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LADY BIRD BEETLE ORDER: COLEOPTERA FAMILY: COCCINELIDAE COMMON NAME: LADY BIRD BEETLE ZOOLOGICAL NAME: Coccinella septempunctata Both the adults & grubs are predaceous on soft bodied insects & mites Adults are small, oval or spherical, convex, brightly covered with coloured spots Antennae are short, clubbed 3 to 6 segmented Larva campodeiform covered with tuburcles 3 spots on each forewing and 1 on middle of both the forewings

Campoletis chloridae
ORDER: HYMENOPTERA FAMILY: ICHNEUMONIDAE COMMON NAME: ICHNEUMON FLY ZOOLOGICAL NAME: Campoletis chloridae Larval parasitoid of lepidoptera, hymenoptera & Coleoptera Antennae are long with 16 segments Ovipositor is long Absence of anal lobe on hind wing

Bracon herbetor
ORDER: HYMENOPTERA FAMILY: BRACONIDAE COMMON NAME: BRACONIDS ZOOLOGICAL NAME: Bracon hebetor Primary parasitoid (i. e. External and internal) Small and stout bodied insects Egg-larval parasitoids Ovipositor is long Pupation in cocoon inside or outside of host body

Chrysoperla carnae : Adult

Chrysoperla carnae : Larva on eggs

Chrysoperla carnae : larva

ORDER: NEUROPTRA FAMILY: CHRYSOPIDAE COMMON NAME: APHID LION OR CHRYSOPA ZOOLOGICAL NAME: Crysoperla carnae Bright green body with clear veins Antenna filiform Larva is the predacious on aphids, thrips, jassids etc

Syrphid fly larva

ORDER: DIPTERA FAMILY: SYRPHIDAE COMMON NAME: SYRPHID FLY OR HOVER FLY ZOOLOGICAL NAME: Syrphus confractor Larva is predacious on aphids, thrips & other plant suckers Adults found nectaring or hovering at flowers Adults are pollinators

Trichogramma chilonis: Adults on eggs

ORDER: HYMENOPTERA FAMILY: TRYCHOGRAMMATIDAE COMMON NAME: EGG PARASITOID ZOOLOGICAL NAME: Trichogramma chilonis Egg parasitoids specially on lepidopteran eggs Fore wings are broad with rows of hairs Not strong fliers

Dragonfly adult
ORDER: ODONAT FAMILY: LESTIDAE COMMON NAME: DRAGON FLY ZOOLOGICAL NAME: Nepogomphus spp Large sized, adults are terrestrial & nymphs are aquatic Immature stage is naiads & feeds on aquatic insects Adults catch the flying insects with basket shaped legs

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