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April 16, 2012



Apartment Guide


MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012



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785.842.0032 | 2511 West 31st Street | Lawrence, KS 66047


came back to my apartment late one night after a long day of work. It was near the end of the summer and people were moving in and out of apartments because their lease was up. I walked into my bathroom and stepped into a huge puddle of water. My bathroom had flooded while I was at work. It turns out my upstairs neighbors who were moving out were cleaning their bathroom pipes with Draino. My floor and counter were covered in a nasty green and brown color. I cleaned up the mess and called maintenance. Maintenance arrived promptly and started working on my bathroom sink right away. The worker found the issue and filled out a form explaining the work that was done. On-site maintenance at apartment complexes come to an apartment and fix whatever is wrong with the apartment. Apartment complexes that have maintenance can make your life very convenient. All you have to do is pick up the phone and they will come and save you from a flooding bathroom. I have ran into quite a few disasters so far while living in my apartment. Like when my thermostat decided to quit working or the time my kitchen sink leaked underneath

Editors Note
By Kayla Banzet

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Table of Contents
4 Deposit 6 What do you think? 7 Laundry 8 Recipe 10 Grocery 11 Recipe 12 Map 13 Apartment info 15 Leaving 17 Lead 21 Roommates 22 Checklist

the counter. Each time maintenance workers have entered my apartment and fixed the issues. When looking for a new apartment one should consider a complex that includes onsite maintenance. Some places offer maintenance but only come to the apartment if it is an emergency. You dont always have to call maintenance. Some things can be fixed by you but its best to leave it to the professionals. If you try to fix something in your apartment by yourself you may damage the apartment and owe the complex a lot of money.

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WRItERS Avalon Cole Elly Grimm Stella Liang Victoria Pitcher Anna Wenner NEWS MANAGEMENt Editor-in-chief Ian Cummings Managing editor Lisa Curran Special sections editor Kayla Banzet Copy chiefs Marla Daniels Jennifer DiDonato Alexandra Esposito Dana Meredith ADVISERS
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PAGE 4 Living

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Decorating can make deposit disappear

Alternatives to Nails
-Magic tape -velcro -T-pins -Command Strips -Tacks
Damages to an apartment can cause issues with complex and the deposit
KAYLA bANzEt We just use caulking to fill in those holes but it is time consuming if there are a lot of them, Aiden said. Trying to make a newhome more decoIf damages are excessive, tenants could rative and cozy is a top priority for many, not only lose their full deposit but owe a but decorating a rented house or apart- landlord more money. Fees can add up ment can cost the renter his or her secu- when landlords and maintenance crews rity deposit. fix wounded walls. On top of decorating Many apartment complexes and rental damages, management also looks at cleanhomes in the Lawrence area require ten- liness of the rental property. ants to pay a security deposit before movWe have charges that we go off of in ing in. This deposit is to protect the owner our resident handbook, Girard said. If from property damage. Jennifer Girard, they leave paint on the walls and never assistant manager of Campus Court at Na- painted them back, the carpet was ruined ismith, 1301 West 24th Street, said those and they didnt clean the apartment, they deposits help protect the proptery and the can look at a couple thousand dollars You tenant. dont see that commonly though. It is protection for us and really the Not every landlord is open to the idea resident themselves because they arent of decorating the walls. Erin Carlson, a having that additional charge when they junior from Augusta, said she must use are moving out if their security deposit is decorating alternatives at her apartment able to cover any damages, Girard said. complex.. Deposits can range anywhere from Were not allowed to nail anything $100 to a payment of the first months rent. in, but we can hang stuff up as long as it Sometimes landlords waive the deposit fee doesnt do a lot of damage, Carlson said. but expect tenants to pay We use t-pins to hang for any damages upon up art and other items moving out. Gordon We use t-pins to hang up around our apartment. Cave, a junior from AuThey do minimal damart and other items around age and are easy to move gusta, moved into The Reserve, on West 31st our apartment. They do around. street without having to minimal damage. Carlson said she had pay a deposit. been able to buy boxes of Erin CarLSon t-pins for $5, and found There was a speTowanda senior that white toothpaste cial when I signed with them, Cave said. If I could cover over any use anything larger than a standard nail in holes the pins made. the wall it is considered damage and Ill There are other alternatives to decorathave to pay a fee. ing without losing your deposit. Girard At Campus Court, Girard said, tenants suggested choosing items that are light, are more than welcome to decorate their that you can hang with smaller nails and apartments but when they are liable for putty that you can buy at WalMart. She any damage.. Nails and thumbtack holes said its a better choice than putting a hole in the wall for hanging pictures usually do in the wall. not leave much damage but bigger holes in Using hooks with sticky backs prevents the wall can be a problem damage to walls, too. Troy Aiden, maintenance supervisor If a resident is not planning on living at Campus Court,said it depends on how in a home for long, they could save money big the wall damage is, but it can take time by not decorating . and money to repair a hole in a wall. Really I would say if youre in an apartIt depends on the size and if it is a big ment and youre not going to be there long hole you have to fix it, texture it, let it dry I would avoid hanging things like actual and paint it, Aiden said. It can take a pictures and just hang things like posters, couple of hours. Girard said. Its going to be cheaper for Small thumbtack and finishing nail you in the long run and to start out with. holes are usually an easy fix for the maintenance, but even they can cost. Edited by Ian Cummings


MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


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MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012 OpiniOn


What do you think?

Whats been your favorite thing about living in your own apartment?

angie soden senior from Hiawatha not having to deal with distractions like if i were living in the dorms

Mike austin grad student from lawrence Having most things in under my control

katie HoWard senior from derby Getting to do everything on my own terms and no one elses

lindsey vollen Junior from Wichita The fact that i dont have to answer to anyone but myself

lauren Jirous Junior from omaha, neb. i like having my own space and my own room. i also really like not having any rules.

CHeyenne verdoorn Junior from kansas City, Mo. Having my own room, my freedom and i also dont have to deal with personal distractions or if im distracting others

Justin Hannon Junior from lansing The location and size of my place and the freedom to do what i want


MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Coin laundry versus laundry at home

AVALON COLE Many students wonder if paying extra to do their laundry at home is worth the cost. Having a washer and dryer at home is convenient but going to a laundry mat also has its advantages. Alli Vorhees, a sophomore from Overland Park, said she would rather pay more for an apartment each month if it included a washer and dryer. Its just a lot less stressful to do your laundry in your own house, Vorhees said. It saves me time and pressure because I dont have to rummage around for quarters every time I need to do a load. Vorhees said she typically does laundry at least once a week. She said she doesnt have the extra time to run to a laundry mat and spend up to three hours waiting for her clothes to be done. For Emily Burnett, paying a little extra for a washer-dryer eliminates a lot of extra hassle. I would pay up to $30 extra to have a washer and dryer in my apartment. said Burnett, a sophomore from St. Paul, Minn. Burnett said it would be extremely difficult for her to get to a laundry mat because she does not own a car. She also said she already has trouble getting to places like Target or the grocery store and she does not need another chore to worry about. It is such a hassle to drag all of your clothes to a different location just to clean them. Burnett said. Michael Gray, a sophomore from Toronto Canada, said he would rather save the rent money and wash his clothes at a laundry mat. Gray said it is surprising how much money you save each month by not adding the extra cost of a washer and dryer. I can just find quarters on the ground or use my extra change for my laundry, Gray said. It is so much more economical than paying $20 extra a month for a washer and dryer. For Gray, going to the laundry mat is something he looks forward to. He said that even though waiting for his laundry takes a few hours he uses that time to do things he does not normally do. Gray said he has met new friends and finished hours of homework in that spare time. Students need to weigh out the options of paying extra for a washer and dryer in their apartment. Depending on the situation it can be very beneficial. In other cases going to the laundry mat can save money and create personal time for students to get things done. In my situation paying extra for having a washer and dryer at home has made my life a lot easier, Burnett said. Edited by Katie James


