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Demoted DIO and CIO IO

Direct I/O (DIO) and Concurrent I/O (CIO) are alternative methods for accessing data stored in files on a file system that is functionally equivalent to raw I/O for devices. The primary benefit of DIO/CIO is reduced CPU utilization; however, if read and write requests are not properly constructed the applications DIO/CIO request will be demoted resulting in significant performance impact to application and system. On read or write activity, if an I/O request is demoted, then it will make use of the file system cache instead. However the I/O performance from demoted I/O will not be cached or benefit from JFS2 read ahead, and at the end of every demoted read or write the file system cache entry is discarded and released back to the VMM free list. Checking for demoted CIO I/O - CIO hooks 59B,59C Reverting to buffered I/O from CIO due to buffer non-alignement # trace aj 59B,59C; sleep 180; trcstop; trcrpt o cio.out - Check for demoted in cio.out Checking for demoted DIO I/O - DIO hooks 3B1, 3B2, and 3B3 Reverting to buffered I/O from DIO due to buffer non-alignement # trace aj 3B1,3B2,3B3; sleep 180; trcstop; trcrpt o dio.out - Check for demoted in dio.out

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