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G/B Chapter Ten: In Other Words The Art of Metacommentary December 1, 2011 1. What is metacommentary?

What does meta mean? Look it up.

2. How is metacommentary like a Greek chorus or a prologue to a Shakespeare play?

3. What does it mean to think of your text as two texts joined at the hip?

4. Give two examples of metacommentary which the authors use to clarify what it is.

5. How does metacommentary clarify and elaborate? Give examples.

6. How can metacommentary help you add both length and depth to your writing?

7. How can metacommentary help you to draw out your ideas?

8. How can other sources help you use metacommentary?

9. How does Neil Postmans example preview and spell out--in other words-- stand out from his text?

10. How can titles be used as metacommentary? How do subtitles function as metacommentary? 11. Study the templates for metacommentary and write one each, telling its function on the back.

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