Catholic: FEB
0thei Chiistian uenominations: FHB

( S+44(Y4"'2(=O"%/";/4("3(,**-.%//(-1+%'&(X"8]@3*@N86**/(( ( ( (
( ( N6*$$%'&(
Began on August 1S, 2u1u
Coupons piinteu in local Tiiau newspapeis foi a fiee paii of jeans with eveiy
$1S puichase
Coupons valiu until August S1, 2u1u
Listeu the guiuelines foi use of coupon: must be piesent at time of puichase
valiu on one paii of iegulai piiceu jeans
Limit one coupon pei customei
No cash value
Reueemable at uoouwill Inuustiies of Cential NC Retail stoies in uuilfoiu,
Alamance, Caswell, Rockingham anu Ranuolph counties.

( ,**-.%//("'-(ab\(!")434+%"2(
Bave paitneieu to offei, "Naue fiom Sciatch" (a job-tiaining piogiam)
Piepaies inuiviuuals foi a caieei in the foou seivice inuustiy
Piogiam launcheu on Weu., }uly 21- hau five paiticipants anu offeis on the
job tiaining at K&W Cafeteiias in Asheboio, Builington, uieensboio anu Bigh
Paiticipants will tiain at facilities 2u houis a week foi a foui-week peiiou
0nce foui-week tiaining is completeu paiticipants aie evaluateu anu have
the oppoitunity to gain theii Naue fiom Sciatch Ceitificate of Completion
Staiting in the fall- uoouwill will pick up hanu-me-uowns iight at uooisteps
Two uieensboio neighboihoous
Piogiam that pioviues homeowneis with uonation bins anu collects items
foi fiee

uuests enjoyeu cocktail houi with hois u'oeuvies anu uiinks couitesy of
Painteu Plate
}osie of 1u7.S KZL anu Niss Noith Caiolina Inteinational 2uu9, }ulie Tesh,
hosteu the event
Nouels fiom the local community weie volunteeis
Bisplayeu a vaiiety of uiffeient clothing options that can be founu at
uoouwill (Casual jeans anu T-shiits to foimal gowns)
Staff at Leon's Salon took caie of haii anu makeup
uiiffin Bavis fiom Exum Photogiaphy captuieu the whole event
Infoimation fiom Tiiau uoouwill blog wiitten Naich 4th but fashion show
helu Feb. 2S, 2u1u
Belu at The Empiie Room in uieensboio
Buge success- planning one foi 2u11 (http:goouwillshow.oig)

Noith Caiolina gave customeis a chance to clean out theii closets to make
ioom foi new spiing styles with the "0ut with the 0lu, Save on the New"
event. Customeis who uonateu theii gently woin pants at any L0FT stoie
ieceiveu $1S off each full piice pant puichase fiom Nonuay, Naich 2 to
Sunuay, Naich 8.

uoouwill Paitneis with Seconu Baivest Foou Bank
Winston-Salem, NC - 0ctobei 29, 2uu9
Foou Bank of Noithwest NC hosteu a piess confeience to announce a new
paitneiship between the Foou Bank, uoouwill Inuustiies of Noithwest NC
anu uoouwill Inuustiies of Cential NC. Both uoouwill Inuustiies chapteis
maue theii locations available as uiop-off locations foi foou uonations foi
Seconu Baivest Foou Bank, effective Novembei 2. These peimanent uiop-off
sites coveieu nine of the 18 counties in Seconu Baivest Foou Bank's seivice
aiea, making it convenient foi the community to uonate foou to those in
It is impoitant to unueistanu oui taiget auuience, the Afiican Ameiican uemogiaphic, so
the neeus anu wants of oui consumeis aie iecognizeu. Specifically, seveial statistics neeu
to be taken into consiueiation to bettei ielate to the Afiican Ameiican population. The
mean age, vaiiance in income, poveity levels, unemployment iates, anu othei factois can be
ueteimineu by analyzing census iesults. 0veiall, to most effectively appeal to Afiican
Ameiicans, theii economic situations, social uesiies, anu lifestyles neeu to be stuuieu anu
factoieu into the uecision-making piocess when foimulating a successful campaign foi
uoouwill Inuustiies.



The unemployment iate of Afiican Ameiicans in uieensboio is 4u%, while the statewiue
Afiican Ameiican unemployment iate is 21%.

=.'6.";&5'"$& &
The goal of this campaign is to inciease Afiican Ameiican attenuance at the uoouwill job-
tiaining piogiams by incieasing awaieness of the uieensboio Community Resouice

1. To inciease Afiican Ameiican attenuance in the job tiaining piogiam by S peicent in
12 months.
2. To conveit 1u peicent of mock classioom attenuees into job-tiaining piogiam

By using a community outieach stiategy, we hope to make a connection with the
uieensboio Afiican Ameiican community. By foiming a ielationship with oui taiget
auuience anu incieasing awaieness about the job-tiaining piogiams uoouwill has to
offei, we hope to inciease attenuance at these piogiams. (
0ui community outieach will consist of a mock-classioom wheie people will leain
about what uoouwill job-tiaining piogiams can offei them.

