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SEVEN C of Comm

By Francis J. Bergin

1. Completeness Every message should be complete to create proper understanding & to avoid misunderstanding. 2. Conciseness Relevant information should be conveyed briefly. A concise message saves energy & time. 3. Clarity Clarity prevents confusion. If the sentences are cluttered, the reader can misinterpret it.

4) Correctness Correct facts should be transmitted in correct language. The sender revises in order to search the best way to say something & also probes for the right words. 5) Concreteness Another important thing for communication is that message should be definite & properly communicated.

6) Consideration The most important C in communication is that it should be reader oriented. It should be found out what the audience or receiver wants to know. Focus on U & not I or We. Positive points are to be emphasized. Positive & important facets should be considered.

7) Courtesy Always establish good relationship with the audience. Avoid Falseness. One imp thing which a sender can do for this is to establish his credibility.

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