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MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012



MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Cryptoquip #1

soduku #1

Cryptoquip #2

Cryptoquip #3

Use the qr code on page 18 to see the answers

PAGE 10 Grocery

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Students give grocery shopping advice

ELLY GRIMM There are two types of grocery shoppers: the people who go to the store without planning ahead, and the people who carefully search the aisles with their grocery list in hand and their budget in mind. Here in Lawrence, there are many grocery stores to choose from: Target, Hy-Vee, Aldis, Dillons, The Merc and Walmart to name just a few. Many students have a personal favorite when it comes to grocery stores, though their reasons vary. First, the distance from your fridge to the grocery store should play a role because the closer the store is, the easier it is to transport frozen foods and save time. I like to go to Hy-Vee because of the proximity to my place and theres always a really good variety, Derek Shackelford, a sophomore from Shawnee said. For any student, it is rewarding to buy food at the lowest price possible, and many students will choose one store over another based on price alone. Some stores, such as Dillons, provide frequent shopper cards that allow cardholders to purchase many items at a lower price. I usually go to the Dillons on 6th street because its always really cheap, said Emily Peterson, a junior from Kansas City, Mo. Sales are another reason people keep going back to their favorite grocery store, whether a sale is on meat, cheese or any other popular grocery. Everything I buy I try to get while its on sale, said Peterson. Especially with meat I always have meat. I dont really pay attention to when they say sales are going on, but when I go shopping I always compare prices of the name-brand stuff to the Great Value brand at Walmart, said Sarah Rettit, a junior from Shawnee. Sales also allow students to indulge in their favorite buys and guilty pleasure foods. I get a lot of produce, fruits and veggies more than anything, said Shackelford. But I also have a soft spot for ice cream. I cant always get it but I do when I can. Each of these students also had some tips for those new to grocery shopping in Lawrence. Make a list and then get into a routine so youll know roughly what youll be spending, Shackelford said. Pastas also extremely invaluable. Rettit said it is important to know how much food you like to cook and what you like to cook. Buy stuff you can make meals from over and over again, Peterson said. Edited by Caroline Kraft



MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Recipe: Easy to make comfort food at college

ANNA WENNER Every person has their own version of comfort food that is dependent on their family and its meals. For me, comfort food consists of a lot of easy to make, filling meals that my family could all agree on. One such meal was Corn Chowder. I used to think that Corn Chowder was one of those meals that my grandmother spent a long time making, with lots of complicated ingredients. One day I learned the truth. Not only is Corn Chowder the go-to meal in my household when no one wants to spend much time cooking, its also one of the few meals that Ill still spend time making on my own now that Im at college. This recipe may not be the type of chowder that a true cook wants to experience. For those people like me who have managed to ruin boxed macaroni and cheese, it might be just the thing that we needed. It takes only a few minutes to make and takes no previous cooking knowledge. One batch should feed several people (between 2-5 depending on the serving sizes) or can be reheated as leftovers (it takes just as good reheated as it does freshly made). Edited byTanvi Nimkar


In a large pot on stove heat the following (dont boil):

1 10.5 oz can of Cream of Chicken Soup 1/2 can of milk (use regular milk and use the empty soup can to measure half a can) Add 1 approximately 15 oz can of Cream style corn (drain before adding). Add 1 approximately 15 oz can whole kernel corn. drain and add 1 approximately 15 oz can of potatoes (chop them before adding). Add 1 tablespoon of dry onion flakes or a little fresh onion. When warm, add 2 tablespoons of oleo and salt and pepper to taste. Heat to desired temperature.


MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Grand Vista Dr

Kansas Turnpike

70 40

McDonald Dr

N 1700 Rd

N 1700 Rd Princeton Blvd W Princeton Blvd

Monterey Homeowners

N 2nd St

Trail Rd

Lawrence Country Club


North Lawrence

W 6th St


W 6th St W 9th St

Centennial Park

W 6th St

Maine St


Sunset Hills

West Hills Homes

South Park

Iowa St


Massachusetts St

E 11th St

Dad Perry Park

Kasold Dr

Bob Billings Pkwy

West Campus


East Lawrence

University of Kansas
Kentucky St

E 15 th St

E 19 th St

W 19th St

3. 2.
Clinton Pkwy

University Palace
W 21st St

Naismith Dr

Schwegler 10

Holcom Park Rec Center

Iowa ST

Naismith Valley Park


W 23rd St

10 Haskell Indian Nations University

Haskell Ave

Kasold Dr

W 27th St



Broken Arrow Park

W 31st St


W 31st St


MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012



1. the Reserve
Furnished: Yes W/D:Full-size Floorplan: 3 options Distance: 3.1 miles Utilities included: Yes, except electricity Individual lease option: Yes Furnished:Yes W/D:Full-size Floorplan: 3 options Distance: 3.4 miles Utilities included: Cable and internet Individual lease option: Yes

5. Campus Court at Naismith

Furnished: No W/D:Stackable Floorplan: 2 options Distance: 1.6 miles Utilities included: All, except electricity. Indvidual lease option: Yes Furnished: No W/D: Community laundry room Floorplan: Depends on building Distance: 1.2 miles Utilities included: Water and sanitation Indvidual lease option: Yes Furnished: No W/D: Full-size Floorplan: 8 options Distance: 1.8 miles Utilities included: Only cable Indvidual lease option: Yes Furnished: Built in desk W/D: On-site Floorplan: 5 options Distance: 0.7 miles Utilities included: Yes Indvidual lease option:Yes

2. Legends Place

6. Meadowbrook Apartments

3. the Grove

Furnished: Yes W/D: Yes Floorplan: 2 options Distance: 3.7 miles Utilities included:All, $30 electricty cap. Indvidual lease option: Yes Furnished:Yes W/D:Full-size Floorplan: 4 options Distance: 3.1 miles Utilities included:Cable and internet Indvidual lease option:Yes

