Gordon Personality Profile Inventory-Mhelai

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Gordon personality profile inventory

By Leonard V. Gordon in 1950

PURPO helps you identify the degree to which your candidates possess the personality-based competencies necessary for success in a job.


Discover whether a candidates personality traits will be an asset to your organization

Identify desirable qualities such as dependability, attention to detail, diligence, innovation, conscientiousness, adaptability, analytical thinking, and stress tolerance



Accounting, Administrative, Computer/IT, Customer Service, Financial Services, Engineering, Health Care, Industrial/Manufacturing, Management, Retail, Sales and

8 Personality Traits

By GGP: *Dependability *attention to detail *diligence *innovation *conscientiousn ess *adaptability *analytical thinking *stress

It is a forced choice questionnaire. It takes 20 to 30 minutes to complete. The scales are percentiles. It is only available in English.

Pascua, Melanie Christine S. P3B

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