Foi specific bieak uown of Community 0utieach Buuget, iefei to Appenuix

Thiough the piinteu piomotional mateiials, we will cieate moie awaieness of the
job-piepaieuness piogiams.
0ui piinteu piomotional mateiials will consist of a ieuesigneu pamphlet anu an
auveitisement in the Caiolina Peacemakei.

Foi specific bieakuown of piinteu piomotional mateiials buuget, iefei to
Appenuix 2.2
This piogiam will taiget Afiican Ameiicans between 18-Su yeais of age. We will be
taigeting them using specific piogiams thiough community outieach as well as geneially
uistiibuteu piinteu piomotional mateiials.
In oiuei to achieve oui goals, oui piogiams must not only inciease awaieness about the
job-tiaining piogiam that is offeieu thiough uoouwill, but we must also cieate a neeu anu
uesiie foi people to attenu these classes.

0ui pioposeu campaign will be able to have both immeuiate benefits involving the
uoouwill job-tiaining class as well as long-teim benefits with the oppoitunity foi
expansion if pioven successful.

Inciease awaieness in the community of the job-tiaining class
Inciease Afiican Ameiican attenuance at }ob Piepaieuness class

Cieate a laigei netwoik of people who have useu the Resouice Centei anu can act
as iefeiences to othei membeis of the community.



The action tactics pioposeu below aie the main components necessaiy to caiiy out the
campaign to inciease Afiican Ameiican attenuance at the uieensboio Community Resouice
Centei of uoouwill Inuustiies of Cential Noith Caiolina.
1. "+<+356!$'1!&/63+/+')!$!4)#0.)0#+1!4+#&+4!5-!4*5#)!$'1!&'4)#0.)&5'$3!3+445'4!*+31!
&'!$!.*0#.*;!*$3-%$=!*504+!$'1!$!.5//0'&)=!.+')+#!&'!)*+!>#++'4?5#5!$#+$. The
piogiam will be calleu pievY00, anu it will call upon community membeis to
come see foi themselves what the uoouwill Resouice Centei has to offei.
In oiuei to caiiy out this plan, uoouwill Inuustiies must uo the following:
Secuie locations that woulu be willing to holu the events.
Biie anu tiain a uieensboio Community Resouice Centei alumnus to
teach the classes.
Piomote the classes with flyeis put up aiounu the vaiious locations two
weeks in auvance.
Piint ieminuei caius to be given out at the enu of the lesson with contact
infoimation foi the uieensboio Community Resouice Centei. Incluue a
coupon foi the ietail stoie as well.

@9 A5'10.)!$!#+1+4&('!5-!)*+!.0##+')!#+450#.+!.+')+#!?#5.*0#+9!
To give the uieensboio Community Resouice Centei a fiesh new look anu to
inciease awaieness of uoouwill, uARNN is pioposing a ieuesigneu biochuie to
piomote the centei. The following steps aie necessaiy to successfully ieuesign
the cuiient mateiial:
0puate infoimation incluueu in the cuiient biochuie.
Incluue a success stoiy of a iecent giauuate who has secuieu a job anu is
excelling in that position.
Bistiibute new pamphlets at local uoouwill locations, uEB testing sites,
chuiches, homeless shelteis, halfway houses anu foou assistance centeis.

In oiuei foi the campaign to be successful, uoouwill must have a cleai unueistanuing of
theii methous of inteinal anu exteinal communication. The public must be maue awaie of
the iesouice centei anu all of the seivices offeieu. A majoiity of the public associates
uoouwill Inuustiies with ietail stoies, but now is the time to infoim the community of the
oppoitunities available to them thiough the uieensboio Community Resouice Centei. In
oiuei to uo this, the publics, message anu meuia stiategies must be cleaily uefineu anu
?:=6$%.4!uoouwill is taigeting Afiican Ameiicans in the uieensboio aiea in oiuei to
inciease theii attenuance at the job tiaining piogiams helu in the iesouice centei. The goal
is to connect with the Afiican Ameiican community to peisuaue them to attenu pievY00
sessions, job tiaining classes, anu othei seivices offeieu by the iesouice centei.
Q*..&+*(,-#&-*+C4 The campaign must appeal to the Afiican Ameiican population in the
uieensboio aiea in oiuei to be successful. To ieach oui specific public, we will auveitise
the pievY00 classes in the locations wheie the sessions will be helu. We hope to uevelop a
ielationship with those sites so that we can connect with the community anu have a
stiongei piesence in the local aiea.
The auveitisement in the A$#53&'$!2+$.+/$B+# will be simple anu engaging. We want to
convey that the classes aie laiuback, anu oui goal is to encouiage people who aie skeptical
about the piogiam to come anu tiy it out in a ielaxeu setting. 0ui tagline foi the piogiam is
"pievY00 classes, because you shoulu see foi youiself".
Q*;$&(,-#&-*+C4 An auveitisement foi the pievY00 classes will be iun in the A$#53&'$!
2+$.+/$B+#, a histoiically Afiican Ameiican newspapei that ieaches ovei 6u,uuu ieaueis
in the uuilfoiu County aiea.

