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The Slaughter at Summers End - Warhammer Fantasy Tournament Saturday, August 18th, 2012 The Battle Standard

Format: Schedule: Scoring: -

1000 points Four rounds

-$15 entry fee -No painting requirement

Arrival time: 9:00am Round One: 9:30am 11:00am Lunch: 11:00am 11:45am Round Two: 11:45am 1:15pm Break: 1:15pm 1:45pm Round Three: 1:45pm 3:15pm Break: 3:15pm 3:45pm Round Four: 3:45 5:15pm Voting and Awards: 5:15pm 5:30pm

A maximum of 100 points can be earned throughout the day. Your final score at the end of the day will determine your ranking in the tournament. The results of the tournament will be reported on RankingsHQ. Battle Points: o A maximum of 60 battle points can be earned throughout the day. This means that in each round a maximum of 15 battle points can be earned. Each round will have a specific scenario which will outline how to earn the points. The scenarios can be found at the end of this document. Sportsmanship: o A maximum of 20 points for sportsmanship can be earned throughout the day. Each round your opponent will award you a sportsmanship score of 0-5, based upon a rubric. The rubric can be found at the end of this document. Painting: o A maximum of 20 points can be earned for having a painted army. You should be able to determine your painting score prior to the event, using the chart found at the end of this document. Please note that you are not required to have a painted army. Fluff: o A single point will be awarded to each player who writes fluff about their army. This may be as simple as a brief paragraph about where your army hails from, the motives of your general, etc.

Awards: -

Awards will be given out for the following categories: Best Overall, Best General, Best Appearance, and Best Sportsmanship. Note that each player may only receive one award. Best Overall: o The player with the highest total score at the end of the day will be awarded Best Overall. This player will receive a trophy as well as a gift certificate to the Battle Standard. The gift certificate will be worth: ((15 x n) / 5) x 2 where n is equal to the total number of players Best General: o The player with the highest total battle points at the end of the day will be awarded Best General. This player will receive a gift certificate to the Battle Standard. The gift certificate will be worth: (15 x n) / 5 where n is equal to the total number of players Best Appearance: o The player with the best painted army will be awarded Best Appearance. At the end of the fourth round each player will vote for his/her favorite army. The player with the most votes will be deemed the winner. In the event of a tie, the player with the most overall points will receive the award. This player will receive a gift certificate to the Battle Standard. The gift certificate will be worth: (15 x n) / 5 where n is equal to the total number of players Best Sportsmanship: o The player who is the best received by his/her opponents will be awarded Best Sportsmanship. At the end of the fourth round each player will vote for his/her favorite opponent. Each vote is worth point. These points will be added to the sportsmanship score in order to determine the winner. In the event of a tie, the player with the most overall points will receive the award. This player will receive a gift certificate to the Battle Standard. The gift certificate will be worth: (15 x n) / 5 where n is equal to the total number of players

Army Composition: - A maximum of 12 power dice may be used in a single magic phase. Dice not specifically categorized as power dice do not count towards this total. - Look Out, Sir! rolls will be granted against the following spells: The Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Infernal Gateway, the Curse of the Horned Rat. - A maximum of 3 war machines and/or template weapons may be fielded. No more than two of the same type of war machine (for this purpose, the Steam Tank counts as a cannon). Breath weapons count towards this total. - The maximum points you may spend on a single, non-character unit is 333 points. - A maximum of 30 models equipped with missile weapons with a range of 12 or greater may be fielded (war machines, characters, chariots and Skrox units do not count). Registration: - In order to register for the tournament, participants must contact the tournament organizer (Greg Person) via e-mail at Please note that space is limited. All interested players are advised to register as soon as possible in order to guarantee a spot. - All participants registered for the tournament must submit their army list to the tournament organizer (Greg Person) via e-mail at no later than one week before the tournament, 08/11/12. Lists will be checked for legality. In the event that an error is found, participants will be notified and given time to make the necessary corrections. Participants who do not submit their lists on time will lose their spot in the tournament. A Final Note: - My goal as a tournament organizer is to ensure that participants have four enjoyable, well fought games. All current FAQ and Errata documents for individual army books as well as the main rulebook will be in effect. Please be knowledgeable of the rules as they pertain to your army. In the event that a rules dispute should arise, please notify myself or another judge. All rulings will be made based upon available information and are final. A rule which stumps a judge will be resolved with the roll of a die so that play can resume as quickly as possible.

