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What is Tense?

A form of a verb used to indicate the time, and sometimes the continuation or completeness, of an action in relation to the time of speaking. (From Latin tempus = time). Verb I = Verbs present form, Verb II= Verbs past form, Verb III= Verbs P.P. form 1. Present tense 1.1 Simple Present Tense: Simple Present Tense is a verb form that used to express : An action that happens all the time or habit. It happens: every day, week, month, year, etc. A thing that is true in general A schedule/time table or a plan A description and definition Time markers that are usually used: always, as a rule, generally, normally, usually, often, every day, every week, every evening, every Sunday, in the morning, in march, on Friday, at night, never, some time, once in a while, occasionally, seldom, once in week, etc. Pattern A: A: Subject + To be (am, is, are) + B: Subject + Verb I + (s/es) + Pattern B: Affirmative (+) S + Verb I + (s/es) I/We/You/ They + Verb I (She, He, It) + Verb I + s/es Negative (-) S + Do /Does Not + Verb I (I, We, You, They) + do not + Verb I (She, He, It) + does not Verb I + s/es Interrogative (?) Do/Does + S + Verb I Do + (I, We, You, They) + Verb I Does + (She, He, It) + Verb I

1.2 Present Continuous Tense: The Present Continuous Tense is a verb form that is used to express: An action which is happening now or at the moment of speaking A future time Talk about something which is happening around the time of speaking, but not necessarily exactly at the time of speaking. Talk about the changing situation

Time markers that are usually used: Now, at the moment, at present, tonight, tomorrow.


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