This campaign consists of thiee main components: ieuesigneu biochuies piomoting the
uieensboio Community Resouice Centei, auveitisements in the Caiolina Peacemakei anu
the pievY00 piogiam. Each of these components must be planneu out anu executeu in a
piecise mannei in oiuei to maximize the success of the piogiams anu maintain
consistency. The implementation plans aie as follows:
89 E*;*.$+'$'+(5#8%9:#*.C!The cuiient biochuie to piomote the iesouice centei will
be ieuesigneu in oiuei to attiact moie people anu ieemphasize the message. The
uesign will be an oiiginal, cieative concept that will focus on appealing to cuiient
community membeis anu uemonstiating all that the iesouice centei has to offei.!

We will be piinting S,uuu biochuies using vistapiint. A team of volunteeis will
uistiibute the biochuies to 2u locations in the suiiounuing aiea, incluuing chuiches,
uEB testing locations, homeless shelteis, foou assistance centeis, halfway houses,
community iecieation centeis anu local uoouwill ietail stoies.

2. !;A*#-$.*)*'-($'(<&#86$'&(?*&%*)&7*#C!By auveitising in the A$#53&'$!
2+$.+/$B+#, a histoiically Afiican Ameiican newspapei, we hope to bettei connect
with oui taiget auuience. The newspapei ieaches ovei 6u,uuu ieaueis, anu it is oui
intent to bettei appeal to the Afiican Ameiican community in the aiea. 0ui
auveitisement in the Peacemakei will be on the help wanteu page of the classifieu
aus. It woulu incluue infoimation on what, wheie anu when the class is. By
auveitising in a histoiically Afiican Ameiican newspapei, we feel it woulu ieach oui
taiget auuience, anu the placement of the auveitisement woulu appeal to people
who aie seeking employment.

S. B#*ASPD(?#8+#&):
The pievY00 sessions aie uesigneu to give membeis of the community a glimpse
into what the uoouwill Resouice Centei can offei them. The classes will take place at
vaiious locations aiounu the uieensboio aiea anu will incluue a shoit lesson anu offei
guiuance as to how to take auvantage of the iesouice centei in the futuie. The fiist
thiee sessions in this campaign will take place in a chuich, a halfway house anu a
community centei. We will maiket them by auveitising that they aie shoit anu
infoimative. The puipose of the pievY00 sessions is so that inuiviuuals can see foi
themselves what exactly the job-tiaining piogiam entails. A community membei who
has gone thiough classes at uoouwill anu has useu those skills to acquiie a job will
teach the classes.
The fiist seiies of classes will focus on how to wiite a isum. The shoit lesson will
last aiounu 4S minutes anu will explain what shoulu be incluueu on a isum, how the
infoimation shoulu be piesenteu, anu how to best showcase theii abilities. At each
session, an infoimational ieminuei caiu will be given out to encouiage people to use
the uieensboio Community Resouice Centei. A coupon foi the uoouwill ietail stoie will
also be incluueu on the caiu to encouiage them to shop at uoouwill. 0ui hope is that
these sessions will inciease awaieness of the job-tiaining piogiam anu inspiie
community membeis to attenu.
We will auveitise these sessions at the locations themselves by piinting flyeis anu
posteis, putting announcements in the bulletin at the chuich, anu getting the leaueis of
the locations involveu so that they aie able to piomote the event as well. We will keep
tiack of who attenus these sessions so that we aie able to see if any of them utilize the
iesouice centei in the weeks following the pievY00 session. By the enu of the class, we
want the attenuees to know how to wiite a isum, what the uoouwill Resouice Centei
has to offei them, anu how they can take full auvantage of the seivices offeieu by
At the enu of each session, we will uistiibute a suivey asking if attenuees thought
the class was useful, if they aie going to attenu classes at the iesouice centei, anu what
type of lesson they woulu want to leain in a futuie class.
1 - Bow useful uiu you finu this class.
1 2 S 4 S
(not useful) (extiemely useful)
2 - Bow likely aie you to use the iesouice centei.
1 2 S 4 S
(not likely) (extiemely likely)

S - What type of lesson woulu you be inteiesteu in leaining in a futuie class.

4 - Any auuitional comments oi feeuback.

Bepenuing on the success of these fiist thiee pievY00 classes, we coulu expanu the
piogiam to auuitional counties in cential Noith Caiolina. We coulu also implement a
seconu seiies of classes focusing on inteiviewing skills.