Player Name: ______________________________________________________ Painting Rubric

Army Appearance (worth up to 20 points) Check One Box

Score: ________________________

Army contains un-painted and/or un-based models. 0 Army is fully painted and based to a minimum standard. It is legal to field on the table, but only just. 10 Army is fully painted and based to a decent standard: your average GT level army. 15 Army is fully painted and based to a very high standard. The army includes extra elements, such as a display board, custom
movement trays, freehand designs, expert shading/highlighting, conversions, etc. 20

Round: ________ Your Name: _____________________________ Opponents Name ____________________________

Sportsmanship Checklist*

Compulsory Trappings: These are the items an opponent can reasonably expect you to be prepared with, including being on time and playing promptly. (Y/N) (Y/N) 1. Did your opponent show up on time (or early)? 2. Did your opponent have all the materials they needed to play (dice, templates, army list, rules for their army, rules for the game? (Y/N) 3. Did your opponent play their turns in a reasonable amount of time (taking into account time to plan strategy, and includes playing throughout all the phases)?

Game Play: The items include courses of action your opponent took during the game or in deciding what to field in their army. (Y/N) 4. Did your opponent measure accurately for both model moves and shooting distances? (Y/N) 5. Did your opponent solve rules disputes by showing you the relevant passages in their rulebook (or, if that could not be found or remained confusing, was amicable about bringing over the Rules Judge)? (Y/N) 6. Was your opponents army easy to understand with clear conversions or completely WYSIWYG? (Y/N) 7. Do you think your opponent built an army based on the theme of the relevant gaming universe and supplied background for that army (as opposed to a force built purely for winning with little or no regard to that armys established background)?

Behaviors: These items include basic social skills. (Y/N) 8. Was your opponent of good humor and amicable when not concentrating on strategy or planning out moves (this does not mean they put on a one man circus for you, but rather was not angry/grumbling/complaining/obtuse during your game)? (Y/N) 9. Was your opponent helpful in explaining correct rules, explaining how their army works? (Y/N) 10. Win or lose, was this person the type of opponent you look forward to playing again?

Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2008

Round One - Sound the Alarm!

Two small forces are patrolling the borders of their empires when they unexpectedly come into contact with one another! Fearing that the worst has yet to come on, your commander quickly instructs the troops to send a carrier pigeon back to the capital and ask for reinforcements. Amidst all of the confusion and commotion, the carrier pigeon has escaped! In addition to fending off the enemy, you need to track down that confounded pigeon and deliver your message. The Battlefield: -Terrain will be set up by the tournament organizer prior to the start of the tournament. This terrain will remain fixed throughout the day. Unless otherwise noted, treat all forests as mysterious, all rivers as mysterious, and all hills are normal hills. Please ask the tournament organizer if clarification is needed with regards to terrain. Deployment: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. First Turn: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. Game Length: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. Victory Conditions: -Use victory points to determine the winner of the battle: Difference Result 0 250 88 251+ 12 4 Scenario Special Rules: -Before deployment, each player places an objective marker (roughly the size of a penny) in the center of the board and scatters it 2d6 in a random direction. If a hit is rolled, the objective marker scatters in the direction of the little arrow. The objective marker will stop 1 away from any piece of impassible terrain. Roll off to see which player places their objective marker first. -Any unit may pick up an objective marker (their own or their opponents) by moving/marching into contact with it. A unit may not pick up an objective marker by charging/fleeing/overrunning/pursuing through it. No single unit may control more than one objective marker at a given time. If a unit flees for any reason or is destroyed outright they will drop the objective marker at the center of the units position prior to fleeing/being destroyed. If a unit with an objective marker is broken or destroyed in close combat, the enemy unit immediately takes control of the objective marker (unless they already control an objective marker). Note that the enemy unit does not have to pursue in order to steal the objective marker. Battle Point Modifiers: +2 Battle Points for successfully moving your own objective marker off of any table edge by the end of the game. This is accomplished when a unit controlling your own objective marker moves into contact with (or overruns/pursues off of) any table edge. +1 Battle Point if your opponent fails to move their objective marker off of the table by the end of the game.

