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Determination the ionization degree of weak acid with Conductometer

Created by :
Azaria Shabrina Kartika Puspa Sari Sania Rahmah Dinata Rahadian Yusuf Click to edit Master subtitle style 11-5


Degree of ionization is a constant that indicates the number of Ionizing that occur in a substance in the form of solution. Ionizing solution will produce an electric current and the electric current is associated with resistance. If there are value constraints, then it can be measured conductivity. The equipment used for analysis based on electrical conductivity in solution is Conductometer.



Volumetric flask 250ml Volumetric flask 100ml Volumetric pipette 25ml Vplumetric pipette 10ml Burette 50ml Conductometer Watch glass



NaOH 1N CH3COOH 0,5N PP indicator Distillated water (COOH)2.H2O NaCl Standard solution 1000s/cm



Standarization of NaOH wih Oxalic Acid As Primary Raw Material 1. Weight 6,3 grams of Oxalic Acid 2. Dissolve in volumetric flask 100ml 3. Take the solution about 10ml 4. Dilute in erlenmeyer until 100ml with distillated water 5. Add 2-3 drops of PP indicator 6. Titrated by NaOH 1N (Endpoinnt: Slightly pink)

Standarization of CH3COOH 0,5 N with NaOH 1 N 1. Take CH3COOH 0,5 N 10ml 2. Dilute in erlenmeyer until 100ml with distillated water 8/5/12 3. Add 2-3 drops of PP indicator

DHL Measurement of CH3COOH 0,5N Solution 1. Take 25ml of CH3COOH 0,5N solution 2. Dilute in volumetric flask 250ml

3. Create standard series of CH3COOH 0,5N for 5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 45 ml 4. Coinside 5. Pour into beaker glass 8/5/12


Normality of NaOH

Normality of CH3COOH



Calculation of L ion

L ion = L senyawa L air

Calculation of c

L ion x 1000 C

= 0

slope intercept

Calculation of o 8/5/12

Calculation of ionization degree of CH3COOH

c = 0



Degree of ionization refers to the proportion of neutral particles, such as those in a gas or aqueous solution, that are ionized into charged particles. Degree of ionization has range from 0 1. Acid or base that can be fully ionized has degree of ionization = 1 Weak acid or base has degree of ionization < 1 Electrical conductivity of a solution proportional to the concentration.


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