Locations foi the classes:
This chuich is a stiong Afiican Ameiican community chuich. Its congiegation
has iegulai meetings outsiue of the Sunuay seivice. It woulu be a goou place
to get in touch with membeis in the Afiican Ameiican community who eithei
aie in neeu of job tiaining oi know inuiviuuals that aie.
S4//*.26%$(`"//(0'8, Substance Abuse Seivices
A halfway house is a centializeu location wheie people who aie ie-enteiing
society can be founu. It is likely that the people living in these houses neeu to
finu jobs again anu may lack the skills necessaiy to finu anu secuie a job. By
holuing a mock classioom session at this halfway house, we woulu be
accessing not only oui taiget auuience but also membeis of that gioup who
aie looking to get theii lives back on tiack.
Waineisville is a iecieation centei locateu in uieensboio that is a cential
community gatheiing place foi people of all ages. The Waineisville
Recieation Centei has two meetingmultipuipose iooms that woulu be
peifect foi a pievY00 session.

0ui campaign is to be implementeu in }anuaiy 2u12. With the stait of a new yeai,
we hope to attiact people looking to stait fiesh anu impiove theii lifestyle, attain a
new job, oi iefiesh theii technological skills.

Becembei 1, 2u11 Besign anu piint biochuies, flyeis anu ieminuei caius
Becembei 12, 2u11 Bistiibute biochuies at uEB testing sites, local chuiches, homeless
shelteis, halfway houses anu foou assistance centeis
}anuaiy 2, 2u12 Bistiibute flyeis at the locations wheie the classes aie being helu
}anuaiy 1u, 2u12 Run auveitisement in A$#53&'$!2+$.+/$B+# foi the fiist pievY00 session
}anuaiy 16, 2u12 Bolu the fiist pievY00 session in Evangel Fellowship C0uIC
}anuaiy 24, 2u12 Run auveitisement in A$#53&'$!2+$.+/$B+# foi the seconu session
}anuaiy Su, 2u12 Bolu the seconu pievY00 session in Fellowship Ball Inc.
Febiuaiy 7, 2u12 Run auveitisement in A$#53&'$!2+$.+/$B+# foi the thiiu session
Febiuaiy 1S, 2u12 Bolu the thiiu pievY00 session in Waineisville Recieation Centei



Reseaich showeu iate of unemployment foi Afiican Ameiicans in uieensboio is 4u
0nemployment iate pioveu that Afiican Ameiicans neeueu to be encouiageu to use
the iesouice centei.(
o Infoimation not available foi the cuiient numbei of Afiican Ameiicans who
use the iesouice centei.(
Nessage of the pamphlets auuiesses the pioblem of unemployment foi Afiican
o Pamphlets infoim the public about uoouwill's Resouice Centei anu pioviue
contact infoimation anu locations.(
o Encouiages Afiican Ameiicans to utilize the piogiam to inciease theii skill
set anu help them attain a job.(
Nessage of pievY00 sessions auuiesses the pioblem of Afiican Ameiican
o PievY00 sessions give paiticipants a chance to expeiience a mock session of
what takes place in the iesouice centei(
o If they founu the pievY00 session useful, they woulu be moie likely use the
iesouice centei in the futuie.(
o The pievY00 piogiam only iequiies a small staff.(
The auveitisement in the A$#53&'$!2+$.+/$B+# will ieach the Afiican Ameiican
public anu inciease awaieness of the uoouwill Resouice Centei. (
o As a weekly newspapei, Afiican Ameiicans will see the auveitisement on a
fiequent basis.(
The available buuget was moie than enough to covei the cost of oui campaign. We
weie able to accomplish oui goals anu save money.(
With a total of S,uuu pamphlets, 2Su will be uistiibuteu to each of the 2u uesignateu
locations. (
o The amount of pamphlets taken by the public shoulu be iecoiueu at the enu
of each month, anu the numbei of pamphlets iefilleu shoulu be iecoiueu.(
The pievY00 sessions will be given at thiee locations.(
o The locations foi the sessions shoulu be useu as a tiial iun to see if moie
locations shoulu be auueu oi if we neeu to uiop a location if theie is not
enough inteiest.(
The auveitisement will be placeu in the A$#53&'$!2+$.+/$B+#.(
o It will be founu on the help wanteu page.(
o Bepenuing on wheie the auveitisement is placeu anu how much attention it
ieceives, we will then neeu to evaluate anu ueteimine whethei oi not it
neeus to be moveu to a uiffeient placement to gain moie piominence. (
Pamphlets will be placeu at locations that Afiican Ameiicans fiequent.(
o The numbei of pamphlets taken by the public at each location will ueteimine
whethei a location is a goou place to keep putting the pamphlets oi if a
location neeus to be uioppeu anu the pamphlets woulu be moveu to anothei
location. (
0ui taiget auuience is Afiican Ameiicans. (
To evaluate the effectiveness of the pamphlets, it shoulu be iecoiueu how many aie
placeu at the location, anu then at the enu of each month, count how many iemain. (
o The pamphlets aie available to the public, so it woulu be uifficult to monitoi
if Afiican Ameiicans aie specifically taking the pamphlets. Since we chose the
locations because they aie places Afiican Ameiicans fiequent, theie is a
gieatei chance that they aie picking the pamphlets up.(
To evaluate the actual numbei of Afiican Ameiicans who attenu the pievY00
classes, theie neeus to be someone to iecoiu the numbei of people at each session . (
Baseu off of the numbei of Afiican Ameiicans who attenu the pievY00 sessions, we
can evaluate what they leaineu fiom the piogiam anu give them a suivey to see if
they founu the session useful.((
o Fiom this suivey, we can get input fiom the paiticipants anu impiove the
session to make it moie beneficial in the futuie. (
Afiican Ameiicans can gain infoimation thiough the pamphlets about the iesouice
centei. Eveiy time an Afiican Ameiican comes to use the iesouice centei, it shoulu
be iecoiueu, anu the inuiviuual shoulu be askeu how he oi she heaiu about the
Recoiu anu keep tiack of the numbei of Afiican Ameiicans who attenueu the
pievY00 session anu latei useu the iesouice centei. (
Recoiu if the same Afiican Ameiicans who pieviously attenueu the pievY00
sessions continue to use the iesouice centei. (