Round Two Giant Troubles

Youve succeeded in delivering your message. The carrier pigeon returns with a less than reassuring response. Harsh economic times have befallen your capital, and the standing army has been dissolved. However, the message contains a newly developed spell which you have been assured will guarantee your victory on the battlefield. Lets hope this works The Battlefield: -Terrain will be set up by the tournament organizer prior to the start of the tournament. This terrain will remain fixed throughout the day. Unless otherwise noted, treat all forests as mysterious, all rivers as mysterious, and all hills are normal hills. Please ask the tournament organizer if clarification is needed with regards to terrain. Deployment: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. First Turn: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. Game Length: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. Victory Conditions: -Use victory points to determine the winner of the battle: Difference Result 0 250 88 251+ 12 4 Scenario Special Rules: -Before deployment, each player selects one of their wizards to gain access to a new spell. In addition to their normal spell(s), the wizard counts as knowing Sharlas Superior Spell of Summoning. Sharlas Superior Spell of Summoning Cast on a 12+ The wizard intones a series of beastly grunts, snorts, and roars, imitating the mating call of a female Giant. Sharlas Spell of Superior Summoning is a hex spell with a range of 18 that may be cast upon an unengaged enemy unit. Once cast, you must make the mating call (however you interpret it) in order to let the tournament organizer know that the Giant is needed. Place the Giant in base contact with the front of the enemy unit, being sure to maximize contact (if there is no space to place the Giant, the spell fails). The Giant counts as having charged, and the enemy unit is too surprised to declare a charge reaction. Once cast, the Giant remains in play until it is slain or another player somewhere in the tournament (including your opponent) successfully casts the spell. Note that your opponent receives no victory points for slaying the Giant. The Giant follows the rules found at the end of this document. Battle Point Modifiers: +2 Battle Points for successfully casting Sharlas Spell of Superior Summoning. +1 Battle Point if you successfully slay the Giant cast by Sharlas Spell of Superior Summoning.

Round Three Unwavering Courage!

Your troops are visibly shaken after the traumatizing advances of the Giants in the height of mating season. There is no worse time to see a comrade stuffed down a Giants pants! As the battle rages on, you must instill your troops with courage by hoisting your banners high and despoiling those of your enemy. The Battlefield: -Terrain will be set up by the tournament organizer prior to the start of the tournament. This terrain will remain fixed throughout the day. Unless otherwise noted, treat all forests as mysterious, all rivers as mysterious, and all hills are normal hills. Please ask the tournament organizer if clarification is needed with regards to terrain. Deployment: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. First Turn: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. Game Length: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. Victory Conditions: -Use victory points to determine the winner of the battle: Difference Result 0 250 88 251+ 12 4 Scenario Special Rules: -None Battle Point Modifiers: +1 Battle Point (to a maximum of 3) for each standard you control at the end of the battle. This includes both your own standards and any enemy standards you have captured. Fleeing standards do not count. If a unit which has captured an enemy standard is fleeing or has been destroyed at the end of the battle, the captured standard is not counted.

Round Four Hold your Ground

As a long day of fighting draws to an end, it is imperative that your army secures the superior position. Drive the enemy back and bring victory for your weary troops! The Battlefield: -Terrain will be set up by the tournament organizer prior to the start of the tournament. This terrain will remain fixed throughout the day. Unless otherwise noted, treat all forests as mysterious, all rivers as mysterious, and all hills are normal hills. Please ask the tournament organizer if clarification is needed with regards to terrain. Deployment: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. First Turn: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. Game Length: -Follow the rules outlined on page 148 of the main rulebook. Victory Conditions: -Use victory points to determine the winner of the battle: Difference Result 0 250 88 251+ 12 4 Scenario Special Rules: -Before deployment, place three objective markers (roughly the size of a penny) on the table. Place one in the center of the board. Place the second 24 from the long table edge and 18 from right table edge. Place the third 24 from the long table edge and 18 from the left table edge. Battle Point Modifiers: +1 Battle Point (to a maximum of 3) for each objective you control by the end of the battle. An objective is controlled by the closest unit within 6. If it is a tie, the unit with more wounds counts as being in control. Note that a single unit may not control more than one objective.

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