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AZRIELIDIVERSELEARNERS - Time management for ADHD students

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Title of tool/technique: Time management for ADHD students.


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Description of tool/technique: Children with ADHD often have difficulty finishing their assignments on time and can thus benefit from special materials and practices that help them to improve their time management skills. Use of clock or wristwatch. One may need to teach the child how to read and use a clock or wristwatch in order to manage time when completing assigned work. Use a calendar. One may need to teach the child how to read and use a calendar in order to schedule assignments. Practice sequencing activities. One needs to break down a long assignment into a sequence of short, interrelated activities. Create a daily activity schedule. Tape a schedule of planned daily activities to the child's desk. Applications: Since ADD and ADHD students get distracted and lose concentration easily, they need reinforcement and strong structure to stay on track. The aforementioned practices help the ADD/ADHD student manage the burdens of school from hour to hour and day to day. Application Limits: It will toll the teacher to give extra effort and guidelines for this ADD/ADHD student. Additionally, the parents will be needed to work and plan together with the teacher. Support for Application from Jewish Sources: Possible support: / The gemara says, "If you grab too much, you come away with nothing, grab a little, you have something." This statement has many applications. If we could apply it to learning, and assume its addressing the average learner, how much more so do we need to limit the learning times and amounts of material for those with lesser abilities of concentration. Application Challenges in Jewish settings: In the later grades, long sessions of Talmudic learning are common. We need to understand that the ADHD/ADD student will need more breaks during the learning. Personal Reflection: Having experience with children with ADD, I understand the importance of setting a structed schedule for them to do work. Children with ADD/ADHD innately lack organization, and do not know how to divide up work into easy, achievable sizes. The parent or teacher must give them achievable assignments and an organized timeline. Specific Example: Dovid has ADD. When given a class assignment. He should be told especially by the teacher, when the work needs to be done. If he is given a book report. He should be given dates for completion of each chapter, and then benchmarks for when certain parts of the report need to be completed.

Resources and References:

Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Instructional Strategies and Practices U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (2004)

DuPaul, G. J., Weyandt, L. L., & Janusis, G. M. (2011). ADHD in the Classroom:



DuPaul, G. J., Weyandt, L. L., & Janusis, G. M. (2011). ADHD in the Classroom: Effective Intervention Strategies. Theory Into Practice. 50(1), 35-42.

AZRIELIDIVERSELEARNERS - Time management for ADHD students

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