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Cholesterol is needed to make ALL hormones produced in adrenal cortex, - glucocorticoids, Mineralcorticoids, corticoids, Progesterone, estrogens, testosterone. Less Cholesterol = Less Hormones

Stop eating this




Less hormones = MORE DISEASE Good for Business

Uric Acid levels Blood pressure Triglycerides

All Drop on a Low-carb diet





Low cholesterol has been linked to: Depression Increased suicide rates Alzheimer's Parkinson's Cancer especially with cholesterol below 140 Cholesterol lowering can also lead to:
Blood sugar problems Edema Mineral deficiencies Chronic inflammation Difficulty in healing Allergies Asthma Reduced libido Infertility Various reproductive problems

The Good Oils

Virgin Coconut Oil
(not Minola)

Eat like this

Palm Oil (unrefined) Butter Olive Oil-DARK ONLY Animal fats

The Bad Oils (STOP)

Margarine Cottonseed oil Corn oil Canola oil Vegetable oil Anything Hydrogenated

Low-Fat Causes Cancer Low-Fat Causes Heart Disease

Remember: All Stress hormones are made from CHOLESTEROL

/ NO Cholesterol = NO Hormones = More Stress

Eat to Lose Weight, Stop Heart Disease, Correct Blood Sugar

Low-Fat Causes Cancer Low-Fat Causes Heart Disease

Any type of animal meat (beef, lamb, chicken, pork, sausage, etc, organic-grass feed if possible) All kinds of animal fats Fish Eggs (unlimited amounts) Cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, plain yogurt (w/o sugar) Salads, nearly any vegetables (with the exception of potatoes) Alcoholic beverages (unsweetened, and in small amounts) Nuts ( in moderate amounts)
This diet Corrects Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Arthritis, Etc.

Any food that contains virtually no carbohydrates can be eaten freely

Dont Eat / Reduce

All carbohydrate containing foods (breads, pasta, cereals, grains, potatoes, pastries, bagels) Sweet fruits Sweetened foods of all kinds (yogurt, sodas, desserts, candy) Dried fruits Fruit juiced no juices in nature (except Buko)
This diet promotes Diabetes, Cancer, Heart disease, Alzheimer's, Arthritis, and All degenerative disease

You could never chronically consume carbohydrates in nature. Not even today.

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