Keep tiack of the Afiican Ameiicans who keep utilizing the iesouice centei until
they finu a job. (
0nce they finu a job, obtain all the infoimation about how they got that position, anu
follow up to see if they continue on with the job. (

Paiks anu Recieational venues
Waineisville Rec. Centei
6u1 Boak Stieet, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S7S-S871
Centei City Paik
2uu Noith Elm Stieet, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S79-u821
Bouglas Paik
uieensboio, NC 274u6
uiassioots Piouuctions Limiteu
62u S Elm St # 2uu, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S7u-91uu
uieensboio uiasshoppeis Baseball
4u8 Bellemeaue Stieet, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 268-22SS
Caiolina Bynamo Soccei
7 Bunuas Cii # N, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S16-1266
uieensboio Coliseum
1921 W. Lee Stieet, uieensboio, NC 274uS
Contact Info: (SS6) S7S-74uu
Bicentennial uieenway
}amestown Aiea, NC 27282
Contact Info: Rogei Baiusley - (SS6) 641-SS44

Biyan Paik at uuilfoiu
Biowns Summit, NC 27214
Contact Info: Rogei Baiusley - (SS6) 641-SS44
Bui-Nil Paik
S8S4 Bui-Nil Club Roau, uieensboio, NC 2741u
Contact Info: Bui-Nil Paik - (SS6) S78 - S8uu
Clubhouse Nanagei - (SS6) S7S - S8uS

uibson Paik
S217 W. Wenuovei Ave, Bigh Point NC 2726S
Contact Info: Bave Boinei - (SS6) 4S4 - u2S9

uuilfoiu - Nackintosh Paik
1S4S NC 61 South, Whitsett, NC 27S77
Contact Info: Bob Biauy - (SS6) 449 - 2u78

Bagen - Stone Paik
S92u Bagen- Stone Paik Roau, Pleasant uaiuen, NC 27S1S
Contact Info: Paik 0ffice - (SS6) 674 - u472

Noitheast Paik
Bigh Rock Roau, uibsonville, NC 27249
Contact Info: Thomas Naishbuin - (SS6) S7S - 7722

Southwest Paik
Wall Roau}onquil Biive, uieensboio, NC 274u7
Contact Info: Rogei Baiusley - (SS6) 641 - SS44
Beiiy Bynum - (SS6) S16 - 2Suu

Tiiau Paik
96S2 East Nountain Stieet, Keineisville, NC 27284
Contact Info: (SS6) 7uS - 2Suu

Religious Facilities
uiace Community Chuich
64S West Lee Stieet, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: SS6) S79-19S6

Fiist Piesbyteiian Chuich
617 Noith Elm Stieet, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S7S-u44S

Westovei Chuich
SuS Nuiis Chapel Roau, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 299-7S74

West Naiket Stieet 0niteu Nethouist Chuich
Su2 West Naiket Stieet, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 27S-4S87

Boly Tiinity Episcopal Chuich
6u7 Noith uieene Stieet, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 272-6149

uiace 0niteu Nethouist Chuich
4S8 West Fiienuly Avenue, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 272-2171

Buffalo Piesbyteiian Chuich
8uS 16th Stieet, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S7S-SS8u

Westminstei Piesbyteiian Chuich
S9u6 West Fiienuly Avenue, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 299-S78S