7. tuckaway Apartments

4. the Connection

8. Berkeley Flats Apartments

PAGE 14 Puzzles

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Cryptoquip #4

soduku #2

Cryptoquip #5

Cryptoquip #6

Use the qr code on page 18 to see the answers


Stonecrest VillageSquare Hanover Place

785- 8 42- 3040 | V I L L A G E@S U N F L O W E R . C O M 850 AVA L O N R D . SU I T E 4 | L AW R E N C E, KAN SAS




the UniVerSity daily KanSan moving

Monday, april 16, 2012

paGe 15

There are many things to consider when moving from one place to the next
Students need to remember all of the steps for a smooth moving out process
ages, such as holes in walls. If the apartment complexes determine that the apartment is not clean or is not in the same Moving out of an apartment involves plan- shape that it was before the resident moved in, ning and decisions. First, one has to decide the resident will get charged. They get a letter, said Lori Eisenhour, leaswhether or not to resign a lease. Then, there is the issue of what to do with the furniture and ing and marketing manager at The Reserve. other belongings. For students not staying in Everyone gets a move-out letter stating the charges. Lawrence over At Williams the summer, all of Pointe and those possessions LeannaMar, the have to be stored charge is taken somewhere. Beout of the defore moving out, posit. It is not an inspection also uncommon for has to be done in residents to get order to deterPack charged. mine if the stuClean Most apartdent can get his or Fix damages ments have some her deposit back kind of cleaning or will be charged Contact management charge, unless its extra. Have apartment inspected spotless, EisenCollin JohnCollect deposit hour said. son, a sophomore Baisick agrees from Council move out that most people Grove, is moving will not get their out of The Refull deposit back. serve after this school year. Its very rare, Baisick said. There are little I actually like it there, but I would like a bigger living space, Johnson said. Its nice living things that they dont get back. Aside from the inspection, most apartment there for the social aspect, a lot of my friends live there, but its kind of known as the sopho- complexes require former residents to leave a more dorms and people usually move on to a forwarding address. The process is pretty straightforward and different place after one year of living there. Johnson is moving out in August and says does not usually become a hassle. Having to pack everything up is really he has to get the condition of his apartment annoying, but other than that, The Reserve is checked. When you first move in, you have to fill pretty efficient with the move-in and move-out out a damage report, listing the condition of process, Johnson said. As for transportation, there are different everything in your room, kitchen, living room and bathroom. Then when you move out, they options that work better for different people. make sure that everything you listed is in the Some have to put belongings in a storage facilsame condition as it was when you moved in, ity while others can drive it straight to a new Johnson said. If not, then you get charged a living space. I am just planning on boxing everything certain amount of money. In some apartment complexes an inspec- up, putting it in my car, and making multiple tion before moving out is not required. Once trips to unpack it all, Johnson said. After breaking down and planning out each the residents who did not renew a lease move out, all of the empty apartments are then in- part of the moving process, the transition does spected. In other places, the inspection is done not have to be difficult. before the resident can cut ties. Edited by Pat Strathman Jenna Baisick, the office manager at Williams Pointe and LeannaMar townhomes, says that they look for general cleanliness and dam-

Stella lianG

moving? make sure you do these things before checking out:

PAGE 16 Puzzles

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Cryptoquip #7

soduku #3

Cryptoquip #8

Cryptoquip #9

Use the qr code on page 18 to see the answers



