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MARKET The third millennium has introduced to us life at a speed of change and this has fuelled an ever-spiralling need

for food designed to meet the demands for fresh ness, convenience, variety and uncompromising taste. Malaysians are no exception on this score. In Malaysia, Gardenia, has successfully found the right recipe t o establish itself as a leader in its class. Dominating the market with its vari ants of specialty breads, buns and rolls and while redefining a new normal for bak ed goods, Gardenia has become Malaysias preferred brand for bread. With an enviab le 70% share of the bread market, its consumers span the entire spectrum of soci oeconomic groups. Market research indicates Malaysians preference for soft Americ an-style bread which Gardenia bakes to perfection. mind recall. Malaysias increasing demand for fresh and nutritious bread convinced Gardenia to invest in its own fully automated factory in 1991, constructed with a 6,000 loaves an hour capacity. In 1994, an additional state-of-theart plant, capable of producing 10,000 loaves an hour, commenced operations to meet the ris ing demand for bread. Today, Gardenias five factories, each with six fully automa ted bread lines, produce more than 900,000 fresh loaves a day, making it the lar gest bread producer in Southeast Asia. Attestations of Gardenias unrelenting effo rts in maintaining the integrity of its products are found in its ISO 22000:2005 certification, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) certification, Hi ghly Commended Product Award by Malaysian Institute of Food Technologies (MIFT), and a National Creativity and Innovation Award. Gardenias accomplishments have s ent reverberations throughout the industry, even winning the respect of enormous corporations like Padi Beras Nasional. Gardenia achieved the Universal Integrat ed System ISI 2020 certification from the Research Institute of Standards in Isl am in 2005. In terms of Superbrand accolades, the brand garnered the Superbrands .

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