Lawnuale Baptist Chuich
SSuS Lawnuale Biive, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 288-S824

0ui Lauy 0f uiace Catholic Chuich
22uS West Naiket Stieet, uieensboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 27S-1S22
Paiks anu Recieational venues
Asheboio Paiks & Rec Bepaitment
241 Sunset Ave # 1u1, Asheboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 626-124u

Aichuale Paiks & Recieation
214 Paik Biive, Aichuale, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 4S1-1117

Ranuleman Paiks & Recieation
144 West Acauemy Stieet, Ranuleman, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 49S-7S2S
Lake Reese
48Su }ackson Cieek Roau, Benton, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 241-2S7u

Town of Ramseui: Paiks anu Recieation
S49 Ramseui Lake Roau, Ramseui, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 824-4646

Thomasville Paiks & Recieation
1 East Nain Stieet, Thomasville, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 47S-428u

Benton Faimpaik
1u72 Cianfoiu Roau, Benton, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 8S9-27SS

Bagen- Stone Paik
S92u Bagen Stone Paik Roau, Pleasant uaiuen, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 674 - u472

Religious Facilities
Neighbois uiove Chuich: Acauemy
928 Noith Fayetteville Stieet, Asheboio, NC
Contact Info: (S66) 672-1147

Bailey's uiove Baptist Chuich
1SS6 Noith Fayetteville Stieet, Asheboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 672-9S18

Cential Caiolina Community Chuich
1128 Noith Fayetteville Stieet, Asheboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 6SS-44u4

Episcopal Chuich-uoou Shepheiu
SuS Nountain Roau, Asheboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 62S-S2S4

Fiist 0niteu Nethouist Chuich
224 Noith Fayetteville Stieet, Asheboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 62S-2224

Cential 0niteu Nethouist Chuich
Suu South Nain Stieet, Asheboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 629-142S

Fiist Assembly of uou
9u9 Neauowbiook Roau, Asheboio, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 629-S1u1
Paiks anu Recieational venues
City of Builington: Recieation & Paiks Biiectoi
1SSS 0veibiook Roau, Builington, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 222-SuSu

Baw Rivei Community Paik
11Su Pine Stieet, Baw Rivei, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S78-S6uu

Biyan Paik uolf Couise
627S Biyan Paik Roau, Biowns Summit, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S7S-221S

Libeity Paiks & Rec Bepaitment
217 West Swannanoa Avenue, Libeity, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 622-S9SS

uibsonville Paiks & Recieation
118 West Nain Stieet, uibsonville, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 449-7241

Religious Facilities
St Naik's Chuich
12Su Saint Naiks Chuich Roau, Builington, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S84-898S

ulen Bope Baptist Chuich
911 Noith Avenue, Builington, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 226-SS2S


Fiist Baptist Chuich 0f Builington
42u Naple Avenue, Builington, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 229-1u14

Integiity Chuich
242u Coipoiation Paikway, Builington, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 227-u121

Boly Comfoitei Episcopal Chuich
S2u East Bavis Stieet, Builington, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 227-42S1

Fiist Chiistian Chuich 0CC
41S South Chuich Stieet, Builington, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 226-7428

Fellowship Baptist Chuich
2744 Naple Avenue, Builington, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 227-6176

Blesseu Saciament Catholic Chuich
S28 West Bavis Stieet, Builington, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 226-8796

Bethel Baptist Chuich
2S8 Bixon Roau, uiaham, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 227-S818

Fiist Piesbyteiian Chuich
Su8 West Bavis Stieet, Builington, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 228-17uS

Paiks anu Recieational venues
Rockingham Paiks & Recieation
S14 Rockingham Roau, Rockingham, NC
Contact Info: (91u) 89S-681u

Richmonu County uoveinment: Paiks & Recieation
12S Caioline Stieet, Rockingham, NC
Contact Info: (91u) 997-8SS1

City of Bamlet: Paiks & Recieation
716 Spiing Stieet, Bamlet, NC
Contact Info: (91u) S82-7998

East Rockingham Paik
1SS Safie Sixth St, Rockingham, NC
Contact Info: (91u) 997-8SS1

Lincoln Nemoiial Paik
86u Fayetteville Roau, Rockingham, NC
Contact Info: (91u) 89S-u7u2

Richmonu County Nemoiial Paik Inc
1717 East Bioau Avenue, Rockingham, NC
Contact Info: (91u) 89S-2778

Abeiueen Recieation Station
1u7 Noith Poplai Stieet, Abeiueen, NC
Contact Info: (91u) 944-S9u2

Scotlanu Paiks & Recieation
121u Tuinpike Ru, Lauiinbuig, NC
Contact Info: (91u) 277-2S8S

Pinehuist village Paiks & Rec
S9S Nagnolia Roau, Pinehuist, NC
Contact Info: (91u) 29S-2817