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the UnIVeRSIty DaIly KanSan heaLth

MOnDay, aPRIl 16, 2012

PaGe 17

Landlords educate renters over harms of lead paint

Students unaware of lead paint in their homes may be at risk for lead poisoning, should be aware of severe symptoms
Someone who has lead poisoning will have low iron levels in their system, Jackson said. Iron deficiency can possibly lead to When Sarah Stephens and her roommate anemia. moved into their apartment last August they According to the Kansas Healthy Homes were both handed information on lead-based and Lead Hazard Prevention website other paint. They were told that their apartment symptoms include headache, lack of appetite, could contain lead-based paint on the walls. vomiting, fatigue, stomachache, constipation Even though lead exposure can be seriously or seizures. If these symptoms are not treated harmful to someones health, the two room- it could land someone in the hospital. mates didnt pay any mind to the pamphlet. Exposure can be dangerous at any age. Im not too concerned, Stephens said. Jackson said he has not seen many studies on When we first moved in I was a little worried the age of the person but children are norbut I sort of forgot about it later. mally affected more when it comes to expoSince 1996 landlords must provide renters sure. Narcomey agrees and says children are with information on the possibility of being a main concern. exposed to lead-based paint. They are reChildren who live in these homes are a quired to give their renters a pamphlet. Rent- big concern to us, Narcomey said. It can afers receive these pamphlets fect the development of the but may not know all of the child. facts of what they could be Children who live in these Not only can lead poiexposed to. soning occur through the homes are a big concern to Houses and buildings air but it can also be introbuilt before 1978 could us. It can affect the develduced to the body through have lead-based paint, opment of the child. ingestion. which can be harmful to Another way that one Dan narComy peoples health. Knowing could get lead poisoning is the facts about lead could asbestos and lead manager, University en- by eating paint chips that vironment, health and Safety department prevent dangers to peoples have lead-based paint in it, physical health. Jackson said. The University of Kansas If a person decides to Environment, Health & Safety department, paint their walls they should take caution. located in Burt Hall, specializes in many haz- Painting over lead-based paint could possibly ardous materials. Dan Narcomey, asbestos chip the paint away. However, it is a good way and lead manager for EHS, said it is impor- to keep the paint from chipping. tant to stay informed. Painting over the walls can keep the paint There are still problems with lead-based fresh, Narcomey said. If the walls become paint today, Narcomey said. If you are con- too dry they can crack and chips could fall cerned with lead consult your landlord or a off. professional. Knowing the facts about lead poisoning A mistake that many people make when can be very helpful. Stephens says she is more dealing with lead-based paint is trying to aware now about the symptoms and possibiliremove the paint themselves. Scraping and ties, and says she appreciates the new found picking at the paint can cause serious prob- knowledge. lems. Nacomey said its best to leave it alone. I didnt know about the symptoms unYou should not let the paint become air- til now, Stephens said. Im not overly conborne, Narcomey said. If you want the paint cerned but it is good to know about it. removed you should definitely leave it to the For more information on lead-based professionals. paint and lead poisoning visit http://www. If the paint is left alone the exposure in the air should be minimal but if the lead becomes airborne overexposure to the lead can make Edited by Katie James a renter ill. Timothy Jackson, an assistant professor in chemistry, said when someone has been overexposed to lead or has lead poisoning there will be symptoms.


