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Developing a Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan is an extension of the Strategic Plan, which addresses the long-term goals of the company. The Marketing Plan is short-term, giving direction for the annual activities of the company. The Marketing Plan supports and implements the Vision and Mission statements.

Executive Summary The key points and goals of the Marketing Plan Table of Contents Listing of topics by chapter and/or page number Market Overview or Situational Analysis Internal Analysis Evaluation of last years goals SWOT Analysis of company External Analysis Economic conditions: local, national Industry/market trends Available funding Competition analysis Monitoring and evaluation process Target Markets Goals, objectives and tasks follow each market segment analysis Existing market segments Experience evaluation Competitive advantage Clients Upcoming projects New market segments Geographic area Client types Project types Firms relevant experience Staff expertise Client contacts Competition Projects What marketing materials are needed? What kind of promotion will be most effective?

Budget (Salaries) Proposals Promotion Conventions, trade shows Memberships in industry organizations Printing Photography Direct mail Database maintenance Graphic design Web site Advertising Hardware, software Training Definitions Goal (Scopuri): statement of desired changes, growth percentage, or financial results that are expected to occur as the result of planned actions Objectives (Obiective): basic strategies, or steps, to achieve the goal Tasks (Sarcini): specific actions, assigned to individuals with dates for implementation Example: Goal: Contact all past clients to ask about upcoming projects (or needs) Objective: Identify clients by market segment Task: Ion to call three healthcare clients each week and report results every Friday.

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