Anson County uoveinment: Paiks & Recieation
84S Aiipoit Ru, Wauesboio, NC
Contact Info: (7u4) 694-S868

Religious Facilities
Fiist Baptist Chuich
SSS uieenwoou Stieet, Euen, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 62S-9749

St Luke's Episcopal Chuich
6uu Noigan Roau, Euen, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 627-4668


Fiist Baptist Chuich
4u9 South Nain Stieet, Reiusville, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S42-4227

Reiusville Baptist Chuich
116 South Fianklin Stieet, Reiusville, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 6S4-1S4S

Amazing uiace Baptist Chuich
4SSu NC Bighway 1SS, Stoneville, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S7S-29u9

Nt Sinai Baptist Chuich
S12 Beniy Stieet, Euen, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 62S-S7S9

0sboine Baptist Chuich
S26 East Stauium Biive, Euen, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 62S-6u64

Leaksville 0niteu Nethouist
6uS Beniy Stieet, Euen, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 62S-S418

St Thomas' Episcopal Chuich
S1S Linusey Stieet, Reiusville, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S49-SS11

uiowing 0aks Community Chuich
2271 Baiiington Bighway, Euen, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 62S-1114

Paiks anu Recieational venues
Caswell County: Recieation & Paiks Bept
228 County Paik Roau, Yanceyville, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 694-4449


Nebane Paiks & Recieation
622 Coiiegiuoi Stieet, Nebane, NC
Contact Info: (919) S6S-S629

Peison Caswell Lake
2uS Pointei Biive, Semoia
Contact Info: SS6) S99-4S4S

Banville 0utuooi Recieation
64u West Nain Stieet, Banville, vA
Contact Info: (4S4) 799-S21S

Religious Facilities
Cioss Roaus Piesbyteiian Chuich
SSu2 N NC Bighway 119, Nebane, NC
Contact Info:(SS6) S78-2uuS

Fiist Baptist Chuich
4u9 South Nain Stieet, Reiusville, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) S42-4227
Reiusville Baptist Chuich
116 South Fianklin Stieet, Reiusville, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 6S4-1S4S

uiiei's Piesbyteiian Chuich
S69 uiieis Chuich Roau, Leasbuig, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 694-196S

uiace Refoimeu Baptist Chuich
9S9 South Siu Stieet, Nebane, NC
Contact Info: (919) S6S-9249

Kinguom Ball of }ehovah's
1488 NC Bighway 62 N, Blanch, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 694-99S7

Beulah Baptist Chuich
18S4 0S Bighway 1S8 E, Yanceyville, NC
Contact Info: (SS6) 694-6996

http:www.gieensboio- nc.govuepaitmentsPaiksFacilitiesiecieationcenteiswaineisville










Classioom facilitatoi
The question poseu is if the facilitatoi will alieauy be an employeu membei of the
uoouwill team with an auuitional job uesciiption, oi a new employee hiieu foi a iole
as )%4/-()"8%/%3"3*+9
Eithei way, some foim of the buuget neeus to go into eithei cieating a salaiy oi
iaising a salaiy. Theiefoie, we shoulu buuget appioximately dF7EEE($4+(8/"229

Community Centeis
As a seivice to the community, we aie hopeful that the centeis will allow us to holu
oui classes foi fiee. Bowevei, we iealize that this may not be the case. Theiefoie, we
shoulu allocate aiounu dFEE($4+(8/"227 which will go towaius paying the centeis if
neeu be.
Because of the buuget issue anu laige geogiaphic iegion that is being uealt with, we
will be holuing classes at centeis locateu centially in uieensboio. This means having
a fewei numbei of laige classes at two-to-five centeis in the city, iathei than
smallei, fiequent classes at many locations.

Classioom Supplies
ueneial Supplies foi the classioom
Papei- dHD
PensPencils- dFD
Tech Equipment (Laptop, Piojectoi, Scieen) dL7EEE
Resouice Nateiials- dFEE
Pamphlets foi people to take with them about the piogiam anu classes available
(2Su taken fiom piinteu piomotional mateiial pamphlets)
Reminuei Caius -(dAA9CC((2Su caius fiom vistapiint)

Piinting Cost thiough vista Piint((

QTY Piice
2uuu $299.99
2Suu $S22.49
Suuu $412.49

QTY Piice
2S $22.49
Su $SS.74
1uu $S9.99
2Su $1uu.99
Suu $2uS.99

Caiolina Peacemakei Auveitisement Cost - $148.Su
o (S auveitisements at $49.Su each)
Page anu Colum Size
1 Column - 1.7S in.
2 Columns - S.62S in.
S Columns - S.S in.
4 Columns - 7.S7S in.
S Columns- 9.2S in.
6 Columns - 11.12S in.

