Lands and Its People

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Lands and its people Geographical Details Climate Cambodia have wet and dry climate.

. They have four seasons but they only feel cold during the winter but they are no snow. Terrain i) Cambodia landscape surround by uplands and low mountains.
ii) They have Tonle Sap which is the Great Lake and the upper of Cambodia reaches is the

Mekong River delta. iii) Outward of central region are transitional plain and thinly forested. Administative Division or Capital i) Cambodia divided into 24 provinces including the capital. ii) The provinces subdivided into 159 district and 26 municiplities
iii) Phnom Penh is the capital and the largest cities in Cambodia

a) Known as Pearl of Asia and being considered as the loveliest French-built cities in IndoChina during 1920s
b) Coordinates of Phneom Penh is 1133N 10455E c) The time difference of Phnom Penh is UTC/GMT +7

Major Cities Name Population Image

Phnom Penh




Siem Reap




Prey Veng


Kampong Cham


Map of Cambodia:

Population Detailed Total Birth and Death Rate i) Between 1874 and 1921, population increase from 946,000 to 2.4 millions of people.

ii) In 1959, about 45% population is under 15 years of age and by 1962 it increased slightly to 46%. iii) UN estimated the population and age distribution in Cambodia:

Ethnic Group i) The largest ethnic group is Khmers ii) Out of minority group, the largest is Vietnamese iii) There also significant number of Chinese that indulges in business iv) Indigenous minority group are Hmong, Pong and Tai Language i) The Cambodia speaks Khmer language ii) Majority of Cambodia also speak fluent Thai

Religion i) The official religion of Cambodia is Theravada Buddhism ii) 95 % of the population is Buddhist

Independence i) Proclaimed on November, 9 1953 ii) France the one who granted Independence to Cambodia
iii) Essay on Independence of Cambodia in this url: International Organization Participant i) October 23, 1991 the Paris Conference reconvened to sign comprehensive settlement giving UN full authority to supervise a cease-fire that prepare the country for free and fair elections ii) May 1993 begin the election and over 4 million Cambodian votes which mean 90% eligible voters of that country.

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