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Some R12 Payment Processing architecture considerations related to these two new reports: In R12, the Build Payment

Program builds documents into proposed payments within a PPR. After the build program, the Create Payment Instruction Program comes in to picture which groups proposed payments from different PPRs into a single Paym ent Instruction. Once the Payment Instruction is created, then Format Payment In struction Program comes into picture, which extracts, formats and prints. The nu mbering operation (check numbering) is part of Extract and Format Operation. The refore a check can have documents related to different PPRs. Since the numbering operation is not performed during Build Payment Process, the refore the system can not show check number neither in Scheduled Payment Selecti on report nor in Review Proposed Payments page. However, user can always know th e check numbers by viewing output of "Format Payment Instruction" when the Payme nt Instruction is is "Formatted-Ready for Printing" stage. It will show all the checks which are formatted but not yet printed. At this stage, you can still ter minate the transaction

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