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Functional Foods- Obstacles

No clear OTC schedule in the Drugs & Cosmetics Act. Hence, any drug which is outside Schedule G, H and X is considered to be an OTC drug

OTC Guidelines
Dietary supplements available only in Chemist Stores Consumption currently an urban phenomena, since the distribution is limited. Due to lack of clarity of specific regulations, there is still ambiguity in interpreting difference between Nutraceuticals & related terminologies like functional food, vitamin supplements and dietary supplements

Distribution Channels

Food Regulations


With growth in media penetration, costs of Media has also increased

Role of Media

Consumers Perceptions

Consumers do not want to recognize the need of Nutritionals for self

Doctor Recommen dation

Consumers willing to take up FF&B supplements only when prescribed by Doctor. Doctors have too many brands to choose from


Consumers Perceptions
Consumers do not want recognize the need of Nutritionals for self They doubt the genuineness of the benefit claims made by functional food & supplement brands Unless the doctor prescribes, consumers show high resistance towards taking up nutritionals Dissatisfying Past Experience with certain products lead to consumers discouraging trials of new nutritional offerings


Source: Cubex Tasting New Trends in the Indian Health Supplements Market , 2012

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