Fundamentals of Fraud

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1. Fundamentals of fraud 2. Financial statement fraud 3. Types of fraud (e.g., employees, management) 4.

Cooking the books and problems in accounting 5. Anti-fraud controls 6. Elements of fraud: pressure, opportunity and rationalization 7. Internal control evaluation 8. Theory and methodology of fraud examination 9. Principles of ethics and corporate code of conduct 10. Fraud detection and deterrence programs 11. Anti-fraud auditing standards 12. Analytical review procedures 13. Anti-fraud criteria 14. Environmental and business red flags 15. Cyber and computer fraud 16. Anti-fraud training 17. Anti-fraud education 18. Professional standards pertaining to forensic accounting \ 19. Manipulation of related party transactions 20. Effective report writing 21. Earnings management 22. Financial reporting process and analysis 23. Criminology and white-collar and economic crimes 24. Financial reporting standards and principles 25. Techniques in locating hidden assets 26. Legal elements of fraud 27. Corporate governance 28. Conducting internal investigations 29. Security and privacy 30. Statistical sampling 31. Careers in forensic accounting 32. Knowledge of the legal system 33. Occupational fraud 34. Bribery and corruption investigation

35. Conflicts of interest investigating techniques 36. Intellectual property fraud 37. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations 38. Interview skills and legal aspects of interviews 39. Crime control techniques 40. Shareholder litigation 41. Professional organizations sponsoring forensic accounting 42. Resolution of allegations of misconduct 43. Rules of evidence 44. Business valuations and cost estimates 45. Expert testimony and expert witness techniques 46. Litigation consulting techniques 47. Modeling and discounting future damages 48. Trial and cross-examination 49. Valuation expert in divorce

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