ADO Net Entity Framework 4 0

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ADO.NET Entity Framework 4.

Claeys Kurt


Hi !
.Net Solution Architect ORDINA.BE Community Geek (, AZUG.BE) Focus on WCF/ADO.NET/Azure/.NET services MCT Trainer MVP Connected System Developer MCSD + MCTS Biztalk/WCF/WF/ADO.NET 3.5 Mail : Blog :

Im from Belgium !

Eh ... From where ?

Agenda (1.15)

What is ORM ? ADO.NET Entity Framework Some patterns Code examples & demos New in EF 4.0 More code !

Object Relational Mapping

Conceptual Mapping Storage

* *




.NET Entity Provider (Entity SQL) Programming Model


Conceptual Model Quering with LINQ Reader SQL or Entity



Updating through the ObjectContext


Mapping (MSL)

.NET Data Provider

Reader Adapter Connection Command


3 Layers
Conceptual layer(CSDL) The conceptual entity model that represents the entities and their associations and inheritance structure = Domain Model

Mapping layer(MSL) The metadata needed to map the conceptual model to the logical model. Storage layer (SSDL) The logical store model that represents the relational schema from a database

Storage Layer
Tables + PK <EntityType Name="Employees"> <Key> SQL <PropertyRef Name="EmployeeID" /> Field and Types </Key> <Property Name="Address" Type="nvarchar" MaxLength="60" /> ... <Property Name="TitleOfCourtesy" Type="nvarchar" MaxLength="25" /> </EntityType> <ReferentialConstraint> <Principal Role="Employees"> <PropertyRef Name="EmployeeID" /> </Principal> <Dependent Role="EmployeesTerritories"> <PropertyRef Name="EmployeeID" /> </Dependent> </ReferentialConstraint>

PK/FK relations

Conceptual Layer
<EntitySet Name="Categories" EntityType="NORTHWINDEFModel.Categories" /> Associations ... <AssociationSet Name="FK_Products_Categories" Association="NORTHWINDEFModel.FK_Products_Categories"> <End Role="Categories" EntitySet="Categories" /> <End Role="Products" EntitySet="Products" /> </AssociationSet> <EntityType Name="Categories"> Entities / Keys <Key> <PropertyRef Name="CategoryID" /> .NET Types </Key> <Property Name="CategoryID" Type="Int32" Nullable="false" /> <Property Name="CategoryName" Type="String" Nullable="false /> <NavigationProperty Name="Products" Relationship="NORTHWINDEFModel.FK_Products_Categories" FromRole="Categories" ToRole="Products" /> </EntityType>

Mapping Layer
Inheritance <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(NORTHWINDEFModel.DiscontinuedProducts)"> <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Products"> <ScalarProperty Name="UnitsOnOrder" ColumnName="UnitsOnOrder" /> <ScalarProperty Name="UnitsInStock" ColumnName="UnitsInStock" /> ... <Condition ColumnName="Discontinued" Value="true" /> </MappingFragment> </EntityTypeMapping> Discriminators

TPC Mapping
Fowler : Concrete Table Inheritance Microsoft : Table Per Concrete Type (TPC)

Represents an inheritance hierarchy of classes with one table per concrete class in the hierarchy

TPT Mapping
Fowler : Class Table Inheritance Microsoft : Table Per Type (TPT)

Represents an inheritance hierarchy of classes with one table for each class

TPH Mapping
Fowler : Single Table Inheritance Microsoft : Table Per Hierarchy (TPH)

Represents an inheritance hierarchy of classes as a single table that has columns for all the fields of the various classes.

Object Context

ObjectContext ChangeTracking
Attach 1. Query

Database Tables
2. Update the Entities Notifies 3. Save Changes

Compiled Type Safe Results

ObjectQuery + Entity SQL

Entity SQL is a string ... dynamic Type Safe Results

EntityClient Providor + Entity SQL

API like ADO.NET 2.0 Not Type safe Forward only/Read only There is no objectcontext

Entity SQL
SQL alike Query language Can do the same as LINQ (and vice versa) Queries on the model, not the database. Object Oriented
dot syntax, TypeOf() Is translated to T-SQL by EF (in combination with driver of vendor)
SELECT VALUE il FROM InvoiceLines AS il WHERE il.Invoice.InvoiceCustomerID = 99

Avoid JOINs
SELECT c.InvoiceDate, c.InvoiceLines FROM ImvoiceModel.Invoice as c

POCO support Model First Approach LazyLoadingEnabled Generation of classes by T4 templates Foreign Key Support Code only Stored Procedures Function Imports Complex Types

EF4 : Persisitence Ignorance - POCO

PI : An object should not know how it is persisted
Objects should not depend on data access frameworks to be used Test Driven Development, Domain Driven Design

POCO : plain old CLR object

Not inheriting from another class No attributes Serializable
public class Supplier { public Int32 Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string City { get; set; } public List<Product> Product { get; set; } } public class Product { public Int32 Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public double Price { get; set; } public Supplier Supplier { get; set; } }

EF4 : Model First Approach

EF4 : Lazy Loading option

By default in EF 3.5 consuming child data of a query did not query the DB again. EF has LazyLoadingEnabled option

ctx.ContextOptions. LazyLoadingEnabled = true; ctx.ContextOptions. LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

Default code generation (beta2) : true !

EF4 : Generation of classes by T4 templates

Entity Model in EDMX
executed by Visual Studio reads the metadata from the model

T4 Template generates code

Generated Classes

EF4 : Generation of classes by T4 templates

//This generated. namespace MyDomainClasses { <# foreach(EntityTypeWrapper entity in Edm.SourceEntities.OrderBy(e => e.ModelName)) { #> public class My<#=entity.ClassName#> { <# foreach(PrimitiveTypePropertyWrapper property in entity.PrimitiveTypeProperties) { #> public <#=property.PropertyType#> <#=property.Name#> { get; set; } <# } #> } <# } #> }

EF4: Self tracking entities in N-tier architecture

Entity classes (generated in EF 3.5 or EF 4.0 POCOs) have no tracking by itself, its the objectcontext that knows what was inserted, updated or deleted. The objectcontext is also the only one who knows the original values of data needed for concurrency managment Distributing an entity outside the instance (think WCF) of the objectcontext was not easy, you needed to write your own tracking logic. EF4 : supports Self Tracking Entities by selected a T4 template for code generation.

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