headache lack of appetite vomiting fatigue stomachache constipation seizures

Kayla Banzet

even though lead-based paints were banned for sale and use in the United States in 1979, consumers may still find lead in paint in their homes. Lead poisoning can cause all sorts of medical problems, from headaches to seizures.

claIRe hOwaRD/KanSan

PAGe 18

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012 Puzzles



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MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Cryptoquip #10

soduku #4

Cryptoquip #11

Cryptoquip #12

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PAGE 20 PuzzleS

MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Soduku #5

Soduku #6

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MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012

PAGe 21

The Mountain Dewds explain tradition

VIctORIA PItcheR They call themselves The Mountain Dewds, and the ten men living under one roof share more than just a lease; they share a Christian brotherhood. Its hard to miss the worn, white house dawning a big red Quick Trip sign on Mississippi Street, but it has been mistaken for a fraternity and even once for a real Quick Trip. The Dewds, however, say they are just a bunch of guys living together, who share a common goal. We are just trying to be good influences on the community, said Mikey Shaw, a Dewd and a freshman from Heidelberg, Germany. The Dewds are known for their parties, but they arent your typical college parties. Every year they throw a Halloween party, and instead of alcohol, the Dewds serve, you guessed it, Mountain Dew. Other events hosted by the Dewds are Ramp Day, where they ride bikes off a ramp into Potter Lake, and Keith Day which is always on the third Friday in April. There is a story behind almost every tradition for the Dewds. The meaning of Keith Day has become increasingly abstract, but the real history behind the party will continue to be passed on between the Dewds. Keith was a former Dewd, who the other roommates never saw when he was living there. The roommates decided if they threw a party for him, he would have to show up. The party turned out to be a huge success. Everyone had so much fun at the party that it just kept happening, said Ty Crowl, a senior from Overland Park and present Dewd. Its called Keith Day, but its not really about Keith anymore. The story of how the Mountain Dewds became the community they are today begins with a group of four or five friends who took a road trip. Along the way they came across a box of t-shirts at a gas station, reading The Mountain Dewds. The guys decided to wear them and eventually began calling themselves the name from the shirts. When they moved in together, they found more roommates and the Mountain Dewds kept growing and the traditions was begun. There is a lot of history that just happens, said Greg Huenergardt, a senior from Wichita. It just happens and we dont understand it. The Mountain Dewds went from a small group of friends to having 120 Dewds since 2003. Once the Dewds gained attention from outside the house, they ran into trouble. The Pepsi Company sent a cease and desist letter claiming they were using the Moutain Dewds name to make money, but when Pepsi found out their intentions were not for business, they were let off the hook. After occupying two houses on Tennessee for years, The Dewds moved to the house on Mississippi with seven bedrooms and only two working bathrooms at the beginning of fall semester. The Quick Trip sign that hangs on the front of the house is the symbol of a longstanding tradition in the house. Luke Shaw, a senior from Heidelberg, Germany said that the Mountain Dewds were the very first customers when Quick Trip first opened in Lawrence. His brother, Mikey Shaw said that about four times a week the Dewds make a trip to Quick Trip. We are on a first name basis with the manager there, Mikey Shaw said. Shaw also said that most of the Dewds were friends with the manager at Quick Trip on Facebook. Now, every year on the day Quick Trip opened, the Dewds throw a birthday party for the convenience store by bringing a cake and sometimes a present and by singing Happy Birthday. In return, the Dewds have gained a plethora of memorabilia from QuickTrip including mugs, a coffee table book, and even Quick Trip Monopoly. The most recent addition to the Mountain Dewds is six baby chickens. Over spring break Luke Shaw purchased the chickens to raise and use them for eggs. When the chickens became too big, the Dewds built a chicken coop. Spontaneous ideas are welcome among the Mountain Dewds. The chicken coop is probably a classic example of the sort of attitude where if someone has an idea, and they want to do something kind of out of the usual, the community will come around and embrace it and say Why not? Sounds fun, Luke Shaw said. Its not always one big party for the Mountain Dewds, although they try to constantly be awesome. Living in a house with 10 people takes patience and good communication. The biggest source of frustration in the Mountain Dewds house is cleanliness Mikey Shaw said, but the Dewds are always able to come together and clean the whole house in one day. The Dewds have a handbook that they refer to when needed, but the general rule is Dont be a knucklehead. There are no real hard and fast rules, Crowl said. But Crowl said there are two things that come close to hard and fast rules: underage drinking and girls staying the night is not allowed. The Dewds are united by a common Christian background which is one of the reasons for the two rules. Every Sunday they hold a house meeting where they discuss bills and ask how everyones week was. And at the end of every meeting, the Dewds pray. The biggest thing in our house is just friendships. Thats what we form here, said Huenergardt. We dont look here for church. We look for a Christian brotherhood here. And for Mikey Shaw, he learned how important those friendships would become. I was told at my first house meeting that the roommates and the Dewds that you meet here are going to be in your wedding. And thats the idea. Edited by Ian Cummings

the Moutain Dewds house has been mistaken for a real Quick trip before. since 2003 the house has been home to 120 Dewds.


the Mountain Dewds, top: (left to right) Greg Huenergardt, Corey Beach, elliott Klaassen, Christian Jones, Luke shaw, middle: Bobby Ray thomas iii, ty Crowl, sean sandifer, bottom: Mikey shaw, tyler Madison.



MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


to-do before moving in to my apartment:

Start looking for an apartment early in the year; most places have discounted rental rates. Compare prices between complexes to save a few bucks. Find a good roommate. Make an appointment with the apartment complex manager to view an available apartment. Apply for the apartment early. the search for rentals is competitive. Look over the lease carefully. Be sure to read every page. Pay the security deposit. Its possible that this deposit is refundable assuming that there is no damage to the apartment at the end of the lease. Find furniture and decor for the apartment. Pack, move and settle into your new home. Mission complete.


MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


Soduku #7

Soduku #8

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Where it's all about you! Individual leases All utilities paid Furnished apartments On KU Bus Route Sparkling swimming pool YouTube: orchardcornersapts

Kasold & Bob Billings Pkwy. behind Mr. Goodcents 785.318.9035

Tailgate like you mean it! Only 50 feet from campus Between The Oread and Memorial Stadium Studio, 1, 2 & 3 BR Apts. Walk to classes, Mass Street & more! YouTube: berkeleyflats

Right across from Memorial Stadium 785.260.0901 Use your smart phone to scan the QR code to visit our website!



MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2012


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