Classifieu Auveitising Rates
$9 pei column inch(


All local uoouwill Retail locations (16 total)
ueneial Euucation Bevelopment Testing Centei
uuilfoiu Technical CC
SSuS E. Wenuovei
uieensboio, NC 274u1
SS6-SS4-4822 ext 4216

Evangel Fellowship C0uIC
Pastoi 0tis Lockett, Si.
22u7 East Cone Boulevaiu
uieensboio, NC 274uS

Weaveis Bouse
uieensboio 0iban Ninistiy
SuS W Lee St
uieensboio, NC 274u6-124u
(SS6) 271-S98S

Foou Assistance Centei
Potteis Bouse
uieensboio 0iban Ninistiy
SuS W Lee St
uieensboio, NC 274u6-124u
(SS6) 271-S98S

The Seivant Centei uioceiy Assistance Piogiam (uAP)
1S12 Lexington Ave.
uieensboio, NC 274uS
phone: (SS6) 27S-8S8S

Fellowship Ball Inc
Substance Abuse Seivices
S14u Bunstan Roau
uieensboio NC 274uS
Phone: (8uu) 6S9-SS81


Shiloh Baptist Chuich
121u S Eugene St, uieensboio
Rock Bill Soveieign uiace Baptist Chuich
1216 Bellevue St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 274-4SS6

St }ames Baptist Chuich
SS6 W Floiiua St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 27S -822

New Light Nissionaiy Baptist Chuich
Rev. Bi. Caiues B. Biown, }i.
11uS Willow Roau
uieensboio, NC 274u1

St Paul Baptist Chuich
1Su9 Laikin St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 27S-u468u

Pilgiim Baptist Chuich
711 0xfoiu St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 272-7Su7

New Beginnings Community 0ut Reach Chuich
1u7 W Whittington St, uieensboio
(SS6) 271-2u44

Spiing uaiuen Community Chuich
8SS S Elm St, uieensboio
(SS6) 2S4-9294

uiace Community Chuich
64S W Lee St, uieensboio
(SS6) 617-uS81

New Ceuai uiove Baptist Chuich
11u8 Noiiis St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 27S-694S

Fiist Baptist Chuich
1uuu W Fiienuly Ave, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 274-S286

Pioviuence Baptist Chuich of uieensboio
11u6 Tuscaloosa St, uieensboio, NC
(SS6) 27S-7SS2

Waineisville Recieation Centei
6u1 Boak Stieet
uieensboio, NC 274u6

Biown Recieation Centei
Su2 East vanualia Ru
uieensboio, NC 274u6

ulenwoou Centei
2u1u Coliseum Blvu.,
uieensboio, NC 274uS
The pamphlet will incluue the following infoimation:
The uieensboio Community Resouice Centei seives moie than 4,uuu
membeis of the Tiiau community eveiy yeai.
The classes offeieu incluue caieei exploiation, caieei planning, job seaich
stiategies, inteiviewing techniques, money management anu computei skills
Locations of iesouice centeis:

Coipoiate 0ffices anu uieensboio Community Resouice Centei
12SS South Eugene Stieet
uieensboio, NC 274u6
Phone: (SS6) 27S-98u1
Fax: (SS6) 274-1SS2

Asheboio Community Resouice Centei
1u64 East Bixie Biive
Asheboio, NC 272uS
Phone: (SS6) 61u-u4uu
Fax: (SS6) 61u-u4u4

Reiusville Community Resouice Centei
1SS1 Fieeway Biive
Reiusville, NC 27S2u
Phone: (SS6) 6S7-1u1u
Fax: (SS6) 6S7-1u2u


}obs 0n The 0utsiue (}0T0)
2216 West Neauowview Roau, Suite 118
uieensboio, NC 274u7
Phone: (SS6) 8S2-8Su1
Fax: (SS6) 8S6-8166

Bouis of the iesouice centei (Non - Fii 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Closeu Sat & Sun) anu
job piepaieuness classes (Non - Fii 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Computei lab pioviues Inteinet access as well as Niciosoft 0ffice piogiams.
Facilities open Non - Fii 8:Su a.m. - 11:Su a.m. anu 12:Su p.m. - 4 p.m.
Auuitional iesouices incluue: chilucaie, aftei-school activities, senioi caie,
mental health, housing, human seivices, tianspoitation anu euucational
Success stoiy of uoouwill Resouice Centei pation who went thiough job-
piepaieuness classes
Placeu at the bottom of the pamphlet, a uoouwill stoie coupon will entice
futuie pations to take auvantage of savings at iegional locations

Fellowship Ball Inc
Substance Abuse Seivices
S14u Bunstan Roau
uieensboio NC 274uS
Phone: (8uu) 6S9-SS81

Evangel Fellowship C0uIC
Pastoi 0tis Lockett, Si.
22u7 East Cone Boulevaiu
uieensboio, NC 274uS

Waineisville Recieation Centei
6u1 Boak Stieet
uieensboio, NC 274u6


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